Oddly enough, the Ditto I did get when the Mimikyu was snipped actually was Jolly! As such, I don't really need one anymore.
Well I am glad that you got one nevertheless =3
Oddly enough, the Ditto I did get when the Mimikyu was snipped actually was Jolly! As such, I don't really need one anymore.
Hi. I'm interested in any 6IV Ditto that you would be kind enough to give.
I would like to grow my breeding skills. I tried SOS battling (chain length 30+) with an Alolan Raticate to catch a 6IV Ditto, but the best I could manage is 4IV after 15 tries.
I deposited a level 53 Emolga, nicknamed Yakkov, looking for a 91+ Ditto in GTS. Please trade me, and I will pay the kindness forward. Merry Christmas Eve
Sure, let me eat my lunch first, and then I will send it over :3
Ditto Sent!
Hey Yakkov
Before i start. I am sorry for my English. I am German and my English isn't that good :c
So I just saw your post and it made me really Happy, because i didnt know, where to get one of those Ditto's.
I want to play more competitive and this Ditto is just perfect.
I don't know if you still giveaway them, but i can try
I deposited a LVL. 60. Hippowdon named Yakkov. The message i used was something like: "im searching a pokemon that is helping me on my adventure". I dont know the english text so i improvised (my ingame name is "Zoe")
I dont know wich nature is the best so just send me an average Nature.
Greetings from Germany
Merry xmas btw
Thank you so much.Sure, I'd be happy to help. Let me get onto the GTS so I can help you :3 Merry Christmas as well!
Ditto Sent!
Hi, im interested in any 6iv Ditto you are kind enought to give me, i deposited a level 12 Roggenrolla without nickname.
The message says; im looking for a pokemon who can help me with my adventure, mi ingame name is Neliana.
Thank you so much for this.
Sorry if my english is a little off, im from Spain.
Greetings fron Galicia and Bó nadal.
Actually I cannot rename it but its a level 38 ditto in a ultra ball.Merry Christmas ! Hope all is well
Hey Yakkov i was wondering if you could send me a Jolly or a Timid 6 iv Ditto. Lol would mean the world to me.
Im going to post a ditto in the GTS named Yakkov with the OT Treytoven
Thank you so much
Actually I cannot rename it but its a level 38 ditto in a ultra ball.
Hey Yakkov. Thanks heaps for helping everyone out like this.
I was hoping youd be able to send me a ditto (of any nature) to Omega Ruby. I've put up a Lv 39 Loudred named Yakkov (OT: Paul) with your name in the message text.
If you're not doing Gen 6 anymore I can put something up on Gen 7 instead.
Hi there I just deposited an lvl 33 Absol on USUM . OT is Claw.
Timid Ditto please :3 . Lookin forward to Competitive Breeding again!
Hi there I just deposited an lvl 33 Absol on USUM . OT is Claw.
Timid Ditto please :3 . Lookin forward to Competitive Breeding again!
Hey Yakov, could I have a 6iv Jolly Ditto? I’m playing Ultra Moon, my trainer name is PANTS. I put a level 43 male Pelipper named Yakov on the GTS requesting a level 91+ Ditto. If you could help me out I’d really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
Hello! I have just posted for the 6IV jolly ditto with a lvl 63 Golbat name Yakkov looking for a lvl 91 ditto! I added you as well, thank you in advance! I am on ultra sun if that matters