Pokemon 5th Generation Discussion

Tauros and Miltank should evovle as well. Along with Plusle, Minun, Illumise and Volbeat and Pachirisu
Miltank doesn't really need and evolution, neither does Tauros. It's not as if they're that bad. But those others need an evo.
Sableye and Mawile... eh... I suppose they could, but you can't evolve everyone...

Minun and Plusle are novelty Pokemon. They will never evolve.

Pachirisu is pretty good. He'd need some big strength boosts to be anywhere higher than the lowest of UU though. Volbeat and Illumise I could not see evolving.

Tauros and Miltank evolving... your god help us.
If a 5th generation is made I hope they bring back light Pokemon for the TCG because we have not seen that for a very long time now.:)
if and hopefully when they bring in 5th gen , id want to see :

Water Poke EVO with drizzle trait

wow wouldnt that be drastic , ludicolo and a BUNCH of waters would be shifted in higher tiers
not to meantion all the rain teams that would start to be used more

Nintendo / pokemon probably wouldnt though , do to the possiblities , too many waters know swift swim , so i guess they will never do that on a normal pokemon

but i hope they do someday
I think that Plusle and Minum or\and Volbeat and Illumise need the same evolution male and female
Ryan"TheSeaKing" said:
if and hopefully when they bring in 5th gen , id want to see :

Water Poke EVO with drizzle trait

Don't forget the Drought ability. Yeah, I'm dying for either one.
5th Gen won't be out in another 2 years but. I would like to see more dark Pokemon that are decent.
More decent dark pokemon... as if weavile wasn't enough.

We don't need enw types, as many people keep saying. We have enough!! Stop suggesting them.

We need a luvdisc evo.

THe thing is, nintendo are running out of ideas fast, as we saw from gen4. I think gen 5 will be 60% evoloutions, and a bunch of rubbish pokemon that are so amazing so people will think the games are good.
No way... they would be way too powerful. Imagine a Machamp evo? I can't.
Drizzle and drought not on UBers,think destruction on tier list 0_O!
gyarados evo! awesomess , wont happen but WOULD BE AWESOME!
sharpedo evo! T_T seriously "half" a shark , POKEMON PLEASE FILL IT OUT!
ground and ghost type eeveelution
Quilfish ! seriously this little ball gets absolutly NO LOVE , give the little spiky guys an evo
a choice Item that boosts 2 stats , mostly likely wont happen but .. its a nice idea
How about a miltank and Tauros Baby... one that can evolve into eather... and no one dies on the show....i always wondered about a Tauros Slaghter house for that yummy cheeseburgers or Roast Farfetch'd with an orange sauce