5 Gen Competitive Play

Jalorda can still be OU with perverstorm. With the boosts, itd get enough power to sweep, it already has the speed +great defenses.
I like the bannete set, but 30 percent isnt something id completely depend on.
I was thinking of a very similar set for sabeleye with mischevous heart
Evil eye
Fake out/ toxic/ other helpful move
Itd get in a will o wisp and another set up move then evileye annoyers.
Ghost types will always be Pursuit-weak and resisted by Steel. They will definitely not be any better than they ever have.
Shandera kills steels, amazing power
Burungeru king/queen of evil eye/cursed body. Its beefy as any other water type, and can attack with boiling water, then evil eye.
Paired with natoorei makes both near unstoppable.
I tried Warubiaru with a bulk up set, sort the same as the Roobushin set.


Warubiaru @ Life Orb/ Expert Belt
Jolly Nature
Earthquake Spiral
252 Att/ 252 Sp/ 4 HP

- Bulk Up
- Crunch
- Earthquake
- Dragon Tail

Earthquake Spiral is a very good ability, giving a +1 Attack every time you kill an opponent poke. It is a great counter to the intimidate ability, putting away any revenge killer with Intimidate such as Arcanine or Salamence. And an amazing base 117 attack makes Warubiaru a very good sweeper. However, base 92 Speed isn't great, and 95/70/70 defences will not hold up very long, and Warubiaru works well with bulk up support. With +1 defence he can take some hits and hit HARD with +1 STAB Earthquake or STAB Crunch. Dragon Tail is mainly filler, but it can be handy against Sazandora, who resists Trickery and is immune to Earthquake. Also, Dragon Tail can work phaze away Roobushin and Zoroark, who can both hit hard with powerful fighting type moves. Dragon Tail works extremely well with entry hazards, making it an extremely annoying damage combo that the opponent can't do much about until a fast sweeper is pulled out.

For team structure, I am posting my BW team on the RMT thread (If it goes through) Please take a look!
Ill post on your thread.
I like the set. Didnt think overconfidence would be that useful. That ability with rechargable battery on gyrados could be fun. Ill try my favorite fighter:
252 Atk 252 Spd 4 HP
Hi jump kick (its amazing power move)
U turn (powerful healing getaway)
Drain Punch (hp healer+power)
Dont bother if it hurts itself. Just uturn out for quick damage and healing 1/3 HP.
Trickery is pretty bad guys, think about it. You're using the opponent's Atk stat when dealing the damage, not your own. Since most of the targets of Trickery have low Atk... and you don't get Overconfidence boosts... it's pretty lacklustre.
Well its main focuses are hi jump kick, uturn and drain punch any way.
Maybe stone edge?
(Note: The Evolution Stone does not change base stats. I'm just giving all beachers some perspective on what it does.)

Let's get some item discussion incorporated.
One of my favourite new items is the evolution stone. This stone increases NFE's (Not Fully Evolved Pokes) Defence and Sp. Defence by 1.5%. With this new impact, we could see pokes such as Blissey and Dusknoir banished from the metagame, being outclassed by their pre-evolutions! The pokes I've seen so far that work really well are Chansey, Dusclops, and Porygon2.

Chansey: Defences 250/5/105 x 1.5 boost from evo stone= 250/8/208 defences
Blissey's defences: 255/10/135
Blissey is finished. Kaput. With the evolution stone, Chansey completely outclasses Blissey in every aspect except defence, but neither of them can take a physical hit anyway, and HP, but there really is NO way Blissey is better than Chansey. It learns all the needed moves of the classic Blissey set, and is probably now THE best special wall in today's metagame.

Chansey @ Evolution Stone
Calm Nature
Natural Cure
252 HP /252 Sp. Defence /4 Defence

- Seismic Toss
- Aromatherapy
- Softboiled
- Toxic/ Thunder Wave

Yes, this is THE Blissey set. No difference at all. Seismic Toss for damage, Aromatherapy to heal your teammates for annoying status problems. Softboiled for instant recovery. The last slot really depends on oppinion. If you're really scared of steel types ruining your team, or your team is more bulky and slow, Thunder Wave is the way to go. If you're more scared of ground types, and need the residual damage, pick Toxic. There is honestly NO difference from the Blissey set. It's just a less fat pre-evolution.

Dusclops: Defences 40/130/130 x 1.5 boost from evo stone= 40/195/195 defences
Dusknoir's defences: 45/135/135
Once again, the pre-evolution takes all. Dusknoir may be able to get some damage, but if you're looking for pure defensive wall, Duskclops is the way to go. The only way Dusknoir outclasses Dusclops is Dusknoir base 100 attack to Dusclops 70 Attack. But other than that, Dusknoir is outclassed by it's little Mummy friend Dusclops.

