3DS Discussion Thread

So today Capcom confirmed Ace Attorney 5 is coming to the US... as digital only.

... :,(

pokemaister899 said:
So today Capcom confirmed Ace Attorney 5 is coming to the US... as digital only.

... :,(


Believe me, they do. They're just not sure if they could get enough money from others to warrant a retail release.

...or so they say. Knowing them, it was probably to maximize profits.
I'm actually a little shocked they decided to go Digital-only, but after thinking about it, it does actually make perfect sense cost and risk wise. At least this will force me to download a semi-retail game from the shop for the first time haha.

dmaster out.
The main problem for me is that my 2 GB SD card is running out of room, but then again SD cards are pretty cheap.(Not to mention I've been meaning to upgrade to a bigger one anyways) I hope Capcom at least reasonably prices it if its downloadable only.(20 $ range sounds pretty good)
I still haven't played an Ace Attorney game in my life... What is the best one to start with? From the very beginning for the plot (if they're connected) or from a later game with (presumably) better gameplay?
SotS said:
I still haven't played an Ace Attorney game in my life... What is the best one to start with? From the very beginning for the plot (if they're connected) or from a later game with (presumably) better gameplay?

I'm not in much of a state to make a decent post, so this may be a bit rambly or something. :X

Gameplay-wise, they don't evolve much; Apollo Justice on the DS is the closest you'll get to evolved gameplay, and that's just going to be fun touch screen stuff that's not going to make a big difference on the game. Plot-wise, eh. It'd be nice to start at the first game, as some characters (even minor ones) make appearances in multiple games.

Think of them as the Layton games (er, maybe, I don't actually know). Gameplay is pretty much the same throughout the whole series, with maybe some minor improvements here and there, and the plot isn't connected in terms of here's-a-game-now-here's-a-direct-continuation, and instead each game has some references to past games and characters. I'd start with the first in the series, just plain Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, and I'd start with the WiiWare version. Some would argue blowing up a DS game's resolution to Wii resolution really ruins the look of the whole thing, and they might be right, but $30 for a physical DS game vs. $11 for a WiiWare game is pretty nice...
Furrr Embrem on sare. Mario Kart 7, 3D Land, Ocarina of Time 3D, and Sticker Star are also on sale, along with a good number of other, lower-end games. Also, 3DS XL systems have a $20 price reduction. Not sure how long the sales last, so if you want to take advantage of any of the price drops you may want to do so soon.

Thanks for the info Chariblaze. I think I'll start searching for a cartridge copy anyways though... Our Wii doesn't cooperate with the TV haha. (The picture gets all blurry.)
Fire Emblems on sale? :eek:

Just saying for those who are on the fence about getting it, it's very much well worth it at 30 $.(I wouldn't mind paying 50 for it, just saying)
Starboard Driger said:

i don't know how i feel about this

It's ugly. Argh, I had my hopes up.
They should've just done it like the Pikachu 3DS XL--make it brown, slap an Eevee face on it, and be done. Instead, they decided to skin a baby zebra* and glue it to the front cover.

Hell, if they were dead set on skinning a baby zebra, they could've at least chosen one with less stripes. That way it would look classy and not like all the possible colors of fried chicken.

* baby zebras have brown stripes, or so I've been told.
Starboard Driger said:

i don't know how i feel about this

It's ugly and needs to be burned to ashes. Every single one of them. Those stripes.
Starboard Driger said:

i don't know how i feel about this

WWF would go on a rampage for the slaughtered zebras.
My pity to all who waste their money buying it.
Hey guys, I have a quick question regarding a few 3DS games I'm interested in buying and if they're worth it.

The first game is Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why'd You Steal Our Garbage?. This game has pretty high ratings on various sites I've visited but I wanted to hear someone from this community's personal opinion about it.

The second game is Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity. I've never played any of the Mystery Dungeon games and I'm curious as to if they're worth playing.

The third is Pokémon Rumble Blast. For this, I just wanted to hear opinions from people in the community that have played the game before.

Thanks in advance for the help!
If you've never played a Mystery Dungeon game, I'd recommend getting Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky. It's a much better game than GTI.
Havent tried any of the newer PMD games, but if you have a Gameboy, I would reccomend getting Red Resuce Team. Its a good game with the test "what Pokemon are you?", a great story and loads to do even after the story. I haven't tried Blue Rescue Team or Explorers of Sky yet, but I plan to.
Blue Rescue Team is just Red but for the DS basically.

Starboard Driger said:

i don't know how i feel about this
I don't know what your problems are, guys. I like it. I want it.
I can post in this thread now!
Bleck, that Eevee 3DS looks disgusting. I didn't get an XL because they are just too big and ruin the feel of a portable handheld and they look way too plastic.

Anyone know if Etrian Odyssey has a continuous story? I've been meaning to play the whole series but no hint at a release in Europe and region locking made me unable to even get them.

Starboard Driger said:
...or so they say. Knowing them, it was probably to maximize profits.

It was. It's Capcom. Digital titles very rarely get discounted, especially popular ones.
Delta said:
Anyone know if Etrian Odyssey has a continuous story? I've been meaning to play the whole series but no hint at a release in Europe and region locking made me unable to even get them.

The Etrian Odyssey series does not have a continuous story, EO2 does offer a few bonuses of sorts if you enter a password that you receive for beating the first one, but they are not that big of a deal.