(5) New Pokemon Game Coming, BW Promos, Victini Set/Deck, Sawk/Throh Promos [4/22]

It probably isn't the 3rd version, because it will probably come out in late 2012, but a spin-off game would make more sense, personally.
If it isn't a spin off the only thing I can think of is a re-release of Black and White for the 3DS.

It's the only possible main game, everything else is much too early. (Sadly even for the games in my signature)
David21 said:
It's probably the R/S/E Remakes..

If they go by the calendar of the fourth generation they won't be announced until 2013 and not released in America until 2014. So, I that's why I think a main game should be ruled out.
look at past time frames the third game has always came out 2 years after the the original releases and 2012 is 2 years after black and white. and there just announcing the name. so im willing to bet all the money i have that it will be the 3rd original game of this generation

XieRH said:
David21 said:

Your lacking something to explain, support your opinion.

It's possible, something has to change and might change. I prefer the Adventure games like Pokemon Ruby, Platinum etc. It's possible we'll see May 21st.

Gen V is still new. It's so new it has not even been 2 years since we first saw Zorua revealed as the initial announcement and not even 2 months since the US got the English version of the games. Going by the way game freak runs the franchise, they don't run through a single generation that quickly.

the us is irrelevant here
pokemonmaster101 said:
look at past time frames the third game has always came out 2 years after the the original releases and 2012 is 2 years after black and white. and there just announcing the name. so im willing to bet all the money i have that it will be the 3rd original game of this generation

It would have to be released in September of 2012 (in Japan) and that is pretty far ahead to be announcing a game, I'd expect an announcement at the beginning of next year or the end of this year.
We shouldn't rule out Main Series games.
As Yoda 432 said, They only ANNOUCE that there going to ANNOUCE a new game when it usually a main series game. They have done that for the past 2 years with HeartGold and SoulSilver and Black and White, Plus They usually annouced main series games around this time of the year.
And did anyone pay attenion to that they said new GAME not new GAMES? It will most likely be a single game. It could be the 3rd Version to Black and White......Or it could be something else....
But we might face a dilemma in 2013. That's when the 3rd version to Black and White is due, but that's also when the 10th anniversary of Ruby and Sapphire are, and their remakes should be released around that time. So that's a question of when and what's coming first?
It may be too early for a 3DS game. If it is a 3DS game, then it will probably be something new like a completely new Spin-Off sequel or something....
It could be a Wii game but they don't usually make a big month deal about it.....
It could Mystery Dungeon 4 or Ranger 4, but Mystery Dungeon 4 will probably come first, since it's still a little early for a Ranger 4. We just had Ranger 3 last year.....
Plus, We got Mystery Dungeon 2 the following year after Diamond and Pearl were released, so it could be Mystery Dungeon 4.
You have to imagine that Black and White have only been out for about a half a year in Japan, and that would be a year and a half before the game comes out, Black and White weren't announced until about this time last year, and that's only about a half a year early, a main series game would probably wait a whole year more for an announcement.
But it's happened before. We got FireRed and LeafGreen in September 2004, Then got Emerald on May 1st 2005, Less than 8 months between Main Series Games.
pokemon platinum released on September 13, 2008 in japan

HG/SS released in Japan on September 12, 2009

black/white released in Japan on September 18, 2010

so wats next 2011? the games have been coming out every year in japan. so we should get something this year, maybe
a remake of Ruby? it does seem kinda early for the third version of black/white so im 90% sure it wont be the third version.
but i could be wrong.

Or it could just be a wii game since gen 5 just started.
teeboy23 said:
But it's happened before. We got FireRed and LeafGreen in September 2004, Then got Emerald on May 1st 2005, Less than 8 months between Main Series Games.

That was the remakes to the third version (Also like Platinum to HG/SS), what we would want to look at now is D/P to Platinum or R/S to FR/LG

EDIT: @Zero
That's the end of a generation to the beginning of a generation (See FR/LG to Emerald to D/P) One game a year.
Japan got FireRed and LeafGreen in January 2004, Then they got Emerald in September 2004. Two sets of Main Series in the same year. It's possible. But it could also be a Mystery Dungeon 4 or a Wii game, or something else.
yea idk lol

i doubt its gonna be the third version of black/white tho.

probably i wii game or dungeon game.

(fingers crossed for remakes of ruby/sapphire)
teeboy, that is a different situation.

We just started a generation, FR/LG and Emerald were the end of the generation (Just like Platinum and HG/SS)

We should be waiting a year for the next main series game (Unless they re-release Black and White for 3DS Which I would think would be great)

There really haven't been any spinoffs for this generation yet, as those are more likely (Such as mystery dungeon, PBR, and ranger).

Here is a possible timeline (With reference from the 4th generation for games)

B/W 2010 (D/P was 2006)
YEAR BREAK 2011 (Break was 2007)
Grey 2012 (Platinum was 2008)
R/S remakes 2013 (HG/SS was 2009)
6th Generation 2014 (B/W 2010)
All though Generation 2 was short, But Gold/Silver and Crystal were only a year apart! Gold and Silver were released in Japan in November 1999, Then they got Crystal in December 2000, Only a year and a month later! North America got Gold and Silver on October 15th 2000, Which was just 2 months before Japan got Crystal. Then North America got Crystal on July 29, 2001, less than a year since Gold and Silver were released! It has happened before and it may happen again! Just Putting that out there...
They did the same thing in the 3rd generation as in the 4th generation. I'd assume that Nintendo had found a good rhythm and they will keep to it. Nintendo likes keeping things out on the market for a year so that they can milk out all the money that they can get. A new generation means that everyone is going to buy it. And Nintendo is going to give it two years and then after everyone has played it, they will make the third version. Nintendo has figured out how this works and it will continue. Also, at that time there weren't as many spinoffs with the game, with not really any 5th generation spinoffs, I wouldn't expect them to make more of those to keep the fans interested for longer without ending or putting anything main series out so fast.
Guy89 said:
They did the same thing in the 3rd generation as in the 4th generation. I'd assume that Nintendo had found a good rhythm and they will keep to it. Nintendo likes keeping things out on the market for a year so that they can milk out all the money that they can get. A new generation means that everyone is going to buy it. And Nintendo is going to give it two years and then after everyone has played it, they will make the third version. Nintendo has figured out how this works and it will continue. Also, at that time there weren't as many spinoffs with the game, with not really any 5th generation spinoffs, I wouldn't expect them to make more of those to keep the fans interested for longer without ending or putting anything main series out so fast.

thats true, im just hoping for a good wii game.
I am hoping for RS remakes or a Stadium type of game with a Col/XD story mode and awesome new Mini games.