Pokemon 5th Generation Discussion

I think they should have "pokemon fushion machine" (yes it DOES sound lame) you could take a feature of a pokemon like a head, or arm, or something, and put it on another pokemon. Depending on what you mix with what, you get different stats, names, and stuff. Well, the way I imagined it, it seems awesome.
If there's a fifth generation... then we're gonna see a lot of evos and recycled Pokes...
Shuckle, Ariados, Fearow, etc. definitely need Evolutions. Pinsir and Heracross evolutions are good too. Maybe a new type triangle (Flying-Fighting-Rock or Psychic-Dark-Fighting).
Psychic-Dark-Fighting is not an triangle. Each must resist the type it's Super Effective against, but Dark is immune to Psychic. And Forum Shark, no, just no, it's impossible to program.
ssb4ever said:
give it a dunsparce evo that pwns and something nice like a pinser evo or a dragon/ice=invincible and a sableye and mawileevo's.... wow that's a big wish list =F

A Dragon/Ice would be weak to Dragon, Rock, and Fighting.
No Sableye evo. :p
HOORAY FOR FARFETCH'D! lol I had to do that.
Go Pinsir evo, Dunsparce evo, Riolu prevo...
But I really don't like to get impatient with this 5th Generation stuff.
Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
No one ever dies in Pokemon.

But I remember in the explosion on the lake(loch for scots) tons of magikarp were flopping around on the ground out of water. And what about Latios from Pokemon5.

And yes the trainers with high-level stupid pokemon are very stupid.
EX: A whole road full of people who trained their magikarp to level 50 thinking it would evolve, but they forgot to take off the everstone.
Dragon/Ice has a Steel weak too.

If the Magikarp are flopping around, they aren't dead, now are they?

I've never seen the Latios movie so I wouldn't know anything about him dying, but I mean death as in "zomg he got his throat cut, he's bleeding everywhere, how could you" kind of death. Not "thank you, you saved the kingdom, now I can fade away..." whatever.
Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
Dragon/Ice has a Steel weak too.

If the Magikarp are flopping around, they aren't dead, now are they?

I've never seen the Latios movie so I wouldn't know anything about him dying, but I mean death as in "zomg he got his throat cut, he's bleeding everywhere, how could you" kind of death. Not "thank you, you saved the kingdom, now I can fade away..." whatever.

was more like I sacrifice myself to save the world. xp
I want a steel eeveelotion with razor tail, a Sharpedo evolution and a Rotom evolution
They will make evolutions of the Pokemon with a stage 1 or basic evolutions and also they will do baby evolutions where needed and some new Pokemon.:)
Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
zomg he got his throat cut

I can see it now on the anime.

Team Rocket's here.
Ash: Ohmygosh you killed pikachu you ********

From South Park
I am just wondering what the names of them are going to be. I mean, there are plenty of people that think it is going to be Amber and Topaz.
Riolu wont get A pre evo. Its already to tiny. If any pokemon in the Lucairo line gets an evo or pre evo Lucario will get an evo wich I doubt that.
Riolu might get an evo that it can evolve into other than Lucario. Just like with Kirlia. A branched evolutionary chain. Even though it probably wont happen.
You know what they need to make?

A Levitating, Ghost/Steel Type Pokemon.

That would be so awesome.

Lol, a transparent, gasious ghost, and an opaque, solid steel type. How would they ever do that...?

Oh, and it needs good stats too. Like Rotom.
girafrig needs an evolution and so does quilfish.....

Bonsly said:
Riolu wont get A pre evo. Its already to tiny. If any pokemon in the Lucairo line gets an evo or pre evo Lucario will get an evo wich I doubt that.

they hardly evolve a pokemon from the very last generation.....even if riolu or lucario evolves(which i doubt), we wont know before gen. 6 or 7
marinepika said:
Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
zomg he got his throat cut

I can see it now on the anime.

Team Rocket's here.
Ash: Ohmygosh you killed pikachu you ********

From South Park

team rocket will drown themselves before they kill pikachu......4 generations of wasted energy!! OMG!!!!
bubba235 said:
I am just wondering what the names of them are going to be. I mean, there are plenty of people that think it is going to be Amber and Topaz.

ivory, platinum, quartz, jade, opal....theres a lot to go! or they might change trend!!
shakir99 said:
they hardly evolve a pokemon from the very last generation.....even if riolu or lucario evolves(which i doubt), we wont know before gen. 6 or 7

Hardly? Hardly. These Pokemon got an evolution in the generation immediately after the one in which they were released:

- Gloom
- Eevee
- Chansey
- Poliwhirl
- Slowpoke
- Onix
- Scyther
- Seadra
- Porygon
- Roselia
- Nosepass
- Dusclops
- Snorunt

That doesn't even include Pokemon that got babies in the generation immediately after their own.

In Pokemon, everything is fair game for evolution (unless they already have a full evolution line (a la the starters, Luxray, etc.).

RIOLU IS NOT A BABY so it is very possible that Lucario could evolve next gen.

Don't count on it though.
ok another thing

i want them to make a Pokemon so Azumarill can get Aqua Jet and Belly Drum on the same set through breeding

so far i dont know of any current chains and dont think there are any
Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
shakir99 said:
they hardly evolve a pokemon from the very last generation.....even if riolu or lucario evolves(which i doubt), we wont know before gen. 6 or 7

Hardly? Hardly. These Pokemon got an evolution in the generation immediately after the one in which they were released:

- Gloom
- Eevee
- Chansey
- Poliwhirl
- Slowpoke
- Onix
- Scyther
- Seadra
- Porygon
- Roselia
- Nosepass
- Dusclops
- Snorunt

That doesn't even include Pokemon that got babies in the generation immediately after their own.

In Pokemon, everything is fair game for evolution (unless they already have a full evolution line (a la the starters, Luxray, etc.).

RIOLU IS NOT A BABY so it is very possible that Lucario could evolve next gen.

Don't count on it though.

There's also Kirlia with Gallade as the split evo. Anyway, Holy Star (yes, the wacky dude) and I discussed the best typing for a Pokemon before in the chatroom and it has definitely has to be Dragon/Steel + Levitate. Other than Ghost/Dark, that typing and trait has got to be the best. Resists Poison, and is resistant or gets hit neutrally by all types IIRC.