(3) Pokemon Game Show Reveals [8/16]

RE: Possible new pokemon revealed?

J.D. said:
You asked this twice, couldn't you have just editted the first post? Anyways, I'm fairly certain the cat/bat statue is just a generic statue, commonly seen at the front of gyms in the games.

Like the ones seen here (those are certainly no Pokemon I can identify!).
Mitja said:
We have plenty of ornaments and statues of creatures that don't exist in the real world, its called art... why does every single thing resembling a creature down to every statue, in a fictional universe with monsters have to be more than just that? o_o

I always figured those were pokemon statues, since they bear such a strong resemblance to the icons used for monster-like pokemon in Gens I and II. The ones that represented Rhydon, Kangaskhan, Charmander, etc.


You still see those statues kicking around once in a while, even in Gen V. I always figured they were Rhydons since that was the first pokemon in many ways. They're not that specific really, but regardless they're not cats with wings.

Also, it is a little strange to use the vast intellectual property of pokemon to depict a statue of a generic fantastical beast that isn't a pokemon. But what worries me about it is that the cat with wings looks like what I want Litleo's evolution to look like. :( Which means they're either inserting Gen VI stuff into the Red/Green anime, or Litleo doesn't evolve into a manticore and it's just a random art decision. Either way, art decisions shouldn't be random.

Velivolo said:
coolhippowdon101 said:
Although I do think it would be kinda cool for blaziken to be in the new smash bros, this picture itself is not from super smash bros. Smash Bros has always been a 2-d game and if you look at some of the pre-release pics for the new one, its going to stay that way. So my thoughts are that its either a new game or just a video for x and y.

What do you mean? You can pan like that in any Smash Bros game using the pause/camera thingy. And it's just a screenshot- So that may very well be what they did. Honestly, I see no reason to dismiss out of hand that blaziken could be in Smash Bros.

Blaziken could be in Smash Bros, but that's not a Smash Bros screenshot. It's in a competely different style - more detailed and realistic. Even the cinematics in Smash Bros don't look like that.
Okay, I'll take you guys' words on the graphic stuff. I haven't followed Smash Bros at all since it's 100% guaranteed I am not buying a Wii U. Not even Pikmin 3 could convince me, so there's no way Pokemon Stadium/Colisseum/something along those lines is going to.
RE: Possible new pokemon revealed?

garbodorable said:
but regardless they're not cats with wings.

Also, it is a little strange to use the vast intellectual property of pokemon to depict a statue of a generic fantastical beast that isn't a pokemon. But what worries me about it is that the cat with wings looks like what I want Litleo's evolution to look like. :(.

I was intrigued by it too. Could be the rumored Espurr/Meowstick Pokemon?
I don't think its smash bros related either. Blaziken would be out of place on such a pic (unless it was like the only starter getting a mega evolution, but that would be even more weird).

Velivolo said:
Okay, I'll take you guys' words on the graphic stuff. I haven't followed Smash Bros at all since it's 100% guaranteed I am not buying a Wii U. Not even Pikmin 3 could convince me, so there's no way Pokemon Stadium/Colisseum/something along those lines is going to.

The thing about the upcoming smash bros tho is that there will be a 3DS version of it too xD
Why has nobody tried, or tried and posted the differences between Mewtwo and Mega Mewtwo's stats after mega evolving it in the demo? T-T
Velivolo said:
Anyone else think that Lucario and Blaziken might just be in the wii u smash bros game? Honestly I don't have hopes for a new console pokemon game, especially not this close to X and Y. And hasn't Lucario been in the game before?

That's definitely no smash bros. it's probably a CGI movie or a new battle revolution, I'm inclined to say BR, because the quality of the previous clip (pikachu walking among the consoles) is completely different of the lucario/blaziken clip. it's just a teaser using the two main regular pokemon to get mega evolutions.

And I think you are reading too much into that cat, it's not a new pokemon, it's just a sculpture, guys, nothing else. I'll tell you the same thing I sometimes say to freudian psychologists: "guys, sometimes, a sword is just a sword".
Don't get paranoid, you're this close to start seeing the starter's evolutions in burnt toast.
I figure this pertains to the PGS, I think judging by the demos we've seen, I believe I have come up with 3 of Sylveons stats. From what I could gather, she seems to have 95 HP, 130 Def, and 110 Special attack. If anyone is interested, I can go into further detail if need be. But I ran calcs, and they seem to point towards that.

Just wonder how that's going to play out. Calm Mind tank FTW.

