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(7/5/2011) Huge Update with Black & White Cards!!!

RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Uxie Lv X. (Willing to trade alot for it) also looking for an Ultra Ball Playmat

the crippler 18 said:
Would you do the 2 Rare Candies for the Lugia EX?

can i think about it
RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Uxie Lv X. (Willing to trade alot for it) also looking for an Ultra Ball Playmat

the crippler 18 said:

thats indeflantly a great deal but im gonna have to turn it down since the card is not a hundred percent mint sorry . But thanks for the Great Offer!
RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Uxie Lv X. (Willing to trade alot for it) also looking for an Ultra Ball Playmat

ok thx anyways.
RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Uxie Lv X. (Willing to trade alot for it) also looking for 2x Blaziken FB's

Bump Handle Slam (1)
RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Uxie Lv X. (Willing to trade alot for it) also looking for 2x Blaziken FB's

what are you looking to get for absol g x
RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Uxie Lv X. (Willing to trade alot for it) also looking for an Ultra Ball Playmat

the crippler 18 said:
All I really need from you is the Charizard AR and the Kingdra Prime.

I dont have the charizard anymore. And both of those are to hih for just the absol G X and absol G.
RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Uxie Lv X. (Willing to trade alot for it) also looking for 2x Blaziken FB's

What do you value yourpokemon ex's at? I have a platinum for trade.

Will you do your lugia ex for my pokemon platinum.
RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Uxie Lv X. (Willing to trade alot for it) also looking for 2x Blaziken FB's

konter_j8902 - Sure I can do that. I'll PM you with the Details.

I'm also Interested in your Fire & Grass Holo Emerald Energies as well as your 2x Judge (1x RH) and a couple of Rare Candies.

Let Me Know if we can work something out.
RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Ultra Ball Playmat (Sealed) and a Kingdra Prime)

RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Ultra Ball Playmat (Sealed), 4x Call Energy, and a Kingdra Prime)

only thing I want from you is your Kingdra Prime and since you won't trade it for the Absol G Lv X is there anything else I can throw in to even out the trade?
RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Ultra Ball Playmat (Sealed), 4x Call Energy, and a Kingdra Prime)

the crippler 18 said:
only thing I want from you is your Kingdra Prime and since you won't trade it for the Absol G Lv X is there anything else I can throw in to even out the trade?

What sleeves do you have and Im interested in a lot of your EXs.
RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Ultra Ball Playmat (Sealed), 4x Call Energy, and a Kingdra Prime)

Wait you have this card;

And its the pack version? Not that crappy worlds promo thing?
Sorry, I need to be VERY specific. I've been burned before...
I dont suppose you could get a pic of it for me?

I have Kingdra Prime and Spiritomb up for trade.
RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Ultra Ball Playmat (Sealed), 4x Call Energy, and a Kingdra Prime)

Can you CML for Absol G X, Dorapion X, and any/all SF Dorapions you have? LMK, thanks.
RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Ultra Ball Playmat (Sealed), 4x Call Energy, and a Kingdra Prime)

Hey, I like the Palkia G Lvl. X. Hit up my list bro!
RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Ultra Ball Playmat (Sealed), 4x Call Energy, and a Kingdra Prime)

HaunterX6 - I didn't really see anything sorry.

Ryu Hayabusa - Here's a list of the Cards I would like to try and get from ya...

1x Jumpluff HGSS RH
1x Giratina Let Loose
1x Crobat G RH
1x Machamp SF
1x Charizard AR RH
1x Garchomp C
1x Flygon RR
1x Call Energy
5x Pokemon Collector
Prof. Oaks Visit RH
2x Pokemon Communication
4x Energy Gain
Rare Candy UL (2RH)
Judge (2RH)
Poke turn (RH)

Let Me Know if we can work something out. I also have a Glaceon Lv X I can trade to ya along with the Palkia G Lv X.
RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Ultra Ball Playmat (Sealed), 4x Call Energy, and a Kingdra Prime)

the crippler 18 said:
HaunterX6 - I didn't really see anything sorry.

Ryu Hayabusa - Here's a list of the Cards I would like to try and get from ya...

1x Jumpluff HGSS RH
1x Giratina Let Loose
1x Crobat G RH
1x Machamp SF
1x Charizard AR RH
1x Garchomp C
1x Flygon RR
1x Call Energy
5x Pokemon Collector
Prof. Oaks Visit RH
2x Pokemon Communication
4x Energy Gain
Rare Candy UL (2RH)
Judge (2RH)
Poke turn (RH)

Let Me Know if we can work something out. I also have a Glaceon Lv X I can trade to ya along with the Palkia G Lv X.

Alright, so here is the deal, some of those cards I MIGHT be trading to a guy, however, he was offering a Glaceon X too, but he wasn't so willing as you are. So,

1x Giratina Let Loose
1x Crobat G RH
1x Machamp SF
1x Charizard AR RH
1x Garchomp C
1x Flygon RR
Rare Candy UL (2RH)
Judge (2RH)
Prof. Oaks Visit RH

I can offer this stuff for sure. I looked up the pricing for the Palkia G X and Glaceon X, and this stuff seems valued more than the two cards alone. If you are not satisfied, LMK and we will work something out.
RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Ultra Ball Playmat (Sealed), 4x Call Energy, and a Kingdra Prime)

Ryu Hayabusa - I'll give you an offer for the cards later tonight or tomorrow morning and then we can go from there.
RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Ultra Ball Playmat (Sealed), 4x Call Energy, and a Kingdra Prime)

cml for absol g x
6x Basic Dark - 2007 Leauge Promos
RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Ultra Ball Playmat (Sealed), 4x Call Energy, and a Kingdra Prime)

How many holo dark energy would you give me for a rare candy? I have pop promo, GE, and UL.