(5) New Pokemon Game Coming, BW Promos, Victini Set/Deck, Sawk/Throh Promos [4/22]

I just thought something.

A new mystery dungeon split between the 3DS and regular DS, just like Mystery dungeon Red and Blue were GBA and DS.

It'll probably be some Wii rehash of some older game, leaving us DS only people to go off and weep in a corner, fleeing flying Wii remotes hurled at us.
I heard somewhere that it was confirmed to be a Pokemon game made for the 3DS. I hope it's compatible with other DS systems...
hmm...and i was just wondering to myself earlier today about when will the home console game of generation five will come out.

but anyway, i think it will be a wii game with the ability to connect with black and white. it seems too early for all the other possibilities, and it's about time we heard news about the wii game of generation five.
Wow! I haven't been here for a while so I've only just found out about this! I believe it could be the 3rd gen remakes, or just maybe it will be the next pinball game. Think about it - so far there have only been 2 pokemon pinball games. They were released as part of the 1st and 3rd generation games. It could be too early to look for patterns, but I believe they are planning to release a new pinball game every 2 generations. Now that the 5th gen is out, we might be due a new pinball game.

If it is Pokemon Pinball: Black & White (or whatever they choose to call it), it would be great if you could catch all 649 pokemon this time (although it would take a long time). I intend to follow this story over the coming weeks as tbh I am particularly interested in new pokemon games. :)

Also, hi everyone. It's great to be back!
Everyone also needs to consider how fast the anime is going - 3 badges in only 25 episodes. That's about 1 badge per 8 episodes, meaning that at this rate, he'll have all 8 around episode 64. Add about 8-10 episodes for the league and they could be done in Unova around this time next year.

That would mean that they could be announcing the 3rd game for B/W, with the 6th gen coming fall of 2012.

(Of course they could release some filler season and blow my thought process out of the water. :rolleyes: )
They could do that. But I think it's too early in the Generation to do that. But I guess it's possible. It will most likely be a single game, since they said new game instead of new games.

That's true. The anime is going at a fast pace. But I don't think it would be finished by next year. The Unova Episodes will probably last at least until 2013. Whenever they finish the Unova league, Then Ash will probably go back to Hoenn, Since the Ruby and Sapphire remakes should be out in Japan by the end of next year.

That makes a lot of sense. But why exactly would they rush through (I think) the most heavily promoted Generation yet? Also, we have yet to see the R/S remakes. I bet (and hope) it's gonna be a new Mystery Dungeon or Wii game. It seems too early for a new Ranger game and I'll doubt they'll make a new Pinball game. I can still always hope for an Augumated Reality TCG 3DS game, right?
teeboy23 said:
Then Ash will probably go back to Hoenn, Since the Ruby and Sapphire remakes should be out in Japan by the end of next year.
I highly doubt Ash will be going to the Hoenn region just because of some remakes.

If they do end up making a game for the 3DS I am hoping that it will end up being compatible with the DS's, so that everyone who has a DS system will be able to play it.
zero20 said:
pokemon platinum released on September 13, 2008 in japan

HG/SS released in Japan on September 12, 2009

black/white released in Japan on September 18, 2010

so wats next 2011? the games have been coming out every year in japan. so we should get something this year, maybe
a remake of Ruby? it does seem kinda early for the third version of black/white so im 90% sure it wont be the third version.
but i could be wrong.

Or it could just be a wii game since gen 5 just started.

Ah, but go further back in the timeline of the main series:


Going strictly by patterns, this will probably either be a spin-off or a home-console game.
I'd like to hope it's a home console spin-off....oh well,wishful thinking at least...
I personally think it'll be a home console game, we need Pokemon Battle Rev 2 (it doesn't necessarily have to be called that, just a place holder)
1. I'm pretty sure its too early for Corocoro scans of the gen 3 remakes
2. We need 3DS connectivity
Also with the Wii in mind, recently, the president of Nintendo has been talking about something called "Project Cafe" which is supposedly the code name for the next Nintendo system that is said to be very powerful, It is said to have a six inch touch screens on the controller. Maybe they'll make a Pokemon game on that?
DO NOT BE COUNTING OUT THE REMAKES OR 3RD GAME! Gold and Silver came out in 1999 in Japan with Crystal in 2000 plus FRLG and Emerald were released in the same year in Japan. THere is still a chance for a main game! Keep your hopes up guys and gals!
Ash will not return to the Hoenn region! May is gone to another region, Brock is in Kanto. Ash has completed his duty in the Hoenn. What business does he have there?
David21 said:
Ash will not return to the Hoenn region! May is gone to another region, Brock is in Kanto. Ash has completed his duty in the Hoenn. What business does he have there?

He went to Kanto, and the Battle Frontier wasn't even in Kanto at the time, they could make Ash go there for a unique reason, although I doubt it. Anyway, this isn't about the anime.

Also, just because Crystal came out early, it doesn't mean that it will happen this time, they could put a lot of thought into it, so it should take longer to come out, the 3rd game should come out in 2013 or sometime near then. As for FR/LG, well they probably did it early because they thought that since the Ruby/Sapphire had some new changes to the games, that they thought the 1st generation was becoming forgotten, so then they even it out by doing another 3rd gen game afterwards. And for Platinum coming before Johto, we can tell that Platinum looked and felt different compared to Diamond and Pearl, compared to the changes from Emerald and Ruby and Sapphire, so they wanted to show off Platinum sooner. Then they did the remakes for the 2nd gen, they probably wanted more time on it, so they did Platinum first.

As for this time, what do we need more, 3rd game? Or remakes?
I say 3rd games, I could imagine them improving some things for Black and White and adding more things as well, and they could do a lot and I mean, a lot more improvements for the remakes, so I think the 3rd Game would be more likely to come out first, but I don't think the "New Game" that the magazine is talking about, is referring to either of those, more likely a Spin-off like Pokemon Ranger or Mystery Dungeon.
Guy89 said:
I just thought something.

A new mystery dungeon split between the 3DS and regular DS, just like Mystery dungeon Red and Blue were GBA and DS.

That could work well for those who refuse to buy the 3DS for stupid reasons and those who can't afford it. All I know is, it would be epic to see a 3D Oshawott waddling(or whatever it does) through a gigantic maze.
Im almost positive its a Wii game, cause about a couple a months ago there was rumored to be a Pokemon game for the Wii in development! Similiar to XD Gale of Darkness! Which Im so excited for! So you'd think it would be created already! So now they are going to reveal details about it next month!