I know, my friend told me right after I posted it. I never used Hydreigon, so I forgot it existed ; w ;
Im so sorry. please don't hit me with the fairy stick
Im so sorry. please don't hit me with the fairy stick
GOLIRK for deh win! LolFor me, I want to see a region based on Flying Pokemon where the whole game takes place in an area that relies on flying around at high attitudes. Maybe something that is based on mountains. I also want to see the Bird Type become a new type (since it was planned for Gen 1) and have it separated from Flying type, since flying type is associated with Dragons, undershadowing Bird Pokemon to begin with. Bird Type can keep some of the same type advantages and disadvantages but get rid of the rock weakness, since I never understood that.
I also want soaring to be a thing here as well but allow you to fly on any final evolved Pokemon that can "fly".
The Ice type is always good for conversation.I do recall Mitja having a thread or two about this, so I'm sorry in advance if I repeat any of his suggestions subconsciously.
While I do think the Fairy type was good and a healthy choice for the game, as well as bringing the types to a nice even eighteen, they could also just have easily made Ice immune to Dragon and be done with it. It's true that there should also probably be an improved Ice type chart overall. I think this looks good enough:
2x: Grass, Ground, Flying, Dragon
1/2x: Steel, Fire, Ice
2x: Fighting, Fire, Steel, Water
1/2x: Ice, Ground, Grass
0x: Dragon
As for hail, changes definitely need to be made, too. I think this is an improved chart:
- Damages each Pokémon that is not Ice-type, Fighting-type, or Fire-type (1/16 of max HP).
- Increases Defense of Ice-type Pokémon by 50%
- Activates Forecast, Ice Body, and Snow Cloak, as well as new Abilities equivalent to those for other weather.
- Makes Weather Ball Ice-type; doubles power.
- Halves Solar Beam's power.
- Blizzard always hits (through Protect/Detect).
- Moonlight, Synthesis, Morning Sun heal 25% max HP.