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(7/5/2011) Huge Update with Black & White Cards!!!

RE: Update (7/9/10) (Looking for a Uxie Lv X. Willing to trade alot for it.

CML for the following

2x Ninetailes (HGSS)
1x Donphan (PRIME)
1x raichu (HGSS)
1x Garchomp (SV)
2x Alakazam 4 (RH)
2x Palkia G
1x Rare Candy
RE: Update (7/9/10) (Looking for a Uxie Lv X. Willing to trade alot for it.

About our trade:

when did you send? i still havent received
RE: Update (7/9/10) (Looking for a Uxie Lv X. (Willing to trade alot for it) also looking for a Floatzel GL Lv X

80baby - Would you do this...

2x Ninetails HGSS
1x Raichu HGSS
2x Alakazam 4 (RH)
1x Rare Candy

2x Metagross UL
1x Floatzel GL RR
2x Pokemon Communication
1x Interviewer's Questions (RH)
1x Broken Time Space (RH)
RE: Update (7/9/10) (Looking for a Uxie Lv X. (Willing to trade alot for it) also looking for a Floatzel GL Lv X

actually I dont think I really need the donphan. thanks though.
RE: Update (7/9/10) (Looking for a Uxie Lv X. (Willing to trade alot for it) also looking for a Floatzel GL Lv X

lol thats good cause for some reason I can't seem to find it lol.
RE: Update (7/9/10) (Looking for a Uxie Lv X. (Willing to trade alot for it) also looking for a Floatzel GL Lv X

the crippler 18 said:
80baby - Would you do this...

2x Ninetails HGSS
1x Raichu HGSS
2x Alakazam 4 (RH)
1x Rare Candy

2x Metagross UL
1x Floatzel GL RR
2x Pokemon Communication
1x Interviewer's Questions (RH)
1x Broken Time Space (RH)

How about this deal

2x Ninetails HGSS
1x Donphan (PRIME)
1x Rare Candy

3x Metagross UL
1x Floatzel GL RR
1x Interviewer's Questions (RH)
1x BTS

Feel free to counter.

Sorry but the communications have been traded already, but is there anything else that may interest u my friend.
RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Uxie Lv X. (Willing to trade alot for it) also looking for a Floatzel GL Lv X

What do yu value ur politoad ex at?
RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Uxie Lv X. (Willing to trade alot for it) also looking for a Floatzel GL Lv X

80baby - I don't have the Donphan Prime anymore sorry.

konter_j8902 - I have no idea what its worth and its got a little bend at the bottom left side of the card but its not real bad.

Let Me KNow if your still Interested in it.
RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Uxie Lv X. (Willing to trade alot for it) also looking for a Floatzel GL Lv X

the crippler 18 said:
80baby - I don't have the Donphan Prime anymore sorry.

konter_j8902 - I have no idea what its worth and its got a little bend at the bottom left side of the card but its not real bad.

Let Me KNow if your still Interested in it.

How about this deal

2x Ninetails HGSS

2x Metagross UL

Feel free to counter.
RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Uxie Lv X. (Willing to trade alot for it) also looking for a Floatzel GL Lv X

80baby - I don't have the 2x Ninetails anymore sorry.
RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Uxie Lv X. (Willing to trade alot for it) also looking for a Floatzel GL Lv X

the crippler 18 said:
80baby - I don't have the 2x Ninetails anymore sorry.

Well can u CML for the following

2x Nidoqueen (RR)
1x Infernape 4 (RH)
2x Palkia G
1x Absol G X
1x Drapion X
RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Uxie Lv X. (Willing to trade alot for it) also looking for a Floatzel GL Lv X

What does the Darkari & Cresselia Deck Boxes look like?

I'm also Interested in the Regigigias Deck Box, a Garchomp C Lv X, 2x Rare Candy UL, 1 Energy Gain English, 4x Power Spray, 2x RH Broken Time Space, & the Time Space Distortion.

Let Me Know if we can work something out for these Items & Cards.
RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Uxie Lv X. (Willing to trade alot for it) also looking for a Floatzel GL Lv X

6x Basic Dark - 2007 Leauge Promos
Turtwig RH PL
Turtwig RH MD
Plus any/all other Turtwigs you have. I really like RH, Promo, Holo, and Stamped ones.

For my Floatzel GL Lv.X. (If you have enough Turtwigs. There are some Turtwigs I especially want on my list.)
RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Uxie Lv X. (Willing to trade alot for it) also looking for a Floatzel GL Lv X

I just made a deal for a Floatzel GL Lv X and I forgot to change my Thread Title.

However I'm Interested in your...

1x Garchomp C Lv X
1x Shiny Vulpix

Let Me Know if we can work something out.
RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Uxie Lv X. (Willing to trade alot for it) also looking for a Floatzel GL Lv X

the crippler 18 said:
What does the Darkari & Cresselia Deck Boxes look like?

I'm also Interested in the Regigigias Deck Box, a Garchomp C Lv X, 2x Rare Candy UL, 1 Energy Gain English, 4x Power Spray, 2x RH Broken Time Space, & the Time Space Distortion.

Let Me Know if we can work something out for these Items & Cards.

How about this

1x E-Gain($2.99)
2x Rare Candy ($3.99/=6.97)
4x Power Spray($2.99 each/=$12.97)

1x Absol G X($5-7)
1x Drapion X($8)

Feel free to counter
RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Uxie Lv X. (Willing to trade alot for it) also looking for an Ultra Ball Playmat

CML for
6x Basic Dark - 2007 Leauge Promos
Hitmonchan EX - Ruby & Sapphire
Do you have any sleeves for trade.
RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Uxie Lv X. (Willing to trade alot for it) also looking for an Ultra Ball Playmat

ace310j - I'll tell you the same thing I told you on Pokegym... I'm only Interested in your Kingdra Prime and if you have alrdy traded it then I really don't see anything else on your list unless you have any of my Wants.

80baby - is there anything else you want from me cause I would like to try and get your Garchomp C Lv X and the Regigigias Deck Box along with the cards you want to trade me for the 2 Lv X's.
RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Uxie Lv X. (Willing to trade alot for it) also looking for an Ultra Ball Playmat

Rated RKO Bump (2)
RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Uxie Lv X. (Willing to trade alot for it) also looking for a Floatzel GL Lv X

the crippler 18 said:
I just made a deal for a Floatzel GL Lv X and I forgot to change my Thread Title.

However I'm Interested in your...

1x Garchomp C Lv X
1x Shiny Vulpix

Let Me Know if we can work something out.

Please LMK how many Turtwigs you have off of my "Special Turtwig Wants" list, how many normal Turtwigs you have, and how many things you can upgrade from my "Upgrade only" list. Thanks.
RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Uxie Lv X. (Willing to trade alot for it) also looking for an Ultra Ball Playmat

The Only Turtwig's I have are the 2 RH from MD & PL. I have the 6x Basic Dark Holo Energies and a Holo Basic Steel Energy from POP if you still need em.

Only thing I need from you now is the Shiny Vulpix.