(3) Triumphant Images, Isshu Based Off NY, Black White Perfect Score [9/9]

Those Triumphant pictures look really nice. Lots of good artwork there. Unfortunately, there are cards cut for no apparent reason. :F It's nice to finally have confirmation that Isshu is New York. Finally that speculation can end (although I will admit there was a lot of evidence to point it in NY's favor). I've commented on the 40/40 before. Since it's an early review, I'm a tad skeptical. I'd rather wait until more reviews and it being in English to actually form an opinion that this is the best Pokemon game so far.

dmaster out.
I can't say I trust Famitsu considering they give high scores to just about anything these days. But I do find it funny that everyone is immediately suggesting that these games are perfect because of a magazine score.

As for Isshu being based on New York, finally. We have our own world now. To bad it has an evil team >_<
It's good to have a game location based on the state you like in. I saw a Hihidaruma in my backyard yesterday!
Cool! it's like playing a new adventure with unknown pokemon all over again ... just like when you played RBY for the first time without knowing what to do or who to choose as your pokemon! great stuffs Game freak, you finaly get my gratitude!!!
Did everyone make such a fuss when people talked about how the other regions were based off of actual places? Why is it being based off of New York such a bad thing? Shouldn't it make sense that all types of Pokemon exist all over the world and all types of people catch, train, raise, breed and play with them?
@Rob: I think it's between tradition and how many anime fans despise America for some reason and don't think pokemon fits an American world. Or something of that nature. Every region thus far has been based on Japan. This is the first time otherwise.

Personally, I don't care. None of the regions felt like Japan so I doubt this spot will feel like America despite the stereotypes present. (Football players....come now...)
I think people don't mind that it's not in Japan. It's just that almost everyone outside of the U.S. dislikes the country. Americans already get lots of event pokemon, now they get an entire region devoted to them and most of them seem to think that's just how it should be. Because they are "the greatest nation in the world".

But I don't really care one way or the other. I'm going to like the games, no matter where they are based. I hope next time they will at feature some of the other countries in America. Like Canada, Argentina, Greenland or Brazil.
Well, I do have to say that some Americans have that attitude of being the "greatest country in the world", but not the majority of us. I find it sad that some U.S. fans would act with such bigotry, but oh well. Doesn't matter to me who likes what about this "Isshu based off NYC" thing, because that's all there is to it. The sky is blue. Get over it.

(Although having the next gen's region based off somewhere other than the U.S. or Japan would be great in my opinion)
I'm not american, but I live in New York city and I'm so excited the game is set in my home!! :D I hope one day we'll have a Spain (Madrid maybe?) region, but I seriously doubt it lol One can dream though...
@ Fire

Well, I think it's better than those who hate their country because of the cartoons they have or censorship guidelines they follow. (You know who you are).

Hopefully they won't try to make 2 towers that are destroyed by the Yin Yang twins. That would be disastrous.
I don't think this game will live up to its perfect rating. Sure, I'll get it, enjoy it, and it won't be so bad, but I don't think it will be better than past versions.
it is very odd how on the HS Triumphant boosters none of the Pokemon are from Johto. I wonder why?