3DS Discussion Thread

Chello said:
Castelvania is AWFUL. Awful, awful, awful. It got awful reviews, the demo was awful, and the 3D looked like a 5 year old did it. Not worth the money.

Forgive me as I go semi-fanboy: :)

I can't defend the game much because I haven't played it, but yes, the demo was awful because it was the E3 demo. Nothing had been changed; it doesn't really give a good idea of the game. But if you're immediately put off by the combat, then yeah, you won't enjoy the main game (these are basically the words of Nintendo World Report's reviewer).

3D, no idea, no comment.

Reviews: It got bad reviews from some outlets because they were expecting Symphony of the Night/the GBA/DS games, and they got something different, something more like a sidescrolling Lords of Shadow without too many elements of exploration (also basically his words). Read multiple reviews, get a good idea of the game.

Now, I have no intention of ever buying it, just because it isn't really my thing, but when something's going down in a Metroid: Other M fashion, I feel there should be more than just "awful" strewn all about. A good number of people might be missing out on something they might like.
ThatPokemonCollector said:
I still have considered getting it, it looks good personally.

Ah, one thing though. Since this is going the way of Metroid: Other M at this point, you will probably be able to find it much cheaper as the months go on. Metroid started at $50 in August, and was like $10 by December.
Chello said:
Paper Mario: Sticker Star: Another great game. Lots of gameplay, great graphics, hilarious storyline, and challenging beyond belief!

Woah. What. Wait...


It was a fun game but challenging beyond belief it was not. If you know a boss' weakness they go down easy, and all the small enemies you can run right by -- In fact, you SHOULD run right by to preserve stickers. It was also pretty lacking in terms of storyline and length (not that I mind too much, but it definitely could have done both better).

Not just posting this against you, I just can't really recommend Sticker Star to anyone. And when I do, it's accompanied with "look for a sale". The game is fun, but definitely not worth $40.

I have Sticker Star, and it's sort of fun for me. I haven't played any other Paper Mario games, so I can't be in the part of the crowd that compains about it being nothing like the other PM games. I like it, it's fun. Not the best game in the world, but fun and original. The storyline is okay, but pretty basic, 'Bowser has a bunch of power and you need to stop him by collecting stuff'. I'm impressed by the game, but it's not the game I play 24/7. If I did have to reccomend a game, I'd reccomend either Super Mario 3D Land or Fire Emblem: Awakening. Now those two games really impress me.

I also can't wait for Animal Crossing. :D
SotS said:
Chello said:
Paper Mario: Sticker Star: Another great game. Lots of gameplay, great graphics, hilarious storyline, and challenging beyond belief!

Woah. What. Wait...


It was a fun game but challenging beyond belief it was not. If you know a boss' weakness they go down easy, and all the small enemies you can run right by -- In fact, you SHOULD run right by to preserve stickers. It was also pretty lacking in terms of storyline and length (not that I mind too much, but it definitely could have done both better).

Not just posting this against you, I just can't really recommend Sticker Star to anyone. And when I do, it's accompanied with "look for a sale". The game is fun, but definitely not worth $40.


Maybe I exaggerated a bit by saying "beyond belief" There are definitely harder games. However, its not a game you breeze through in 2 hours. Its one where you need to use stickers wisely and now when to use them and how. I take back the "beyond belief" comment, but it still is not the most easy game either.
So the Nintendo Direct just ended.... I have to say though, best one yet. I'll put the key points in a spoiler.

Earthbound is coming to Wii U virtual console in US and Europe(All of my yes)
Link to the past sequel on 3DS
Mario Party for 3DS announced
Bravely Default coming to US next year
Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy coming to US next year also
Animal Crossing New Leaf 3DS XL bundle coming for only 20 dollars more than a regular 3DS XL
Chello said:
but it still is not the most easy game either.

Yes it is. It's only hard if you try to slug away at a boss without knowing/using his weakness. Once you figure it out, it's painfully easy to beat the game. This applies to literally every boss in the game. I found the most difficult part not the bosses, but trying to clear out waves of high-HP monsters in one round for the Perfect Bonus. Money is not an issue once you get access to Shiny Goombas, and once you get to the shop in stage 5, it's pretty much gg. :|

And there's no postgame, which stings considering how short the game is. I agree with SotS; it's fun, but don't blow $40 on it.
pokemaister899 said:
So the Nintendo Direct just ended.... I have to say though, best one yet. I'll put the key points in a spoiler.

Earthbound is coming to Wii U virtual console in US and Europe(All of my yes)
Link to the past sequel on 3DS
Mario Party for 3DS announced
Bravely Default coming to US next year
Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy coming to US next year also
Animal Crossing New Leaf 3DS XL bundle coming for only 20 dollars more than a regular 3DS XL

Also, a new Yoshi's Island title was announced for 3DS.
Yes! A Link to the Past sequel! Man, Ocarina got me so addicted in Zelda, I can't wait for the new title to be released!
I'm wary of people calling it a sequel. I guess I could assume "set in the game world" means sequel, but I think going down that path with the Zelda timeline and all is way to early for that and I doubt the title will be ALtoP 2 (inb4 it is).

Good Lord did that Nintendo Direct deliver the goods.

dmaster out.
ChillBill said:
Well, even if it is a remake, or even a new game, I don't mind. As long as it is as good as the original.
It's not a remake, it is a new game. Watch the Direct (at least the Zelda part)...
I am excited about the Zelda the most, can't wait I can't be ask to play Home console games, but I suppose I will have to get a Wii U sooner or later.
They specifically mention that the new Zelda will feature a BRAND NEW storyline. To me that screams sequel or at least companion if it's parallel events to the original Link to the Past. All in all me and the miss are super excited for it.
The games Nintendo Direct revealed look great. The new Yoshi's Island looks fun (I love the one I got for being an Ambassador) but I'd like some more looks at it before I consider getting it. The new Mario Party also looks fun, but it might be a pass considering Animal Crossing is also coming out. The new Zelda will probably be an instant purchase though. I was hoping for the new one to be a sequel to Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (considering the only look we've gotten of that timeline in that stage was in 8-bits), but hey, at least we're getting a new Zelda.
I swear, if anyone who badmouths that Zelda: A Link to the Past sequel, they should get banned! I've been wishing forever that they'd do a DS/3DS remake for the game, but a sequel is truly an unexpected and well-welcomed surprise. If you didn't play the original, you missed out on what was possibly one of the hardest games in Zelda history. Some of the bosses were either super strong or downright annoying.
Nintendo Direct... 3D!

So a new sequel/whatever for Link to the Past? I'm scared of Animal Crossing, should I buy it? Its description says you head a town and stuff, which reminds me of My Sims Agents. *cough*Very boring game accumulating money and items*cough* I'm definitely getting Super Smash Bros. 3D and Mario Party 3D, DS was too much fun.