The problem with stopping obesity is getting rid of the fast food culture. The very 1st thing which must be done here is getting rid of the free toys. Those free toys are just a way of getting more kids to fast food chains, and more regularly. These kids grow up and are used to fast food now, and possibly even take their kids to the fast food chain as well, and the vicious circle continues.
Banning the bundling of toys with food would drastically lower the income of Fast Food chains in the longer run, which would force them to increase their prices, and so on. Seriously, think about it.
Also, banning fast food adds and stuff would also help.
Banning the bundling of toys with food would drastically lower the income of Fast Food chains in the longer run, which would force them to increase their prices, and so on. Seriously, think about it.
Also, banning fast food adds and stuff would also help.