EDIT: Haha, seems I MAY have been wrong, her Hp could be either 95 or 110 seeing as at lvl 30 Bs 95 with 31 IVs is 106, and Bs 110 0 IVs is also 106. However, that would mean I was wrong about the Sp Atk. Haha, which is very much possible. See Page 10 of X&Y meta speculation. . .
MuhFugginMoose said:
I figure this pertains to the PGS, I think judging by the demos we've seen, I believe I have come up with 3 of Sylveons stats. From what I could gather, she seems to have 95 HP, 130 Def, and 110 Special attack. If anyone is interested, I can go into further detail if need be. But I ran calcs, and they seem to point towards that.

Just wonder how that's going to play out. Calm Mind tank FTW.

How did everybody like your post lol

Back on topic with those stats a calm mind sylveon may be a threat to watch out for in ou/uu
Reggie McGigas said:
How did everybody like your post lol

Back on topic with those stats a calm mind sylveon may be a threat to watch out for in ou/uu


Yea, unfortunately that means she'll have a Sp Def stat of either 60 or 65. But either way, that could be quite a threat. If fairy hits what they say it does for SE damage then she really could be quite the threat.
Sylveon would also be slow if those other stats are her good ones so she wouldn't be broken or anything.
Frost said:
Sylveon would also be slow if those other stats are her good ones so she wouldn't be broken or anything.

Maybe not broken, but definitely can be quite a threat depending on its movepool.
Drohn said:
The new Anime/Special looks very promising! I'm hoping for it to be more than just a special. I have always wanted to see an animated version of the game and watch the playable characters on their adventures. This will open up a lot new possibilities; for starters the main character might even get to be a regional champion. I hope they will stay with the in-game stories and not show the Pokémon from newer generations in this series. They can use new specials/series with the new characters that include the Pokémon from that generation!

I have high expectations!

I hope it gets released in english.

Mitja said:
We have plenty of ornaments and statues of creatures that don't exist in the real world, its called art... why does every single thing resembling a creature down to every statue, in a fictional universe with monsters have to be more than just that? o_o

Yeah, we even have ornaments of Pokemon and probably even statues of them somewhere.
According to this blog post and this blog (by the way, Raim2005 is responsible for a lot of the picture’s I saw people posting and some didn’t have sources in their posts orz… They’ve done a really nice job both days with the pics and info, so give their twitter some likes or something at least?), which were included in some tweets from their author(s) who attended….

Chespin’s moves: Vine Whip, Growl, Leech Seed, Rollout. Can also learn Pin Missile.
Fennekin’s moves: Psybeam, Fire Spin, Tail Whip, Flame Charge
Froakie’s moves: Round, Water Pulse, Quick Attack, Lick. Can also learn SmokeScreen.
Sylveon’s moves: Swift, Tail Whip, Quick Attack, Fairy Wind. Ability is Cute Charm.
(And now we also know that the Shiny Sylveon is mostly reversed blue instead of pink)
Helioptile’s moves: Tail Whip, Quick Attack, Thunder Shock, Parabola Charge. Ability is Dry Skin.
Litleo has the ability Unnerve and another unknown as well.
Flabebe knows Razor Leaf
Dedenne’s moves: Charm, Charge, Parabola Charge
Changes to moves:

New move Fairy Wind = PP 30
New move Parabola Charge = PP 20
New move Noble Roar lowers enemy’s attack and sp.attack by 1 each.
Swift is still a Normal move.
Charm is now a Fairy type move.
Battle changes:

No more “oh crap I’m low on HP” music (though there’s an alert sound of some kind I guess)
Pokemon can heal Paralysis themselves during battle, apparently related to your bonding with them in PokemonAmie.

Now there are sometimes flowers in the Tall Grass
Music changes when riding Skiddo (and that goes super fast)
Idling animations
Protags actually bend down to approach/talk to Pokemon
Rival BGM confirmed
Fairy Type (going to say file under speculation for some of it but…):

Attack: (normal effectiveness/1x) on Normal, Grass, Water, Fairy, Elec, and Psy
1/2 (resisted by) - Poison, Fire
1x - Normal, Fire, Water, Elec, Grass, Bug, Ground, Rock, Ghost, Fairy

3 status types: Friendship/closeness, Hunger (or fullness I guess), Play/Happiness… You get the idea. No clue what they’ll be officially in English.
Speculation: Your closeness with a pokemon increases Crit ratio. Hunger is supposedly related to Evasion.

