3DS Discussion Thread

It isn't gambling. It isn't even your 3DS that you're messing with, it's the SD card. The reason I said to do it at your own risk is because something could go wrong... but that won't happen unless you do something wrong.

Worst case scenario: he has to re download his eShop games and loses save data. That sounds scary, but again, it's a safe procedure. I've put my 3DS SD card in my computer more than a few times and I still have everything.

Teal said:
... what? The SD card "trick" is not gambling. It's just a normal procedure. There is nothing that can go wrong with it, unless you do some stupid stuff like delete everything from the card instead of copying it first.

Yeah, it's basically what you do to move across SD cards.
ChillBill said:
On an irrelevant note, I found myself with another 50 bucks to spend. Lucky me. Any suggestions for a game? What are the Zelda titles available in E-Shop?

If you're dead set on getting a Zelda game, these are definitely the ones I would recommend the highest:

Zelda OoT 3D
Link's Awakening DX
Oracles of Ages+Oracles of Ages are probably coming in the next few months.

These are also good but are showing their age IMO:

Legend of Zelda
Zelda 2

dmaster out.
ChillBill said:
I'll make sure to do so if it happens again.
On an irrelevant note, I found myself with another 50 bucks to spend. Lucky me. Any suggestions for a game? What are the Zelda titles available in E-Shop?

If you enjoyed OoT, get Links Awakening, which is a very good game. There's also the NES games on the eshop and the Oracle ones are coming soon, but for now I would say get Links Awakening.
I just loved OoT. But I'll see if I can get something different this time. Otherwise, I'll stick with another Zelda game. Bet it can't be bad.
ChillBill said:
I just loved OoT. But I'll see if I can get something different this time. Otherwise, I'll stick with another Zelda game. Bet it can't be bad.

Are you looking for a hardcore game or a relaxing one? Zelda games are hardcore, but if you want something relaxing, Scribblenauts Unlimited is a good choice too.
Nah, I'm more of a hardcore gamer.
Anyway, it looks like my city's shop is lacking in selection (yay Greece) so I'll probably buy from the e-shop, and pray my DS doesn't act up again.
Current choices: Kid Icarus: Uprising, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening.
Go Kid Icarus probably. Heard nothing but good about it. I cant help feeling some hatred for it because they postponed the new SSB for it :(
Chello said:
Go Kid Icarus probably. Heard nothing but good about it. I cant help feeling some hatred for it because they postponed the new SSB for it :(

It was totally worth it though.

@ChillBill: Kid Icarus. It's definitely a hardcore game, and it's got a ridiculous amount of depth. The story certainly isn't lacking, either; normally I'm not one to gush about voice acting and dialogue, but there were some legitimately entertaining moments in there. I found the story to be on the shorter side, but it's highly replayable--the Fiend's Cauldron system is chiefly responsible for that.

The multiplayer is excellent as well. The only 3DS game I can think of that rivals it in that regard is MK7, but I guess that isn't saying much lol.

The main complaint you'll hear in reviews is about the control scheme. Sure, your arm may get tired, but I never encountered any serious issues with it. If you can adjust to something you aren't used to you'll be fine.

However, it isn't like OoT in the sense that you're practically guaranteed to like it. I can see it being a complete miss with someone for various reasons. Don't let that deter you, though; if you think you'll like the game, you probably will.

edit: here's an OoT gif
ChillBill said:
Nah, I'm more of a hardcore gamer.
Anyway, it looks like my city's shop is lacking in selection (yay Greece) so I'll probably buy from the e-shop, and pray my DS doesn't act up again.
Current choices: Kid Icarus: Uprising, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening.

Just saying, if your buying off the eshop, Kid Icarus isn't on there. Do you like RPGs? If you do, get Fire Emblem Awakening.
I am thinking of getting Fire Emblem Awakening, Castlevania, Luigi's Mansion 2, Mystery Dungeon Gates To Infinity and Monster Hunter 3 . Any more recommendations ?
Don't get PMD. Monster Hunter is awesome, though, my bro has it. Mansion I dunno, but it has received good reviews. Castlevania, I have no idea.
Luigi's mansion is great the story line is nice and the multiplayer mode is awesome. In fact, if your anything like me once you unlock multiplayer mode you'll abandon the main game just to play the Scare Scrapper for hours on end (even though the storyline isn't bad at all :p )
ThatPokemonCollector said:
I am thinking of getting Fire Emblem Awakening, Castlevania, Luigi's Mansion 2, Mystery Dungeon Gates To Infinity and Monster Hunter 3 . Any more recommendations ?

