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(7/5/2011) Huge Update with Black & White Cards!!!

RE: Updated list (11/29/09)

How about

x2 gliscor la
x1 gliscor 4
x3 arcanine g lp

2x Togekiss GE
4x Premier Ball SF
Hitmonchan Reprint PT
1x Electivire FB

I don't have the Call Energys anymore sorry.
RE: Updated list (11/29/09)

well I count reprints as 5-6$.

so how about
x2 gliscor la
x1 gliscor 4
x3 arcanine g lp
x2 Poke Drawer +
x2 Crobat g

x2 Togekiss GE
x1 Premier Ball SF
x1 Hitmonchan Reprint PT
x1 Electivire FB
RE: Updated list (11/29/09)

ok final offer

x2 gliscor la
x1 gliscor 4
x3 arcanine g lp

3x Togekiss GE
6x Premier Ball SF
1x Electivire FB
RE: Updated list (11/29/09)

i just realized i only have 2 togekiss and 3 premier ball >.<

ok how about this..

x2 gliscor la
x1 gliscor 4
x3 arcanine g lp
x1 crobat g or 2x Poke Drawer +

2x Togekiss GE
3x Premier Ball SF
1x Electivire FB
1x hitmonchan reprint
RE: Updated list (11/29/09)

sure, I'll throw in the 1x Crobat G instead of the 2x Poke Drawer +. I'll PM you with the Details and Final Trade.
RE: Updated list (11/29/09)

I have 2 Luxury Ball RH, a BUNCH of Buck's Training and I think... 1 or 2 Rare Candy I can afford to trade. And 3 TSD.

I want your 1 Expert Belt and an Uxie promo, or both the Uxies if I can get 'em.

Would 1 Lux Ball and 1 TSD cover both Uxie and the Expert Belt? Or what would you want for all 3 cards from what I have in your wants?
RE: Updated list (11/29/09)

yoyofsho16 - was there anything else that you wanted from me, cause I would like 2 of your TSD's the 2 RH Luxray Balls, some Bucks Trainings and a couple of Rare Candys.

Alex(charm)ander - sorry I didn't see anything for the Gengar.
RE: Updated list (11/29/09)

That really is all...
I don't need anything else.

Would you do 2 Uxie and 1 Expert belt for 1 TSD, 1 Lux Ball, and a Rare Candy?
RE: Updated list (12/6/09) Lots of New X's added to the List

Magikarp SF Ariados MT Mime Jr. D&P Infernape 4 lvl X

for my---

Bench Shield x2 (1x RH)
Togekiss GE (holo)
Sceptile GE (holo)
Gliscor LA (Holo)
RE: Updated list (12/6/09) Lots of New X's added to the List

Please CML for your Charizard G Lv. X and Psychic energy (Emerald).
RE: Updated list (12/6/09) Lots of New X's added to the List

Spardan19 - I am interested in your Arceus prerelease sleeves (unopened), Gallade 4,
Pokemon Rescue RH, 2x Warp Point, Bench Shield, Rare Candy, Luxray Ball. LMK what ya wanna do for a Trade.

Mr. Ferrari - I'll pass on your offer sorry.

IGETCHEDDA - I posted on your list.