Dusclops @ Evolution Stone
Impish Nature
252 HP/ 200 Sp. Defence/ 56 Defence

- Will-o-wisp
- Pain Split
- Taunt/ Confuse Ray
- Payback/ Shadow Sneak/ Thunder Punch/ Ice Punch/ Earthquake/ Night Shade

A more non-offensive Dusknoir. Will-o-wisp can really hinder any physical sweeper without guts, and can support any frail sweepers. Pain Split is Dusclops' form of recovery, and makes for a decent stall move. Confuse Ray for more status or an indirect phazing, or Taunt to wreck leads and boosting sweepers. The last moveslot is for solid attacking, and dusclops has mega options. Payback is a good way to counter rival ghosts. Shadow Sneak is only priority, other than that choose Payback over Shadow Sneak. The elemental punches (Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunderpunch) are a good source of coverage. Earthquake also provides decent coverage. Night Shade is good way to guarentee some damage as long as its not a normal type.

Porygon2: Defences 85/90/95 x 1.5 boost from evo stone= 85/135/143 defences
Porygon-Z defences: 85/70/75
This comparison isn't as fair, because Porgon-Z's base 135 Sp. Attack is very good and begs for a Choice Scarf set. However, Porygon2's base 105 Sp. Attack provides room for a bulky sweeper, and shows very good potential

Porygon2 @ Evolution Stone
Quiet Nature
252 HP/200 Sp. Attack/ 28 Def / 28 Sp. Defence

- Calm Mind
- Tri-Attack
- Shadow Ball
- HP Fire

A bulky boosting sweeper. Calm Mind provides bulk and power, making it a good stat up move. Tri-Attack is the main powerhouse move. Shadow Ball for Ghosts. HP Fire is for steel types that would otherwise wall you. I chose Quiet Nature to take advantage of Porygon2's Dream World ability, Analyze. The increases the power of attacks if you go last (I think the boost is 1.5. Can someone confirm?).

Keep up the descussion!


Choice Band
Roobushin @Choice Band
Adamant, Iron Fist
252 HP / 252 Atk / 6 Spd
- Mach Punch
- Payback
- Earthquake
- Hammer Arm / Stone Edge

Choice Band Roobushin hits like a mofo. I mean, seriously - he hits over 400 Atk with this setup, and with the Choice Band, most things can't really take a hit. Mach Punch alone can get a huge amount of OHKOs (and even more 2HKOs). It's also priority, which is a plus, seeing as how Roobushin is so slow. Carry Payback for those pesky Ghosts, and Earthquake is...well, it's Earthquake. For the last slot, you can go with Hammer Arm (for stronger STAB and to take advantage of Iron Fist, although lack of Lefties hurts) or Stone Edge (for QuakeEdge combo). You could also go with Rock Slide in that last slot, if you wanted. Force Palm could be fun there too, but I wouldn't personally recommend it because it's only 20 points stronger than Mach Punch, although chance to Paralyze is neat.

Roobushin @Leftovers
Adamant, Iron Fist
196 HP / 252 Atk / 60 SpD
- Substitute
- Focus Punch
- Payback
- Earthquake

Okay, 140 base attack + 150 base attack move + STAB + Iron Fist = world of pain. Switch in on something you can force out, Sub up, and go nuts. This EV spread gives you the highest possible HP divisible by 16, which is good for Subs (and Lefties!). Payback is once again there to hit Ghosts, and Earthquake just hurts, okay?

Bulk Up
Roobushin @Leftovers
Adamant, Iron Fist
240 HP / 252 Atk / 16 Spd
- Bulk Up
- Mach Punch / Hammer Arm
- Payback
- Earthquake

Basically the same as the first set, but with Bulk Up. Because the only thing more terrifying than a Choice Band Roobushin is a Roobushin that can boost its stats.

Roobushin @Leftovers
Adamant, Iron Fist
220 HP / 252 Atk / 16 Spd
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Hammer Arm
- Payback / Earthquake

...yeah. I don't...I don't why I made this set. No one is going to use it.

Roobushin @Flame Orb
Adamant, Guts
252 HP / 252 Atk / 6 Spd
- Mach Punch
- Payback
- Earthquake
- Hammer Arm / Stone Edge

It's the Choice Band set...but with Guts! Whoo!

I was going to do a set with his other ability but I got lazy. Really I only put effort into a few of these.

(also this dude would be awesome on a TR team)
Well, nice job. To bad my salamence can freefall it. Thats its main opposition. Freefall keeps you from attacking and does decent damage. If you put a bullseye, atleast it can eq flying dragons.
Also i like how dusclops can kill dusknoir like mentioned.
Rechargeable Gyrados (+attack instead of electric damage) Great for rain dance teams, especially wth discharge.
Also, swampert with that seed that absorbs grass moves and increases its attack.
Whoops, i meant dragonite.
Salamence with aerial ace and gyrados with bounce and threats.
A pokemon i really like is shubaruugo
It has excellent attack, and both defenses. Only thing bad is special attack (which it will never use) and scizor like speed (but the defenses to not care.)

Calvarybug Bug/stl
252 Atk 252 Def or Sp Def 4 HP
Sword Dance
X Scissor
Brick Break
*That strong metal move i forgot*
It cant bulletpunch like scizor but it doesnt have to depend on speed. Depending on if you fear physical or special moves more, you can swap its equally high defenses. I prefer special defense for fireblast, shandera, and generally strong moves (surf, thunder)
At least TRY to stay competitive frostwind.

