(8) Lots of News [11/7]

For Call of Legends, I hope this set makes up for fail that was HS Triumphant. As this sounds very promising as the shiny may finally be coming.

The Porygon promos are the worst promos that are bundled in a Blister ever. The cards are useless and look bad.

Clash at the Legends sounds interesting.
Wow. A lot of news XD. That is too bad the guy died because those episodes and movies were one of the best ever made and the first 3 movies were just down right awesome. The new cards and sets sound pretty cool and I will try to watch the new episodes soon also. Also I watched the Jewel of Life on Youtube when it came out and it was a good movie. A lot of news good and sad but god called him Early.:(
I live in Australia and we had Jewel of Arceus on DVD months ago.

I'm pleased about the filler set, only thing worrying at the moment is that it is not called HS Clash of Legends.

Strange to only give a 1-1-1 line in those evolution packs though, I guess since they are cheap you can easily by 3 or 4 to give you enough, but still.
WPM, in the update about the evolution packs, you said metagross was from Unleashed. It's actually from Supreme Victors...
^ You live in Australia too? You weren't kidding when you said there was a lot of news. Yeah we had the movie months ago, the interview on how they were made was very interesting i wish we could see a video of them coming up with ideas. It's sad that guy passed away what episodes and movies did he do?
WOW! OMG. I'm amazed at all this news! For Starters, Arceus and the Jewel of Life will finally be released on DVD! 7 stars! I just love all the new TCG products! clash of the legends box, evolution packs, and the HeartGold and SoulSilver collection box! wow, such little time left in the year, and there is still lots of things that will be released before then! I guess we are going to have a filler set in February. One thing I don't get though, since we are getting a filler set in February and it seems that the Zoroark movie won't show until 2011, why did'nt they save Celebi Prime for February's set? Also, it's pretty ironic how the Arceus DVD will be released the day before February set is released. I think I have a pretty good time at when the Zoroark movie will air!
The metagross is from supreme victors, not unleashed.
And I hope they reprint claydol.
And I called the filler set!
The Arceus Movie was yes released some time ago in Australia, (probably only about a month ago tho) I recently brought it for $13.00, 3 days ago. =D
With this new filler set, and the possible advent of Lost World, the game will take a huge turn. Change is good.
i agree. the delay of the release allowed SP players some extended play, but now, when they release lost world, great change will come.
much needed change imo
well, im sure sp will still be played even with lost world out.
ull have to wait till rotations to fully get rid of Sp
Actually the SP 'domination' would be over this year. As for Lost World. If it comes out I garuntee this same scenario will be occurring again by Fall of next year (if not sooner) until it gets banned.
O...M...G! The Porygons are being printed here! YES!!!11!!1!!! Wow. Can I tell you guys how happy I am right now? 'Cause I'm pretty happy.

As for the next set, I guess I was right. Too big of a gap for there not to be a filler set. Can't wait to see what we get! (Bet you a buck Lost World gets printed.;))
@ Mew
With RR-on format, how would SP not still be around?
@ Ogeray
I see SP being plyed less because of it though
Why would the card get banned? It actually takes time and set-up for it to actually be effective. I think it'll be a great addition to the game and definitely add a challenge to better the game as a whole.
I'm betting that the Japanese Shiny Legendary cards (Lugia, Ho-oh, Deoxys, etc.) will be in the Call of Legends set, and if they are, then I'm gonna be buying so many freaking packs of that :3

Also: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.benzaentertainment.nl%2Findex.php%3Ftarget%3Dproducts%26product_id%3D8041

According to that, there will be new Pokemon Prime, which means that maybe Nintendo International will make their own cards that Nintendo Japan never made, similar to what Wizards did with Dark Raichu :3