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(7/5/2011) Huge Update with Black & White Cards!!!

RE: Update (8/4/10) (Looking for some DS & GBA Games: Look at my Wants to see which Games)

the crippler 18 said:
DJ Hype Vibes - Sad to say no on the Crobat EX has a couple of small bends and the other EXs are about 95% Mint because I have played with these EX's back in the day lol.

ace310j - which EX's did ya want?

Magcargo - Dragon
RE: Update (8/4/10) (Looking for some DS & GBA Games: Look at my Wants to see which Games)

I reaaly don't want to. Is there any other EX I can throw in to replace the Crobat?

Sure ace310j. I'll PM you with the Trade Details.
RE: Update (8/4/10) (Looking for some DS & GBA Games: Look at my Wants to see which Games)

Kabutops EX - Sandstorm
Gardevoir EX - Sandstorm
Rocket's Persian EX - Unseen Forces
Magcargo EX - Dragon
Crawdaunt EX - Holon Phantoms

Victory Medal 2007 Fall (Wants Most)
Metagross UL
Rare Candy x2 Unleashed
Giratina (Let Loose) PT
RE: Update (8/4/10) (Looking for some DS & GBA Games: Look at my Wants to see which Games)

the crippler 18 said:
ace310j - Would you do this...

Gengar Lv X
Absol G Lv X
2 EX's from the list you wanted
Vaporeon RR
Flygon RR
Nidoqueen x1 RR

Pokemon Emerald GBA
Pokemon Sapphire GBA
Infernape 4 Lv X
Entei & Raikou Legend Top

Feel Free to Counter this Offer and really sorry for being too much trouble lol.

goldenthumb - Would you do this Instead...

8x Holo Energies

1x Machamp SF
rare candy
energy gain
power spray
Cyrus Conspiracy
Poke Turn

Feel Free to CML again to see if theres anything else I can add in.

I think im guna have to bail on getting those energy since we both value them WAY differently, but I do need 2 palkia G.

How about Your:
2 Pakia G

for my:
power spray
rare candy
energy gain
power spray
Energy gain
Cyrus conspiracy
power spray

Sorry, but I need the machamp more than the palkia.
RE: Update (8/4/10) (Looking for some DS & GBA Games: Look at my Wants to see which Games)

eevee - I might be getting rid of the Kabutops EX and the Magcargo EX alrdy got traded. Was there any other EX's you were wanting from my List?

Goldenthumb - I really don't wanna get rid of the 2x Palkia G's without getting rid of the Lv X as well.
RE: Update (8/4/10) (Looking for some DS & GBA Games: Look at my Wants to see which Games)

the crippler 18 said:
eevee - I might be getting rid of the Kabutops EX and the Magcargo EX alrdy got traded. Was there any other EX's you were wanting from my List?

Goldenthumb - I really don't wanna get rid of the 2x Palkia G's without getting rid of the Lv X as well.

LOL, you should be a car salesman! I guess, but you didnt have the palkia G lv. X listed.

I can offer:
2 rare candy
1 communication
1 poketurn

for Palkia G lv. X.....they dont really go for much nowadays.
RE: Update (8/4/10) (Looking for some DS & GBA Games: Look at my Wants to see which Games)

Gardevoir EX - Sandstorm
Rocket's Persian EX - Unseen Forces
Crawdaunt EX - Holon Phantoms
Kingdra EX- Dragon
Blaziken EX- Crystal Guardians
Delcatty EX- Crystal Guardians

Victory Medal 2007 Fall (Wants Most)
Metagross UL
Rare Candy x2 Unleashed
Giratina (Let Loose) PT
RE: Update (8/4/10) (Looking for some DS & GBA Games: Look at my Wants to see which Games)

CML for the following


1x Electric - Power Keepers
1x Psychic - Power Keepers
6x Basic Dark - 2007 Leauge Promos
RE: Update (8/4/10) (Looking for some DS & GBA Games: Look at my Wants to see which Games)

Goldenthumb - I had it listed last night and I probably deleted it by accident lol. I'm gonna have to pass on your offer as I really needed the Machamp SF as well in the Deal.

eevee - Would you throw in a DCE and a couple of Charmeleon AR?
RE: Update (8/4/10) (Looking for some DS & GBA Games: Look at my Wants to see which Games)

RE: Update (8/4/10) (Looking for some DS & GBA Games: Look at my Wants to see which Games)

I can throw in a couple of Charmeleon AR. I just decked my DCE.
RE: Update (8/4/10) (Looking for some DS & GBA Games: Look at my Wants to see which Games)

I really dont't need any other EX's from your list...did you get any more Crystals/Shinings/Gold Star cards?
RE: Update (8/4/10) (Looking for some DS & GBA Games: Look at my Wants to see which Games)

80baby - I'm Interested in these...

1x Entei/Raikou Legend (TOP)
1x Entei/Raikou Legend (BOTTOM)
1x Broken Time Space
3x DCE

Feel Free to CML again to see if theres anything else I can throw in.

DJ Hype Vibes - I don't have any Shining/Star/ or Crystals. Let Me Know if we can work something out.

eevee - could you try and get a couple of DCE and throw them into the Offer?
RE: Update (8/4/10) (Looking for some DS & GBA Games: Look at my Wants to see which Games)

Hey would you trade your Dialga G lvl X for my copy of FF III?
RE: Update (8/4/10) (Looking for some DS & GBA Games: Look at my Wants to see which Games)

do you have any of my other Game Wants cause I also have a Garchomp Lv X MD Unlisted.
RE: Update (8/4/10) (Looking for some DS & GBA Games: Look at my Wants to see which Games)

the crippler 18 said:
do you have any of my other Game Wants cause I also have a Garchomp Lv X MD Unlisted.

No, I don't. That's the only one I have.
RE: Update (8/4/10) (Looking for some DS & GBA Games: Look at my Wants to see which Games)

Would you do this instead...

Garchomp Lv X MD

FF3 DS Game
RE: Update (8/4/10) (Looking for some DS & GBA Games: Look at my Wants to see which Games)

the crippler 18 said:
Would you do this instead...

Garchomp Lv X MD

FF3 DS Game

What about My FFIII game plus a rare candy for your Dialga G lvl X? I really need it... lol