Freefall is not a good move to be honest, at least not from where I'm standing. Sure, the opponent can't move in that turn, but the damage output is really not good compared to the other options these pokes have, and it's useless if the opponent has a Substitute up. Aerial Ace on Salamence? Seriously now... neutral Outrage is the same power as SE Aerial Ace - the only mons it's weaker against are Breloom/that other Grass/Flighting thing and Heracross. But all of them are hit by Fire moves, or DD Outrage. Useless.

Also Aiming Mark/Bullseye doesn't work like that. Might want to check your facts before stating things like that. Plus EQ on a Fighting-type is pretty much useless because of overlapping coverage. And why bother with EQ when you have SE Stone Edge anyhow?
Again i met dragonite. Im just brainstorming ok?No need to be mean about it. Im not perfect.
Anyways, my ideas fr temporarily making swampert and gyrarados weak to none are ok right? The plus attack is fun to.
Also, what about synchro noise on the eevelutions? I think jolteon can use it well, and maybe vaporeon and glaceon. The rest are physical, dont need it, or pointless (umbreon)
Welp, people are so oversensitive these days. That post wasn't mean at all, you'd know about it if I was being mean :S

Anyhow, the items on those two mons would be interesting for the first shot, but the only problem to me is that they are one-time use. It would be cool to set up Gyarados with +2 Atk and +1 Spe, and it's definitely more useful than the equivalent on Swampert. It's gimmicky, but it might work.

As for Synchro Noise, only Jolteon really benefits from it, but it benefits pretty well. Vappy and Glace don't need it because they have much better options, but Jolts always struggles to get past other Electric types as it need HP Grass/Ice for ground types. A base 140 neutral attack (sans Magnezone) sounds extremely appealing, and it's one move I have my eye on for Jolteon.
Thnx for posting this thread, after I beat the E4 in Black version, Imma try n post up some movesets :)
ta da da it's keldeo time oh yeah
ta da keldeo
ta da da keldeo time


Swords Dance
Keldeo @Life Orb / Leftovers
Adamant / Jolly, Justice Heart
6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
- Swords Dance
- Sacred Sword
- Aqua Jet
- Return / Stone Edge / Aqua Tail / X-Scissor

Keldeo is a fun little horsey (I always name mine d'Artagnan, but that's an obvious nickname, really). Unlike Anger Clown up there, Keldeo doesn't have a ridiculous Attack stat, but it does have amazing STAB and Swords Dance. In fact, Keldeo can get almost perfect coverage with STAB on two of them (Water/Fighting/Normal)...unfortunately, it can't Burungel, but if it's really a problem you can go for Stone Edge in the last slot; this will also let you hit doodz like Gyarados and Zapdos for super effective, which is always awesome. STAB Aqua Jet doesn't hurt either! For the last slot, you could also run Aqua Tail for stronger STAB or X-Scissor for...I don't actually know why you'd run X-Scissor, but the option is there if you wish! Run Life Orb if you want to poke holes in the opposing team or sweep late-game; Leftovers for staying power mid-game.

Calm Mind
Keldeo @Leftovers / Life Orb
Modest / Timid, Justice Heart
6 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spd
- Calm Mind
- Surf / Boiling Water
- Sword of Mystery* / Focus Blast
- Hidden Power Ice / Hidden Power Electric

Keldeo has a much higher SpA than Atk, and the only reason this set isn't first is due to lack of a solid special movepool. Surf is an obvious choice for the moveset, and Boiling Water can work if you want to go more bulky (in that case, run Lefties and invest more in HP). For the second slot, you can run Sword of Mystery if it's not banned in whatever you're doing (you can't legally obtain the move yet in-game, you see), but otherwise you'll have to settle for Focus Blast, which isn't great but will still do the job. Sometimes. For the last slot, it'll have to be a Hidden Power - Keldeo doesn't get Ice Beam or anything cool like that. Ice and Electric are just solid coverage in general, but if you're having problem with a specific Pokemon you could use Fire or Grass.

Revenge Pony
Keldeo @Choice Scarf
Lonely, Justice Heart
252 Atk / 252 or 6 Spd / 6 or 252 SpA
- Surf
- Sacred Sword / Sword of Mystery
- Aqua Tail / Return
- Hidden Power Ice / Hidden Power Electric

What are you doing. This is not a good set. Don't run this.

Keldeo @Choice Scarf / Lum Berry
Jolly / Adamant, Justice Heart
6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
- Aqua Tail / Aqua Jet
- Sacred Sword
- X-Scissor
- Return

With a Scarf and max Spd, Keldeo can easily outpace non-Scarfed Darkrai. Switch into a Dark Pulse, get the boost, and kill the thing. Lum Berry is an option over Scarf so that it can't put you to sleep, but it's only really useful against Darkrai; Scarf lets Keldeo help against other threats. Run Aqua Tail and Jolly for Scarf, Adamant and Aqua Jet for Lum Berry.
