RE: (3) HeartGold and SoulSilver in CoroCoro, G/S Quiz, Video Game Showdown in Seattle [5/11]
Sad that they replaced the Female character. This new one doesn't look as good. On the other hand, the art is some of the best I've ever seen. (Obvious because it's practically the only good art of G/S since it has come out.) PokeGear looks cool, as does the locations (Ilex, the Well). I'm glad they stayed true to FR/LG with the intros to the places; that was a great addition.
Haven't watched the video game finals videos yet, but I will when I have time. Glad to see they're underway. You'd still have to get there early for a spot though. x_x Edit: Watched them. Juniors match was highly boring and uninteresting. Seniors was a little better, but only for TR. The person who lost sucks so much, I'm glad he lost. He broke Sleep Clause, by putting half of his opponent's team in one move, and that move shouldn't be able to be used, even if it's on Smeargle. Tsk-tsk, seeing these matches still makes me want to demolish their "rules".
And I guessed wrong on the last poll. Like usual. I haven't played G/S/C in forever. I guessed on the current poll as well. I can't remember the revealed pokemon past D/P. ;x
dmaster out.