(5) New Pokemon Game Coming, BW Promos, Victini Set/Deck, Sawk/Throh Promos [4/22]

If anyone else has noticed, it is infact, springtime, a time in which many mainstream games for Pokemon are announced. this, to my knowledge, includes Diamond/Pearl, Platinum, Heartgold/Soulsilver, and Black/White, all announced in the Spring, and eventually all came out that same year in the fall (for japan) and then around a year later for the US.

With this pattern, there is a great probability that a mainstream game will be announced, though one thing that could get in the way of this is the fact that a new generation was just released, meaning a mainstream game won't be announced for another year (next spring, 2012). If a mainstream game is not to be announced, one could speculate that a spinoff game could be in the works, of which could be a possible sequel to Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness, as it is technically a mainstream game (an RPG, with a storyline, catchable Pokemon, trade them to the main-mainstream games)

EDIT: Lets not forget that Colosseum came out almost exactly a year after Ruby and Sapphire, so a sequel to them (Colosseum and XD) could come out this fall (2011) and be on store shelves roughly a year after Black and White.
I just remembered that black and white were announced around the same time last year, good times...
Guys, I know this might sound a bit off-topic as I have a question, but I feel it is somewhat relevant to this thread.

If this new game is for the 3DS, would I be able to play it on my DS Lite? I understand that regular DS games can be played on the 3DS, but I wasn't sure if the opposite would work (i.e. would 3DS titles work on the original DS?)

I don't have a 3DS and don't want to buy one just so I can play this or other potentially good 3DS games. Thanks guys for any answers.
No it won't, the 3DS games have an extra piece of the cartridge hanging off so that it won't fit in the normal DS.
What if I break off the extra bit Ok, thanks for the answer.

Something tells me it will be for the 3DS (or maybe Wii), but it would be great if they made a standard DS version too, similar to how the first Mystery Dungeon games were for GBA and DS. I might be wrong but didn't the DSi XL only come out a short while ago? If so I don't think Nintendo would let down owners of said handheld by already stopping production of DS games.

However I have no problem with the fact that a 3DS version would be better and more advanced.
I'm guessing it will almost certainly be a Wii game. Remembering back to how it was leaked, it seems as if it was planned for the near future (and likely near completion) at the time it was leaked. They had assumed people already knew about it. My guess is that they had a delay in development that that particular person was unaware of, and it was originally scheduled to have been announced in the recent past. (I apologize if I am simply mis-remembering the article.)

One interesting thought about whatever game it is (short of a spin-off, which would likely be a new series or Mystery Dungeon), is that it may release certain Gen 5 Dream World Pokémon, which, short of a very small number of exceptions, are impossible to be released for Black or White because it lacks overworld sprites for most Gen 5 Pokémon. A Colosseum/XD sequel or spin-off would be well-suited for that. A Battle Revolution or Stadium-type game could release them in small quantities, too, for that matter. (They each had a few Pokemon to give out, Stadium 1 having stuff that was impossible to get multiples of at the time, Stadium 2 having Pokémon like Gligar with special moves, and Battle Revolution having Pikachu, Magmortar and Electivire.)

A TCG3 would be neat, but unlikely. The online game is too new, and they would likely wait until we get a couple more B/W sets first. (At the very least, they'd wait until the Red Collection has been released. It takes time to program how attacks and abilities are handled by the game.) It would probably be BW-on.

In short, probably either a continuation of the Colosseum or Stadium/Battle Revolution series, or a new series or stand-alone spin-off, with a Mystery Dungeon Game a small possibility.
We should also consider this. This could happen and then it could not.....
If it does turn out to be a main series game that they annouce next month, Then the Movie 14 Victini and the other movie event that they will give out, could possibly unlock something in that game. I mean, they have done this since Platinum's release and the Giratina and the Sky Warrior, Pokemon Events from the Movies unlocking special things in an upcoming game.
Looks like it may be an XD Gale of darkness remake for the 3ds. Scans are starting to pop up online. I'd love this to be true.
Well I hope that it's a Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald remake. I liked those GBA games and all of the generations seem to have their own remakes, no?:D
So we can expect something like that. Honestly, I wasn't very impressed by the recent Pokemon Ranger game and am not really looking forward to a new one.
Sasume said:
Well I hope that it's a Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald remake. I liked those GBA games and all of the generations seem to have their own remakes, no?:D
So we can expect something like that. Honestly, I wasn't very impressed by the recent Pokemon Ranger game and am not really looking forward to a new one.

It said new game, so it wont be the remakes and why should Emerald get a Remake? I'm really hoping that it is a new Ranger Game.
I like the element of surprise so I'm excited to see what game it is. I would like it to be the 3rd version to B|W but I won't hold my breath on that because of all the possibilities of what it could be. So with that being said I can't wait to see what it is :).
Personally, I hate the idea of getting a third version. I didn't even finish White yet, and I got Black for Easter. Didn't eve start it yet. So I'm not looking for a new main game anytime soon. (Don't try to counter me by saying this is for Japenese. I don't want one for a while...)
HypnoticLuxray said:
Personally, I hate the idea of getting a third version. I didn't even finish White yet, and I got Black for Easter. Didn't eve start it yet. So I'm not looking for a new main game anytime soon.

I don't mind if a third version came out. In your case you could simply not get it till you felt like it anyway.
Even though the image is a bit dark, I can make out Reshiram and Oshawott. That alone eliminates the possibility of it being a 1st or 3rd gen remake, although the magazine already said "game", as in singular. It's still way too early to announce Pokemon Grey (or whatever they call the 3rd version), so I highly doubt it's that.

Therefore it is almost certainly not a main series game. The graphics look good, which leads me to believe that it is going to be either on the Wii, 3DS or maybe even the Wii's successor. It is probably a spin-off game, and I'm excited to see what it will be! :D
I thought I saw something on, I dare say it, Serebii about a PMD game, but I think it was only for Japan's WiiWare or something. It could be fake.
I hope it's a new PMD series. We haven't had a reboot to that in a while, no, Explorers of Sky doesn't count, and we just had a Ranger game. It could also be a new Battle Revolution or as stated somewhere above, a Gale of Darknness remake. Any one would please me, but I really want to see a new PMD, maybe even for the Wii.