(6) Lots of News [6/27]

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Metalizard said:
I don't really like all this character bs. The only reason I like Pokémon is because of the creatures and because I like animals too. I couldn't care less about human caracters... I just hope they don't waste their time improving the humans and then just screw up the new pokémon like they've been doing lately...

LOL, I actually like some of the Sinnoh Pokemon like Gastrodon, Shaymin and Lucario :)
Hold on hold on *rubs eyes*

Where are people seeing Celebi in this trailer again..?

Also, while the first picture of the eyes opening are blue, and later the Rival's eyes are darker, I think they are indeed the same person. Why? Same bangs, eye shape, and eyebrows. Not to mention the shade of their cap is making their eyes seem dark - like a gray instead.

As for Rival and Dude with Hightech Eyepatch being the same person? No way. The latter is clearly older, has a different chin, eyes, and eyebrows all together. Sure it could be a disguise but I don't think so. I think it's more likely they two are blood related. I sort of like the idea of them being brothers the more I think about it, since I dunno - This evil guy looks about Cyrus' age and Cyrus was only like 27.

Also, I'm not sure where there is the confused with the other girl in the room with Black and Cheren. It looks pretty human to me. A blond girl with a green barrette. Probably the owner of the house, or maybe someone who told you about the messed up room. Doesn't look like a Gym Leader at all. Why would they put the leader in a room where you could easily walk over to her? It just doesn't make sense.

I'm still going to say the "crown" is more likely a torch - but that's just my guess.

I sure which they'd stop showing us the same screen/video of the player running down that alley. We've seen it 3 times now! We get it!

Metalizard said:
I don't really like all this character bs. The only reason I like Pokémon is because of the creatures and because I like animals too. I couldn't care less about human caracters... I just hope they don't waste their time improving the humans and then just screw up the new pokémon like they've been doing lately...
Would it really be such a bad thing to have a better story? I mean - you only have to do it once. You spend the other 90% of the time training pokemon anyways - that's why it has replay value. If it can give me a great story on the first run then I can't see how that can be a bad thing.
ShayminTails said:
LOL, I actually like some of the Sinnoh Pokemon like Gastrodon, Shaymin and Lucario :)

I'm not talking about Gen IV. Gen IV is actually my favorite gen. I'm talking about the 7 new pokémon they revealed...
Well, I think I know what the boy character's name is. I think it is Buratsuwa(pronounced bur-ra-su-wa). Thank goodness I took a language class this year in school. That helped a lot.
SoulSilver1999 said:
Well, I think I know what the boy character's name is. I think it is Buratsuwa(pronounced bur-ra-su-wa). Thank goodness I took a language class this year in school. That helped a lot.

Its Black. End of discussion
It contains the characters of Bu Rra Ku which means Black.

The "Celebi" thing looks more like a reflection.
DarkraiLord said:
Its possible that person in the middle could be your mom if thats your house that Black and Cheren are in, or it could be just the owner of that house and what not.

It was my mistake because i didnt saw the gymleader in the video really well because it wasnt very clear.Now that i figured it out the gymleader doesnt have a cap like the one in the middle,but i am still convinced that she is a gym leader or a member of e4.It reminds me the scene that happened in Cerulean City on Pokemon Blue of the house being assulted by Team Rocket.

kriffix said:
@the spook

You're making a lot of claims, but i'm afraid you're misinformed.

His name is not "furatsuu", as I said near the beginning, and as anyone with even the smallest amount of Japanese knowledge could tell, his name (here anyway) is Black.

Also nothing says for sure yet that Cheren/Chelen is a gym leader, don't just go claiming that it's true because you wan't it to be/you wan't to sound knowledgable!

1.Yeah your right.I should have used mybe or i think for what i wrote because they look like claims.It was only a mistake because i was excited and wrote everything that camed in my head when i saw the video and the pictures.
2.And for the name i remembered a link in legendarypokemon.net; reading japanese.
3.Im not talking about Cheren/Chelen ,im talking for the BLONDE girl WITH THE CAP!
I am really sorry by i did it for good and im gonna modify the posts .
The Spook said:
1.Yeah your right.I should have used mybe or i think for what i wrote because they look like claims.It was only a mistake because i was excited and wrote everything that camed in my head when i saw the video and the pictures.
2.And for the name i remembered a link in legendarypokemon.net; reading japanese.
3.Im not talking about Cheren/Chelen ,im talking for the BLONDE girl WITH THE CAP!
I am really sorry by i did it for good and im gonna modify the posts .

