I very much like the fact that these
aren't Black Star Promos, and I hope this is how they handle the prerelease promos from now on. (...Until TPCi changes their minds again and doesn't do this whole pre-constructed deck thing for prereleases.) Black Star Promos as a prerelease promo were fine because if you went to the prerelease, you got the exclusive Promo.
The end. But then TPCi decided to make 4 different promos for both Fates Collide and Steam Siege, yet you still only got one Promo. Yeah, no, that's totally cool! How much are people trying to sell each of those Promos for again? Oh, a minimum of $10 each? I'm sure glad I'm missing
six of them. >:|
This might not be the same for every collector, but to me, if the prerelease promo is just an exact reprint from the set but with a stamp on it, I'm far more comfortable with only getting one. It feels more like "this is the bonus card that I happened to get for attending the prerelease," as opposed to a Black Star Promo, which I treat as a set that I'm actually attempting to collect, but I'm going to be missing three expensive Promos every time there's a new set. (Before reading the article, my initial reaction was, "Oh,
good. I'm glad there's a Charizard
that I won't pull. That won't cost a small fortune at all!") I'd honestly be happy with any of these choices.
It's really only a slight difference, if you think about it, but I'm far more comfortable with this change.