(5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash

RE: (3) Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Download [7/1]

I'm really looking forward to the B/W news, and interesting information Azue Dragon had. I didn't know Tajiri hasn't worked on any of the new games. Weird.

Hmm.. why are the three beasts shiny... ? :3 Maybe more Zoroarks?
RE: (3) Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Download [7/1]

These informations are quiet interesting . And The shiny beasts looks like they are ilusions from Zorua i think and it maked them shiny to know which is the good and bad side .
RE: (3) Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Download [7/1]

I feel that adding The shiny and regular legendary dogs are a bit much but i can see how one side may play good and the other side evil it seems that the shiny legends are good....? Im not a fan of the trading card game anymore so..not really interesting to me and I feel as if you use more and different ppl when you create new generations of pokemon u should scout places like youtube for talent because i still don't feel comfortable with these pokemon and that people have nice talent at these types of artistry i do like most of them but not all like pokabu is cool but munna?? are u serious? if you have a brain storm group just find people to help out from places like youtube and deviart who can use their abilities for a good cause and make your franchise more popular but im a fan until i die so make em as ugly as you can it wont stop me from loving pokemon
RE: (3) Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Download [7/1]

I can't wait to see this movie (as I've got the non-shiny Poké Dolls of the beasts from the movie...there I going a little bit off topic)...& get the shiny beasts from the event (which I'm getting soonish) & Ash's Pikachu...which I might even EV-train.
Anyways, hope your having fun while your in Japan.
RE: (3) Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Download [7/1]

That's very disappointing about the poke artists. I guess they will make money no matter what, wiping their own <censored> with it and so put little or no effort in creating decent looking pokemon. I have to say so far overall I'm not THAT disappointed with the 20 or so new poke out at the mo but I mean gears and egyptian coffins with arms...what the hell is that all about? That is just poor. Hihidaruma (fire baboon thing) could also have done with a bit more originality. And also, in the pictures of the triple battle, the plasma bat thing, rock mountain thing, the goth girl thing (thing thing thing), I honestly don't know what to say about them. Really don't like them. All I can say about the new pokemon topic is bring back Tajiri!

With regards to Ash's Pikachu, I think it's a bit strange that they are giving it away to everyone. Is it maybe a sign that the anime will have Ash and Pikachu leave? Speculation of course so it will be interesting to see what happens.

Is it just me or does black and white seem like a milestone, not necessarily a positive one, but compared to D/P/P. I mean I remember D/P leaking about to come out and it felt like a pokemon series, new and innovative and followed on from the previous series with subtle and effective change. I just have this feeling that B/W isn't living up to this. There is change don't get me wrong but it seems drastic and completely out of context. I guess I'll just have to wait and see...
RE: (3) Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Download [7/1]

I knew I was destined for the silver screen. :3

I am really excited to hear that my favorite Pokemon ever and the other shiny beasts will be in the movie! I cannot wait to hear more! :D
RE: (3) Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Download [7/1]

Im looking forward to see that B/W anime news...I hope that some new pokemon will be revealed except this of the game.
RE: (3) Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Download [7/1]

@“The New Pokemon Don’t Look Like Pokemon!”

This not only does not surprise me, but explains a lot about Generation 3 and 4, besides the fandom's newly acquired 'Rotating Nostalgia' mentality. Because G3 and 4 have more influence by newer people, not only did the monsters change, but the tone of the games. Hence why Generation 3 is such a massive 'Love it or Hate it', and 4, while reclaiming some of the original feel, still feels somewhat like a different franchise. 3 and 4 are rather different to each other as well as 1 and 2.

Glad to know we officially do know that Ken never created all the G1 and 2 Pokemon single handedly and it's likely that this 'created 1000 monsters in RG's 6 yrs of development' is false. What I think would be interesting is finding out who did the sprites for 1 and 2, as GS are clearly before Yellow's refined anime influence, and all of RGB and GSC's sprites range from hilariously bad(Khangaskhan), obviously beta(Ghastly/Haunter) to overly realistic(Butterfree).
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

Check out the front page!
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

Yesh! And check out the new evos of the 2 of the starters! :3
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

i checked on 2 other pokemon websites and they say that the pikachu is a wifi event...im confused...
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

Yes!!! I'm so happy Mijumaru's evolution doesn't look as initially-puzzling as Mijumaru itself. It looks very cool - and though the sketch isn't very clear it does like it could be potentially Water + Fighting....my 2 favourite types....*drools*....I know which starter I'm picking for sure now. Oh, er, the other ones are okay too I guess. :p

I can't make out what that tiny thing next to Iris is. Ash's Pikachu? Awesome! I'll definitely cross my fingers for good nature / IVs for the novelty. Shame there's no way of giving it Surf. And though I don't watch the anime at all, I'd wager that they may infact be starting with a new main character, which is a very risky move. Unless the silhouetted male in the BW preview is simply the new Brock/Tracey.

[Edit]: Wait, scratch my last point. Ash is on the design sheet in a new outfit. Chances are he's staying, I think :p
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

I love the updated news and i like that Ash is there too and the Mijumaru evo. looks beastly
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

Lol WPM think you could get me one?

RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

That girls hair looks like Zoroark`s one.And who could that man be ?And something else.Team Rockets outfit has a new design.
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

Yay, otterthing gets a little less pathetic looking. Always a boon.
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creat

That Card commercial guy's accent always bugs me!
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

Meh i guess this new chick might be an improvement over dawn, but She'll never come close to May...

Ok, now why in all sense is their a new BAT pokemon, wtf 3 isn't enough 4 u game freak...you could have put in a new animal ya know?
RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl

Guys this isn't even official...
The >>>BETA<<< Art has been leaked so this is not the final design :/
Anyway I was hoping for Trainer Black and White to be in the anime :(
But it would be EPIC if Ash turned out to be trainer black.
Like at the end of the DP series pikachu gets taken and he loses the spirit to train/battle.
But like 10 years later he buys a house in Isshu and the Professor sees that he has no spirit left so she gives him a present containing one of the three starter pokemon.
And his girlfriend Trainer White gets a pokemon aswell.
And Ash relearns how to battle and train and on the way to beat the isshu league he encounters team rocket with his pikachu.