(3) Redshark Update, Darkrai Wallpaper, Death

I wish I could say something to make you better. My advice is just to appreciate that she had a god life, everyone has to go sometime. Think about how lucky you were, nd that she'll be happy now she's in a better place.
I'm sad to hear about your nana... My gramps's in hospital, and I'm only thankful that he's getting better, unlike your nana. ;_; As for the Darkrai wallpapers, already got 'em from Filb.de. ;)
I'm sorry to hear about that & I know how you feel because I experienced this before. I lost my Grandfather on my father's side when I was young. You and your family have my condolences.. :)
Very sorry to hear of the loss of your grandma. Hang in there and take all the time you need.Thank you for letting us know what's going on with you and don't apologize for not being up to typing in here.
Best of Wishes.
I'm very sorry to hear about that. When my grandparent's died, I kept thinking about the both of them and still do. Hopefully, you will know that she is never gone, but she shall stay in your heart forever.
I am deeply sorry, I lost my great grandmother and it was tragic. Your story is right. The best way to grieve is put your love, affection, etc. into someone or something new. Like when I lost my beloved Tipper (my puppy) we where so sad. Then we got another puppy and put all our love for Tipper into Biscuit (new puppy) this isn't saying your moving on. It is just a method of grieving. Regular grieving is natural and you do need it. Just try to cope with more love. As they say "Love makes the World go 'round".
I am sorry for your loss. I'm not goin to try to sugar coat it for you, everyone has their own way of dealing with death. I was 12 when I lost my Dad to cancer and closed in to myself for a long while. My family respected my way of dealing with it and in time with the support of family and friends I was able to get through it. Even more recently, this past Friday, I had to put my 13 year old dog to sleep. It hurt, I felt like I lost my oldest child. Like I said, we all deal with death in our own ways, just dont shut out your friends or family, they can be a tremendous source of strength. Good Luck.

Sorry for your loss. Take your time healing.
Quick note, the password is “orasion” with a lowercase o, took me a while to figure it out.
I lost my grandmother in my birthday, isn't that the saddest thing? it happened a year ago and you're right WPM feels exactly like a dream... as if she was still there :( you took the words right out of my mouth, but I know that one day I will see her again.
I half-know how it feels WPM, My Gma Almost died from a heart attack.

And the darkrai paper is cool, Tho I saw it a while ago.
Sorry... Unlike many of the people who posted before me, I can't say I do know how it feels, but it sounds horrible.

Don't feel pressed to update.