Source: http://therandominmyhead.tumblr.com/post/58582467529/summary-of-news-both-confirmed-and-speculated-in-other
Twitter: Riam2005

Cute Charm Ability from Sylveon



I think it's pretty legit, anyways a status move being fairy type changes nothing regarding effectiveness

Sent from my HTC One running ViperOne 2.x FW
professorlight said:
And I think you are reading too much into that cat, it's not a new pokemon, it's just a sculpture, guys, nothing else. I'll tell you the same thing I sometimes say to freudian psychologists: "guys, sometimes, a sword is just a sword".
Don't get paranoid, you're this close to start seeing the starter's evolutions in burnt toast.

I don't think it merits more discussion, but it's more like if a piece of burnt toast appeared in an anime about famous and characterized pieces of bread. You would then have reason to speculate the toast was a new character.

Also if the statue isn't a new pokemon, it's just a bad and strange art decision. Why aren't the statues pokemon instead? Do you see many non-pokemon statues in the pokemon games? Logically, would people in the pokemon world not be inspired enough by pokemon to make statues of them? And if you were making a Pokemon anime, wouldn't you want to put as many pokemon in it as possible?
garbodorable said:
professorlight said:
And I think you are reading too much into that cat, it's not a new pokemon, it's just a sculpture, guys, nothing else. I'll tell you the same thing I sometimes say to freudian psychologists: "guys, sometimes, a sword is just a sword".
Don't get paranoid, you're this close to start seeing the starter's evolutions in burnt toast.

I don't think it merits more discussion, but it's more like if a piece of burnt toast appeared in an anime about famous and characterized pieces of bread. You would then have reason to speculate the toast was a new character.

Also if the statue isn't a new pokemon, it's just a bad and strange art decision. Why aren't the statues pokemon instead? Do you see many non-pokemon statues in the pokemon games? Logically, would people in the pokemon world not be inspired enough by pokemon to make statues of them? And if you were making a Pokemon anime, wouldn't you want to put as many pokemon in it as possible?

Maybe they're bored of having pokemon EVERYWHERE and wanted to make a statue of something unique for once.
Mitja said:
garbodorable said:
I don't think it merits more discussion, but it's more like if a piece of burnt toast appeared in an anime about famous and characterized pieces of bread. You would then have reason to speculate the toast was a new character.

Also if the statue isn't a new pokemon, it's just a bad and strange art decision. Why aren't the statues pokemon instead? Do you see many non-pokemon statues in the pokemon games? Logically, would people in the pokemon world not be inspired enough by pokemon to make statues of them? And if you were making a Pokemon anime, wouldn't you want to put as many pokemon in it as possible?

Maybe they're bored of having pokemon EVERYWHERE and wanted to make a statue of something unique for once.

I'd be pretty concerned if the anime is in the hands of people who think pokemon are boring and not unique.
garbodorable said:
Mitja said:
Maybe they're bored of having pokemon EVERYWHERE and wanted to make a statue of something unique for once.

I'd be pretty concerned if the anime is in the hands of people who think pokemon are boring and not unique.

For us, they are amazing. For the people who live with pokemon everyday, they are the most common of occurences. It happens here, too, we get awesome stuff like mantis shrimps, eagles and other remarkable animals and we still make sculptures of chimeras, dragons, pegassus and other mythical stuff.
Mitja said:
We have plenty of ornaments and statues of creatures that don't exist in the real world, its called art... why does every single thing resembling a creature down to every statue, in a fictional universe with monsters have to be more than just that? o_o

professorlight said:
And I think you are reading too much into that cat, it's not a new pokemon, it's just a sculpture, guys, nothing else. I'll tell you the same thing I sometimes say to freudian psychologists: "guys, sometimes, a sword is just a sword".
Don't get paranoid, you're this close to start seeing the starter's evolutions in burnt toast.

Didn't people say the same thing about the bow in the title for the Pikachu short? Turned out it wasn't 'nothing' and it was about Sylveon?

I think there's no harm in speculating.

Mitja said:
Maybe they're bored of having pokemon EVERYWHERE and wanted to make a statue of something unique for once.

professorlight said:
For us, they are amazing. For the people who live with pokemon everyday, they are the most common of occurences. It happens here, too, we get awesome stuff like mantis shrimps, eagles and other remarkable animals and we still make sculptures of chimeras, dragons, pegassus and other mythical stuff.

How would this make sense from a franchise point of view?