Fire Emblem is very good. Robot has it and he says nothing but great things about it.

Castelvania is AWFUL. Awful, awful, awful. It got awful reviews, the demo was awful, and the 3D looked like a 5 year old did it. Not worth the money.

Mystery Dungeon is probably one of your best choices. Good, relaxing, and showing what Nintendo and Pokemon are truly capable of in 3D

Luigis Mansion 2 is your best choice. I got it a week ago, and it is the most spectacular thing since the world was created. Short game, but it is challenging and full of unlockables. I just havent been able to put my 3DS down!

Monster Hunter 3: I dont know. I had to say no to it myself, but that was because I had to buy the game AND the Circle Pad Pro. I almost for the CPP when I got Resident Evil, but it just was not worth the extra scratch. Play the demo, read reviews, and base your decision off of that.

Other Reccomendations:

Resident Evil: Revelations: Dude this game is AMAZING. Nonexpensive, lots of gameplay, and awesome graphics. Probably one of my favorite games for my 3DS.

Paper Mario: Sticker Star: Another great game. Lots of gameplay, great graphics, hilarious storyline, and challenging beyond belief!

Scribblenauts Unlimited: Great relaxing game. Let your imagination fly! One of the deepest games for 3DS. I got it because of that. Most complaints are directed towards the 3D, or lack thereof. Also, there is no item creator, such as in the Wii U or PC versions, but still, once I got to playing it, I forgot all that.
I wouldn't recommend Castlevania. Events follow through from game to, but even if you've played others, the storyline is a little confusing. And the battle controls are not as supportive like in other Castlevania games.

Mystery Dungeon. Ehh, its a little short, but a great game to just relax with and have some fun. I really like the Magnagate idea, and it creates always something new to explore.

I would recommend Luigi''s Mansion. It was the only other game I played, and it has a fun storyline and great music. A must buy after 12 years of waiting. And I'd recommend HarmoKinght from the 3DS eShop. It has a price tag of $15, but you get a run from that, as it is pretty lengthy. If you're into rhythm games, then I'd recommend it.

And try Monster Hunter 3 Unlimited on WiiU. It has better graphics than the Wii and still brand-new, amazing gameplay. The WiiU gamepad is a little weird for this, but doesn't ruin the fun. The controls are still very good for both platforms, and if you decide to get the 3DS version also, you can switch saved data between the two. There are no health bars, and you really on actually hunting instincts, like when a monster starts limping and gets tired. Its adds lots of realistic-like fun. You also have to hunt the same one over and over to make armor, and this is mostly where Multiplayer is important to enjoy the whole experience. It is a great way to play with other Monster Hunters, but if a connection error happens, you have to start the process over and gets repetitive. I would recommend either the WiiU or the 3DS version.
Also, I have a couple games I may want to pre-order, so I want to see if anyone else is too?

Pokemon Y
Animal Crossing
The New Smash Bros
The New Donkey Kong Country
Mario World Golf

Which one of these should I get?
Pokemon Y!!!! We are a Pokemon forum, right?
On the other hand, if you're not commited in getting at least one Pokemon game per Gen, then, based on their past versions, I say either SSB or Animal Crossing. Pokemon Y still sounds good though.
ChillBill said:
Pokemon Y!!!! We are a Pokemon forum, right?
On the other hand, if you're not commited in getting at least one Pokemon game per Gen, then, based on their past versions, I say either SSB or Animal Crossing. Pokemon Y still sounds good though.

My only apprehension with Y is that if there is a ton of stuff you need to do in previous gens like events and transfer them to Y, than im screwed. I made the mistake of trading in B and W last year for money to buy my 3DS.
Chello said:
Also, I have a couple games I may want to pre-order, so I want to see if anyone else is too?

Pokemon Y
Animal Crossing
The New Smash Bros
The New Donkey Kong Country
Mario World Golf

Which one of these should I get?

I'd go for Pokemon Y, personally.

Smash Bros we know nothing about (and it's probably too early to pre order anyway), and I'd only go for Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D if you haven't played the Wii version. The other two IDK, since I'm not really a fan of those franchises.