(5) New Pokemon Game Coming, BW Promos, Victini Set/Deck, Sawk/Throh Promos [4/22]

olimar1023 said:
for everyone talking about a third generation five game listen up,
i found this while searching for pokemon grey on google;

In an interview with gaming site GameTrailers, Pokémon game developer and director Junichi Masuda spoke about Generation V of Pokémon. Among the many things that came up during the interview was the rumor that Black and White would not a have a third version.

This rumor came to be after the Spanish site Meristation published an interview with Pokémon designer Mana Ibe in which it was denied that there would be a third version of Pokémon Black and White. Junichi Masuda stated that he did not recall ever saying there would not be another version, and that he was very surprised to hear about the rumor.

It is unknown why Mana Ibe and Junichi Masuda did not make similar statements. The former was also present during the more recent interview with GameTrailers, but she was not asked about her previous comment.

[here is another;]

In an interview with Spanish site Meristation, game developer Mana Ibe indicated that a third game for Generation V will not be released on the 3DS.

During the London press demonstration of Black and White on Feb. 10, the Spanish game guide site obtained an interview with Ibe, who designed some of the Pokémon introduced in Pokémon Black and White Versions. When queried about the eventuality of a “third version” sequel to Black and White on 3DS, Ibe replied (note: this was translated from Japanese to Spanish to English, so a number of mistranslations may have occurred): “No, not at all. We’ve finished this installment with Black and White Versions.” — Mana Ibe (translated)

Many fans have taken this statement to mean that a third title in the fifth generation, the fan-given moniker of which is often “Gray/Grey” (derived from the mixing of Black and White), will not exist at all. Whether this is a translation mistake is unknown. Each previous generation has concluded with a third version that has a slightly different plot (and new gameplay elements) from the original paired versions. Pokémon Yellow, Pokémon Crystal, Pokémon Emerald and Pokémon Platinum are such games. If “Gray/Grey” does not eventuate, then this generation will be the only one without an enhanced follow-up game.

However, there are some lingering doubts over Ibe’s statement. Gamers who have investigated the coding used in Black and White have reported that there are hidden data not used in the game. These include two moves—Freeze Bolt and Cold Flare, both of which are speculated to be learned by Kyurem in the future, an Ice-type legendary Pokémon similar to the Black and White mascots Zekrom and Reshiram—and an obscure key item called a God Stone. Could these be special mechanics for a third version plotline and mascot? Perhaps. But they could also be beta objects, or involved in an upcoming Wi-Fi event. If Ibe is to be believed, then this might have to be the case.

In addition, a marketing undertone could be used here. If Ibe said that there would be a third version for sure, then many fans would wait to purchase Black and White, as the third version generally encompasses parts from the original pair.

[found this interesting so i thought i would post it ;) ]
all of this would make total sence. if they were to say "oh no theres no third version coming out" then people would keep buying black and white and they would make more money.then after they reach a milestone they could say "hey guess what! we decided to make a third version after all!!"
There is only a 30% chance of the next game announcement being the third Gen V game and who says it will be called Gray, it could be called anything, such as Pokemon Crimson Version. To explain the likely game chances we will get in next months CoroCoro issue:

Third Gen 5 game: 20%
Gen 3 remakes: 10%
Mystery Dungeon 3 (Explorers of Sky is not PMD3, it's just an expansion of PMD2, like Platinum is an expansion of Diamond and Pearl, so it's more rather PMD2.5): 30%
New Wii game: 20%
Other: 20%

Don't get your hopes up yet, we still need more proof of a third games existence. Masuda never said anything about a third game, even so, there is only a 50% chance that there will be a third game, and the namespace for Pokemon Gray Version was trademarked around the same time Black and White were trademarked, as well as Crimson, Pink, and Purple Versions, so there is some proof there of a third games existence, as well as possible names for it, though Gray Version is the most likely of the bunch.

At this point, Gen 3 remakes are unlikely, but there is a chance that they will make them, but probably not this year. Mystery Dungeon 3 is the most likely, as Black and White have not been out for a year yet, so that one has a very high chance. On Wii games, likely a Gen 5 version of Battle Revolution, anything else is probably something like Pokepark Wii was, which was basically Mario Party WITH POKEMON, any game set in Orre is unlikely, despite the fact that Orre and Unova are based on real world locations located on the same continent.

Other possible games include a new Ranger game, a puzzle game, another Gen 1 remake, a Pokemon Ranch type game, and an RPG with talking Pokemon, as well as other possible things.
Masterge77 said:
Third Gen 5 game: 20%
Gen 3 remakes: 10%
Mystery Dungeon 3 (Explorers of Sky is not PMD3, it's just an expansion of PMD2, like Platinum is an expansion of Diamond and Pearl, so it's more rather PMD2.5): 30%
New Wii game: 20%
Other: 20%

How'd you come up with those percentages? I mean those are really specific numbers.
XieRH said:
Masterge77 said:
Third Gen 5 game: 20%
Gen 3 remakes: 10%
Mystery Dungeon 3 (Explorers of Sky is not PMD3, it's just an expansion of PMD2, like Platinum is an expansion of Diamond and Pearl, so it's more rather PMD2.5): 30%
New Wii game: 20%
Other: 20%

How'd you come up with those percentages? I mean those are really specific numbers.

I came up with those percentages because I noticed a pattern with each generation:

  1. The first two games come out on the current handheld
  2. A spinoff game comes out on the current console, usually being a fighting game that can link to the main series games
  3. A spinoff game comes out on the current handheld
  4. The third game comes out
  5. A Pokemon Box type game comes out on the console, allowing extra storage for those who have no room left on their in game PC
  6. A Hey You Pikachu/Pokemon Channel type game comes out on the console
  7. Remakes of a previous generation come out on the handheld
  8. Another spinoff comes out on the handheld
  9. The next generation of Pokemon is announced
  10. Repeat pattern from step one

Though sometimes, it can skip a step, and whenever Nintendo comes up with a new idea, it can sometimes add a new step, this pattern has repeated with each generation since Pokemon began.
XieRH said:
Masterge77 said:
Third Gen 5 game: 20%
Gen 3 remakes: 10%
Mystery Dungeon 3 (Explorers of Sky is not PMD3, it's just an expansion of PMD2, like Platinum is an expansion of Diamond and Pearl, so it's more rather PMD2.5): 30%
New Wii game: 20%
Other: 20%

How'd you come up with those percentages? I mean those are really specific numbers.

he may have just been guessing upon the time and year vs other games release dates
i mean who could have EXACT percentages like that?

as i posted earlier this could be a trick to earn more money off black and white then release a third generation 5 game (gray? maybe)

it may be a new ranger or mystery dungeon
we need more proof before we can say "i cant wait for pokemon gray"