3DS Discussion Thread

Has anyone here been addicted to Kid Icarus Uprising lately? I can't stop playing it, even with regionals 4 days away.
The Pikachu Mafia said:
:eek: is it that good? I might get it in a few days.... when I have the money....

It's great. I would recommend playing with the stand it comes with though, the controls can cramp your hand without it.
Sleeping Snorlax said:
Then you must have still been around the other people. From my experience you can do ten, then once you meet them at the gate you can get another ten. Plus when I was first replying about that, I was referring to just a single person passing another single person. If the second person doesn't check their 3DS after the tenth pass then they can't pass again until the second person checks the ds.

Oh well I wasn't around others when I checked and still had them... Sorry. I didnt know that you were replying to that kind of senareo.
superpokemon67 said:
It's great. I would recommend playing with the stand it comes with though, the controls can cramp your hand without it.

it come with a stand, for free!? I'm so getting that game xD )not until after regionals though, I don't want to get distracted during testing =P)

how many files does the game have? because my brother wants to play the game too but he isn't sure weather or not he's got to get his own copy or not :/
I have a 3ds and i think it is a great system. The games I have are Super mario 3d land, Pokemon Rumble Blast, and sonic generations. I cant wait for kingdom hearts dream drop distance to come out.
Ichigo14 said:
I have a 3ds and i think it is a great system. The games I have are Super mario 3d land, Pokemon Rumble Blast, and sonic generations. I cant wait for kingdom hearts dream drop distance to come out.

So im not the only one on poke beach!!!! I'm so excited for this game. It has two of omy favorite game characters in one! The world ends with you and kingdom hearts!!!
Kingdom Hearts is the only non-Nintendo game I'm looking forward to so far this year for the 3DS. Pretty pitiful tbh..I hope some 3rd parties step it up at E3.

dmaster out.
PikabooPikachu said:
So im not the only one on poke beach!!!! I'm so excited for this game. It has two of omy favorite game characters in one! The world ends with you and kingdom hearts!!!
Nope you arent the only one I saw the trailer and the game looked awesome. So far my favorite is Kingdom Hearts 2
I've only played kingdom Hearts 358/2 days and the one in my sig.

You weren't excited about Tales of the Abyss or Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survier 2? I thought those were thrid party. (more excited for Tales of the Abyss, can't wait to pick up a copy of that game!!!)
I should have clarified what I said. Of the third party games planning on coming out from now until the end of the year, Kingdom Hearts is the only one that excites me. Tales already came out and it's basically a port that did not get too many good reviews. I never really got into the Shin Megami series, but I would imagine the 3D would be underutilized. The one game that should be on the DS lol. *coughPokemongcough*

dmaster out.
I have been out of the Kingdom hearts recently because after KH2 the story was unbelievable hard to follow (which it was already hard to in the first two games), and they kept making the next one on a different system each time and I didn't want to just keep buying new systems just to play it. I do think I'll get KH3D only because characters from The World Ends With You are in it.
The horrible fandom has kept me away form Kingdom Hearts, even though it looks interesting.
For me, I'm waiting for Rayman Origins 3DS, Kingdom of Hearts, and Epic Mickey. Rayman because he is drop dead awesome. As for the other two, I've never played a game from those franchises but I've somehow become very interested in those two games.
What do you guys think of the new Animal Crossig? I can't wait >w< I've been filling in its absence with Havest moon 3ds but it's just not the same
PikabooPikachu said:
What do you guys think of the new Animal Crossig? I can't wait >w< I've been filling in its absence with Havest moon 3ds but it's just not the same

I have a love-hate relationship with Animal Crossing. I'll play it for a few days, get bored with it, let it sit forever, start to play it again, rinse and repeat. Exactly why the last Animal Crossing game I played was on the DS.