(4) Chandelure Red Collection, Nationals Medal, McDonalds, Redshark Tourney [5/28]

What are the odds of the McD cards being more BW promos that Japan got already? Also wanna know how the cards will be broken up since there eight toys and 12 cards...
I love the possibilities for this card, I imagine someone will play it in a Gengar deck of some kind in the future.
TheBreen said:
Dear Chandelure:

I love you.

Also wondering if the McD promotion will come to Canada?

Yep, the article says North America. That means Canada woohoo!! :D

As for the card layout, it's probably going to be the same like Burger King. Each toy will have a random card. So yes, if you want to collect the promos you are going to have to buy doubles of some figures.
PokeKid Brandon said:
Does anyone know how large tha national metals are compared to the SPT medals?

theyre obviously quite bigger since they come in the velvet lined case. maybe even solid gold instead of plating too.
Whoever thinks either 50+ double status or with the ability 80 + double status isn't broken, I wish I could voice my opinion of that irrational thought process

This card will see a lot of play IMO, just because of this.

Drifblim UD- Take Away
Chandelure 50/80 + double status. Two tails and its bye bye for most of the stuff in the HGSS format!!

Add in a fighting tech for those T-tar match-ups and your good to go.

I'm totally playing this!!!
I hate BK's commercials. And I like Ronald McDonald. And I like Chandelure, but I hope there's a holo one as well, with better moves, because as good as it is, this card isn't nearly as good as he is in the games. OVERUSE OF COMMAS!!
Chandelure with Mandibuzz looks very interesting, as a counter against Machamp Prime it's not too bad either. 100 damage with Burn and Confusion? Then again they could just do 100 damage back with
Zoroark using Foul Play and that'd leave Chandelure with only 30 HP left...

I hope it comes out in our next Black & White expansion cause I'd really hate for P!P/TPCi to leave this card out of our next set like they did with Excadrill in our current set.