Pokemon 5th Generation Discussion


Aspiring Trainer
Well, just like the title says discuss what you think there will be in a 5th Generation (if they ever make one..).


[These are my ideas]
Omega Legendary
Light / Dark Legendary
Return of the PokeNav
Fire Lion Starter
Water Dolphin Starter
Grass Frog Starter​
Just about everyone makes these threads. *Sigh*

A semi-uber water dragon that looks cool.
A Mr. Mime, Sudowoodo, Aibipom, and some others that need one.
Anything like Midamis really...
Waterup said:
Just about everyone makes these threads. *Sigh*

A semi-uber water dragon that looks cool.
A Mr. Mime, Sudowoodo, Aibipom, and some others that need one.
Anything like Midamis really...

Yeh, Mr.Mime needs one, Ambipom is good enough as it is. Pinsir could do with an evo as well.
Of course how could I forget, Blissey needs an evolution. >:]

And there'll be the usual new Eeveelutions probably.
Blissey an evolution? hell forbides it. i´d like to see and improved defensed Heracross ( i know he´s powerful as it is now but hey, didn´t Rhydon got one too?)...jynx deserves an evolution too, why only magmar and electabuzz? ....more eeveelutions for the sake of seeing all types, another snow warning pokemon....that´d be good.
I can't believe I'm saying this but a Panda Pokemon
A frog pokemon sounds awesome, but vaguely familiar (Maybe because my league leader uses a deck surrounded around the totally broken Politoed EX and Poliwrath.)
How about a ghost dog.
An ant pokemon sounds cool, maybe it could be the fire-type starter.
This is totally corny but how about a disease pokemon.
if nething needs an evolution, a dunsparce or a shuckle does!!
i remember, while playing crystal, i caught a dunsparce. i did nt know it does nt evolve and so kept raising it until it became lvl: 80....then i sort of gave up on it. from then, i ve been wondering, how come sumthin like a dunsparce has nt got a evo. form. its just a yellow caterpie with a tail! and they hv been evolving rhydon! fow uncool!!!

trapinch is an ant, isnt it???
Trapinch is an antlion. Spinda is a panda.

Dunsparce does have an evolution, his name is Togekiss.

One time in the chat I brought up a hate-filled split evo for Chansey, Detessey. That'd be fun to see.

<rant>Why hasn't anyone suggested Farfetch'd for evolution? He deserves it more than anyone. He's been waiting for ten years, but still he must wait patiently in NU until the day he gets an evolution, +60 in Attack and Speed, and Baton Pass back that he got robbed of in Pokemon Stadium 2.

God that would be awesome. I don't really care what they do in gen 5.

Just evolve Farfetch'd. Lord knows he deserves it.</rant>
They could do a proper ant. I'm very surprised they haven't, it's one of the most obvious things you could do (ant evolves into queen ant, TADA!). I'm not sure how a fire/dragon type has gone unoticed either, it would make a change from all the flying/dragon types everywhere.

& i tink they shud evolv unknown :)
Um... I was wondering... If you had a fire ant starter and it evolved into a queen ant then what would the stage 2 be? An even bigger queen ant?
I know what Farfetch'd evolution could be called. Something like Nearfetch'd? Nah that would be good for a baby Farfetch'd.
well, what about "Hatessey" PMJ? exact the same stats, but switch Def and SpDef, then you´ll get a physical sponge instead. lets focus in unexistent type matchups, like ghost fire/elements...steel/water (only weak to ground i guess)...
for 5th gen id LOVE to see more water evos

like a wailord evolution or sharpedo evo , luvdisc evo....OR an evo of CORSOLA!!!!!!

well im a water fan , id take any sweet water type ...and a water dolphin starter sounds amazing too!
Steel/Water (aka Empoleon) is weak to Fighting and Electric as well as Ground.

I suppose a split evo would just switch Blissey's defense stats... sigh.

Luvdisc is novelty, it will never evolve.

The fire ant queen would be the stage 2 form. You'd kinda have some in-the-middle ant thing for the stage 1, and of course the little baby for its basic form.

But I'm not sure that would work, since being a queen would kinda force it to be only female, and that would go against the starter gender ratio 87.5/12.5.

I don't really care what Farfetch'd's evolution's name is called. As long as he's like I described above I will use him every day.
jynx needs an evo to go with electivire and magmortar. Theyve been a trio in baby form. trio in 2nd form then 3rd form what happened. jynx is left to rot in the corner
I know it is a bit strange, but seeing a Grass/Fire-type would be kind of cool. Also, not that I'm a dragon lover, but it would be interesting to see the design of a Grass/Dragon-type.

My top three types for a new Eeveelution would be: Rock, Steel, Poison

On another note, I think they should make an OMEGA form of Deoxys. Give it 500+ in every stat. That would PWN!

Are you kidding, Zoidburg? Magmar and Electabuzz evolved so they could be on par with Jynx. Right now, Jynx outspeeds Magmortar and ties with Electivire. Electivire and Magmortar both beat Jynx in their respective attacking stats (but just barely, Electivire by 8 and Magmortar by 10, hardly significant).

Jynx's evolution would completely outclass Electivire and Magmortar. It's for their own good she didn't get one.

BUUUUUUUUUUUT then again, the fact that Rhyperior exists at all throws this logic RIGHT OUT THE WINDOW. -_-

Everyone wants to see a Sunnybeaming Grass/Fire with Chlorophyll.
Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
Jynx's evolution would completely outclass Electivire and Magmortar. It's for their own good she didn't get one.

BUUUUUUUUUUUT then again, the fact that Rhyperior exists at all throws this logic RIGHT OUT THE WINDOW. -_-

Also take into account the Porygon evolutionary line. Porygon2 and Porygon-Z have the same base stats. A Jynx evolution could be more Defense oriented.

Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
Everyone wants to see a Sunnybeaming Grass/Fire with Chlorophyll.

Yeah, that would be great. STAB, Speed boost, and no setup. It would be a shame if they created something like that and gave it terrible stats, though.