Waitaminnit waitaminnit, the blonde is supposed to be a GIRL??? O.O I just assumed it was a guy because of the use of 'boku.'
I think its a girl because the cap is green .The boys cap is grey and similar to the protagonists.And if it was that boy maybe we should have seen his cap similar with the Blakcs one but if you see well the cap is not similar and has a different colour with new trainers one.
HikaruAyame said:
Waitaminnit waitaminnit, the blonde is supposed to be a GIRL??? O.O I just assumed it was a guy because of the use of 'boku.'
Ha, definitely a guy because of boku. I mean check out his features. He looks nothing like a girl at least in my opinion.

The Spook said:
I think its a girl because the cap is green .The boys cap is grey and similar to the protagonists.And if it was that boy maybe we should have seen his cap similar with the Blakcs one but if you see well the cap is not similar and has a different colour with new trainers one.

So you're assuming just because it's green, it's a girl?
Your deduction confuses me.
Zierant said:
Ha, definitely a guy because of boku. I mean check out his features. He looks nothing like a girl at least in my opinion.

The Spook said:
I think its a girl because the cap is green .The boys cap is grey and similar to the protagonists.And if it was that boy maybe we should have seen his cap similar with the Blakcs one but if you see well the cap is not similar and has a different colour with new trainers one.

So you're assuming just because it's green, it's a girl?
Your deduction confuses me.

*whew* oh good. ^^ I've been gender surprised before, but never in Pokemon.
Zierant said:
Ha, definitely a guy because of boku. I mean check out his features. He looks nothing like a girl at least in my opinion.

The Spook said:
I think its a girl because the cap is green .The boys cap is grey and similar to the protagonists.And if it was that boy maybe we should have seen his cap similar with the Blakcs one but if you see well the cap is not similar and has a different colour with new trainers one.

So you're assuming just because it's green, it's a girl?
Your deduction confuses me.

I think he was talking about that girl with the green hat in the VS Cheren picture.
Hey, the spook.
I see now that what you had said was just a mixture of genuine mistake and excitement. I apologise for my rashness in judging you.
Ha, definitely a guy because of boku.

Yeah it's definitely a guy, no question.
just a random piece of information though, some girls, depending on the situation will also use "boku". Infact I have a friend who uses "ore" lol! She's nuts and awesome in general though! getting nostalgic now ;__;
Anybody else notice the Wii under the television? Lol just thought I would point that out not that it's important. Although that obviously does ruin the theory of the game being set in the past, because the Wii is the current generation and like somebody previously said there is a flatscreen tv.

Anybody else notice the Wii under the television? Lol just thought I would point that out not that it's important. Although that obviously does ruin the theory of the game being set in the past, because the Wii is the current generation and like somebody previously said there is a flatscreen tv.
all the updates are sweet. but im here to ask this: with B&W being released on sep 18th does that mean the 3DS will be released around that time in Japan?
richkid50000 said:
all the updates are sweet. but im here to ask this: with B&W being released on sep 18th does that mean the 3DS will be released around that time in Japan?

Maybe, but you have to remember, B/W is made for normal DS, not 3ds.
Its release doesn't have to collide with the 3DS release
Hey Celebi is on the staff if you look on the image ( how do you post images) on pokebeach the staff with the guy, in the middle top section has a Celebi head! You may not see it because of the bright light.
kriffix said:
Hey, the spook.
I see now that what you had said was just a mixture of genuine mistake and excitement. I apologise for my rashness in judging you.
I made the first the mistake and it was big.I forgive you but I apologise you and all the others for the nonsense stuff that i wrote.
kriffix said:
Either way, that golden crown-like object is so having its power read by the bad guy's scouter!



LuxTwo said:
Here is an idea...its kinda out there though...

you just get your starter pokemon from the professor and you come home to find your room trashed...your mom(Cheren) comes up and is furious so since you just got your pokemon she challenges you to a pokemon battle...

am i the only one who finds this idea possible? = (

Uh, I don't think we'll ever battle our mom but if you're right then I'll send you a cookie or something xD

*whew* oh good. ^^ I've been gender surprised before, but never in Pokemon.

Bugsy got me. I thought he was a girl until HG/SS XD

liljes said:
Anybody else notice the Wii under the television? Lol just thought I would point that out not that it's important. Although that obviously does ruin the theory of the game being set in the past, because the Wii is the current generation and like somebody previously said there is a flatscreen tv.

There could be parts of the story where you go back in time...

I don't see a Celebi like the others are seeing, but if he's in this story (along with the movie's story o_O) then it's possible we'll be using his time travel powers again. (Kind of redundant, though. I mean, G/S/C, HG/SS, some of the Pokemon Mystery Dungeons, the Celebi movie, we get the point XD)

I made the first the mistake and it was big.I forgive you but I apologise you and all the others for the nonsense stuff that i wrote.

Hey I wanted to also apologize to you, I made a harsh judgement, but now I ask for your forgiveness since I see the sincereness of what you had posted. :)

Oh, one more note:

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