(4) False Statement Poll, Platinum Breaks Records, All POP 8 Scans, Platinum/Pokemon Podcast [9/16-9

I have to say that I think you guys cheated a little with the poll. Things like the boy turning into Kadabra are mentioned in the the Pokedex entries in one of the games, but the Mewtwo thing is completely based off an obscure story in the manga, that most people wouldn't have read. It's never been said in the games, and I wouldn't consider it canon.

But other than that, it was a good poll. But in the future I think you should keep all of the answers either based entirely on the game, or entirely on the manga, anime, or whatever.
Yes! I guessed the right answer on the poll. :D
The podcast was awesome. Really. Awesome job, WPM. :)
POP8 is the best D/P POP pack so far,
And I don't really care for Platinum's sales records. :F
WinterSnowblind, it said in light of ALL Pokemon franchises. The question was fair, and I was right. :p
Hehe, I guessed on the last poll, but I forgot something, so yeah. lol at these tricky quizzes. Easy one this time though.

dmaster out.
The new one is way too easy, and people are still getting it wrong :(.
masterryanx said:
In regards to the quiz results.

It's obvious that the Deoxys and Cresselia answer was the best choice, however.. When was it ever stated that Blaine was involved in the conception of Mewtwo in the anime canon? As far as I know, this is only true in regards to the the video games and Pokemon Special. So I'm not quite sure how this answer was 100% true.
UGH! Why are people so freaking clueless about English these days? To make WPM’s response a little more clear, “in light of all franchises” means “taking all franchises into consideration” NOT “consistently in every franchise”. And I think it would now be hilarious if the 12th movie comes out and Cresselia is from outer space...( I’m assuming Platinum’s Pokédex entry hasn’t done this already)...
WinterSnowblind said:
I have to say that I think you guys cheated a little with the poll. Things like the boy turning into Kadabra are mentioned in the the Pokedex entries in one of the games, but the Mewtwo thing is completely based off an obscure story in the manga, that most people wouldn't have read.
Not his fault you didn’t do research. A look at Bulbapedia, or maybe even Wikipedia, would have told you what you need to know. Also, Poketto Monsutta SPECIAL, known as Pokémon Adventures, is popular outside of Japan, too.

I got the poll right, even though I couldn’t quite remember where the Kadabra thing was from, I did remember it. The new poll apparently isn’t as easy or blatant as thought, since more than half of the current responses are wrong.

Mod Edit: Keep the language down and be respectful to other members regardless of how "uninformed" they are. Thanks.
Darth Caedus said:
The new one is way too easy, and people are still getting it wrong :(.
The new one is actually very tricky. I believe the answer is from the original RB. Big hint there.
You said "Little Boys sometimes wake up as Kadabra". The truth is, "A little boy woke up as a Kadabra. So, not a regular thing.

I call fraud.
RE: (3) Platinum Breaks Records, All POP 8 Scans, Platinum/Pokemon Podcast [9/16]

Starforce Lv.X said:
xxashxx said:
I predicted this the other day. Our record were very high here in the U.S. Maybe they will be much Higher for Platinum.
I saw this too.
Platnium will sell like flapjacks in the US

More like pizza rather than flapjacks. HeHe.:)
Ok whoever still thinks WPM was cheating with the last poll needs to calm down abit.You dont have to get all political.
RE: (4) False Statement Poll, Platinum Breaks Records, All POP 8 Scans, Platinum/Poke

Hi, absolutely great podcast. Amazing what you can do with computers now. Just one question, what's the song that was played at the end, it seemed so familiar, but I can't remember what its called....

Anyways, great update!
I knew the Blaine one, but couldnt imagine the Kadabra thing. Of course, Deoxys and Cresselia coming from space was so obvious compared to the other possibilities, that it HAD to be that one. xD

POP 8 Owns. Yay for Rare candy and Roseanne!
Idk why but I can see two possible answers for this poll. One is defiantely true but the other one is debatable. Just have to wait until the next poll is up to talk about this one's answer.