It's not Confirmed to not be holo I honestly hope it is aswellToo bad, I was hoping we get the Japanese holo pattern on the Mewtwo reprint.
It's not Confirmed to not be holo I honestly hope it is aswellToo bad, I was hoping we get the Japanese holo pattern on the Mewtwo reprint.
Well, TPCi could have released a few of those unreleased cards as Promos, but decided that reprinting Charizard EX, Kangaskhan EX, Dragonite EX, Gengar EX, and an alternate art of the bad Mewtwo EX was a better idea. ...Though, to be fair, Ninja Boy + Dragonite sounds fun.Hi guys. Because X&Y era seems to be ending, I'm now asking myself, if there's any possiblity to obtain one from below mentioned cards, that were english unreleased yet:
Shiny Mega Gengar EX (almost 2 years old japanese card…)
Litleo, Zubat, Vulpix, Rhydon, Tynamo, Dragonair, Burmy (reprints)
Lanturn, Greninja, Weezing,Victini
Mandibuzz BREAK, Arcanine BREAK, Crobat BREAK
Magearna, Charizard, Snorlax
(at least there's a bit chance of to get last two mentioned…)
It looks like to obtain the BREAKs, there should be one more BREAK box; the reprints are probably lost in tide, which seems for Lanturn, too (unfortunately), but I also like the Weezing, so it should be sad, if we never ontain it. Not speaking 'bout Gym badges (with Hoenn trainers).
I'm also a bit disappointed, that we never got psychic Delhpox nor fighting Chesnaught, although there was a dark Greninja…
Anyway, my account will be destroyed by this set with so many predictable “high class” expensive cards…
I actually don't mind paying another 80 cents if that means I get to keep the selection TRU stores have. All of my local ones still stock in older BW sets whereas some Wal-Marts only stock in the latest three sets.Perfect. The one chain that gets early access to this set charges far more then the others is shortly followed by the one that charges suggested retail.
If you are going to buy the set early and you have a GameStop just buy from there. To be fair to Toys R Us they don't have the most ludicrous for the card game that reward goes to Kohls.
We've already seen a french reverse holo Gyarados. Reverse Holos are definitely a thing.1.I believe there are no reverse holos however it wasn't confirmed, and 2. no RC as there's no JP subset to steal from (besides maybe CP5 but it's not in the set
Yeah they're not choosing to keep older product in stock they can't sell it because most people are not going to overpay for older product at retail. Yeah they price match but if no one else carries the older ones good luck.I actually don't mind paying another 80 cents if that means I get to keep the selection TRU stores have. All of my local ones still stock in older BW sets whereas some Wal-Marts only stock in the latest three sets.
Anyway, I'm confused at all the different text fonts going on in these new cards...
Yeah they're not choosing to keep older product in stock they can't sell it because most people are not going to overpay for older product at retail. Yeah they price match but if no one else carries the older ones good luck.
Chances are they'll still have this set in 2020.
Does the use of the original Japanese layout instead of the original English layout strike anyone else as incredibly lazy? What a missed opportunity.![]()
Chizard will need exactly two energy cards, 2 Double Dragons. He could charge on round two, depending if you go first. That sort of makes him playable. One DDE down on first turn, and then rare candy into Chizard and slap another DDE down on second turn. It's not a ton of cards to get in play on second turn. With enough draw support that is a really doable turn.
Of course if you get hexed the energy goes by by. Or if you use the attack the energy goes by by. But ha, a 200 dmg hit on turn two, wow!