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(7/5/2011) Huge Update with Black & White Cards!!!

RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Ultra Ball Playmat (Sealed), 4x Call Energy, and a Kingdra Prime)

shadoworganoid said:
Wait you have this card;

And its the pack version? Not that crappy worlds promo thing?
Sorry, I need to be VERY specific. I've been burned before...
I don't suppose you could get a pic of it for me?

I have Kingdra Prime and Spiritomb up for trade. Along with other cards.

RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Ultra Ball Playmat (Sealed), 4x Call Energy, and a Kingdra Prime)

Ok, LMK.
RE: Update (7/17/10) (Looking for a Ultra Ball Playmat (Sealed), 4x Call Energy, and a Kingdra Prime)

Azelf Master - all I saw from your list are 2x Pokemon Collector's and 1x Garchomp C.

goldenthumb - I can also use your 1x Machamp SF, 1x Azelf LA, 4x Cyrus Conspiracy, 4x Poke Turn, 4x Energy Gain, 4x Power Spray, 2x Expert Belt. Feel Free to CML for more cards you want & Let Me Know if we can work something out.

shadoworganoid - I alrdy traded the Lugia EX sorry and yes it looked like that and was Pack Version.

Ryu Hayabusa - Heres the cards I need the most from you...

1x Giratina Let Loose
1x Machamp SF
1x Garchomp C
1x Call Energy
2x Pokemon Collector
2x Pokemon Communication
2x Energy Gain
Rare Candy UL (2RH)
2x Judge
RE: Update (7/31/10) (Looking for 4x Call Energy)

And trading all those cards to you would trade me the Palkia and Glaceon?
RE: Update (7/31/10) (Looking for 4x Call Energy)

I don't have the Glaceon Lv X anymore so if ya wanna take another look at my List to find something else feel free to do so... or I can just trade ya the Palkia G Lv X.

Let Me Know what ya wanna do.
RE: Update (7/31/10) (Looking for 4x Call Energy)

Would you do this

Pokemon Ruby (value at 25$)

Sceptile SF (RH) ($1)
x4 Holo Basic Dark ($4)

PM me if this is good :)
RE: Update (7/31/10) (Looking for Pokemon Sapphire & Emerald GBA Games... Must both Work & Save)

Would you do my Spritomb AR for your Kingdra ex (Dragon Frontiers)???

Both tomb and kingdra are worth about 10 dollars...
RE: Update (7/31/10) (Looking for Pokemon Sapphire & Emerald GBA Games... Must both Work & Save)

Sure I can do that. I'll PM you with the Trade Details.
RE: Update (7/31/10) (Looking for Pokemon Sapphire & Emerald GBA Games... Must both Work & Save)

I am already getting the Palkia X. LMK when you get another Glaceon X.
RE: Update (7/31/10) (Looking for Pokemon Sapphire & Emerald GBA Games... Must both Work & Save)

Please CML for
Politoed - Unseen Forces
Blissey - Unseen Forces
Kingdra - Dragon
Kabutops - Sandstorm
Gardevoir - Sandstorm
Blaziken - Crystal Guardians
Crobat - Deoxys
Deoxys - Deoxys (Attack Form)
Crawdaunt - Holon Phantoms
Kyogre - Legend Maker
Rocket's Persian - Unseen Forces
Magcargo - Dragon
Delcatty - Crystal Guardians
RE: Update (7/31/10) (Looking for Pokemon Sapphire & Emerald GBA Games... Must both Work & Save)

eevee - I'm Interested in these Cards...

Victory Medal 2007 Fall
Metagross Unleashed
Rare Candy x2 Unleashed
Double Coloress Energy HGSS
Spiritomb AR
Luxray GL RR
Giratina (Let Loose) PT
Combusken x2(1 RH) PT
ALPH Lithograph TWO
RE: Update (7/31/10) (Looking for Pokemon Sapphire & Emerald GBA Games... Must both Work & Save)

How much do you value your EXs at?
RE: Update (7/31/10) (Looking for Pokemon Sapphire & Emerald GBA Games... Must both Work & Save)

to tell ya the truth I have no idea what they value at or what I value them at lol.

I'll get back to you on that after awhile and let ya know.
RE: Update (7/31/10) (Looking for Pokemon Sapphire & Emerald GBA Games... Must both Work & Save)

Okay. While you find out, here is my first offer:
Kingdra - Dragon
Kabutops - Sandstorm
Gardevoir - Sandstorm
Rocket's Persian - Unseen Forces
Magcargo - Dragon
Crawdaunt - Holon Phantoms
Victory Medal 2007 Fall
Metagross Unleashed
Rare Candy x2 Unleashed
Giratina (Let Loose) PT
Combusken x2(1 RH) PT
RE: Update (7/31/10) (Looking for Pokemon Sapphire & Emerald GBA Games... Must both Work & Save)

Pokemon Sapphire

Politoed - Unseen Forces
Blissey - Unseen Forces
Kingdra - Dragon
Kabutops - Sandstorm
Sceptile - Crystal Guardians
Crobat - Deoxys
Hitmonchan - Ruby & Sapphire

RE: Update (7/31/10) (Looking for Pokemon Sapphire & Emerald GBA Games... Must both Work & Save)

eevee - how about those cards for my EX's minus the Kingdra from Dragon cause I no longer have it anymore. Making the New Offer this...

Kabutops - Sandstorm
Gardevoir - Sandstorm
Rocket's Persian - Unseen Forces
Magcargo - Dragon
Crawdaunt - Holon Phantoms

Victory Medal 2007 Fall (Wants Most)
Spiritomb AR (Wants Most)
Rare Candy x2 Unleashed
Giratina (Let Loose) PT

Let Me Know or Counter.

DJ Hype Vibes - how about those EX's minus the Kabutops & Kingdra cause I no longer have the Kingdra and the Kabutops might be going to eevee. Making this the New Offer...

Politoed - Unseen Forces
Blissey - Unseen Forces
Sceptile - Crystal Guardians
Crobat - Deoxys
Hitmonchan - Ruby & Sapphire

Pokemon Sapphire GBA Game... and does it both Work and Save?

Also I'm Interested in your... Victory Medal Spring 08-09 & a Kingdra Prime. Let Me Know if theres anything else I can throw in to get you to add these to the Current Deal.
RE: Update (7/31/10) (Looking for Pokemon Sapphire & Emerald GBA Games... Must both Work & Save)

I do not have the spiritomb anymore. I thought I took it off the list.