A /facepalm at the deck garage in general.


He's baaaaaaack.
Well, obviously nobody learned from the last person who did this, if there was one.
I really don't understand why I posted my skittles deck on here. This is the second or third time I've tried to post a deck and got nothing but:

"Good deck!!1one"
"+2-2 claydol"
"Needs draw"
"o hai guise wats goin on in heer? O BTW 2-2 CLAYDOL"

I'm so fed up. Honestly, I love pokebeach. I think a good half or more of the community is great, then the other half is dead/dying because of things like this. I know some people who go to my league will honestly have a discussion about how much they posted last night and how high level they are on pokebeach. It's almost depressing what someone will do in order to "level up" on a forum.

Now, onto the deck garage problem.
Again, there are some people who run rampant just posting "2-2 claydol" at random decks.
Others will randomly change your deck up to their liking, and it doesn't even make sense to the deck's strategy.
Then there's the ones who almost completely change the deck with no other comment.
For example, let's say I posted this:

2-2 Cresselia LV X
4-2-4 Kabutops
3-1-3 Togekiss

[yes I know there would be no point to that deck. this is an example.]

Then they'll post nothing but this:

2-2 Claydol
3-1 Cress LV X
1-0-1 Kabutops
4-4-4 Venusaur

Nothing else.
No strategy.
No comment on why.
Just that.
What am I, the person who took time out of my life to post my deck list, supposed to think of that? How is anyone going to benefit from that?
Except the person who posted that.

Now, please people. Before you post in anyone's thread, think of their deck. Think of the strategy. Don't run around going
Please. Every thread I see that doesnt have 2-2 claydol in it instantly gets spammed with that.
Also, GOOD DECK 10/10 is horrid. If it's so good why am I asking for help here?

TL;DR version for the 50% of you who won't actually read this and go back to spamming anyways:

And Yes Mods, I do understand that this is begging for a lock. I honestly don't care if this gets locked, people will still see it. And maybe a few of those people will actually read it. And maybe a few of those people, although doubtful, will take it to heart.
dude, i straight feel you!!! Have you ever seen that elekid guy going around just doing exactly what you said? Posting a a remade list with no explanation or anything. Just a list that usualy actualy makes the deck worse. just like you i dont see why people think they have a word into something when they cant back it up. Whenever i post i usualy make long paragraphs like im doing right now. I'm very detailed when i give advice and yet people will still comment after me saying "**blank card** is better" no explanation or anything. I'm a high level player constaly hearing things from scrubs that think theyre good. Theyre just stubborn, they dont want to take your advice because they dont want to except the fact that the ideas they had wernt good. People need to see the difference between a high level player and a scrub
I agree if you want to help fix a deck it is a good idea to post the cards and WHY they would be a good addition to the deck.
Stiffy of DP said:
dude, I straight feel you!! Have you ever seen that elekid guy going around just doing exactly what you said? Posting a a remade list with no explanation or anything. Just a list that usualy actualy makes the deck worse. just like you I don't see why people think they have a word into something when they cant back it up. Whenever I post I usualy make long paragraphs like im doing right now. I'm very detailed when I give advice and yet people will still comment after me saying "**blank card** is better" no explanation or anything. I'm a high level player constaly hearing things from scrubs that think theyre good. Theyre just stubborn, they don't want to take your advice because they don't want to except the fact that the ideas they had wernt good. People need to see the difference between a high level player and a scrub

You sir...
From the second sentence to the end...
You win this thread.
You also win 1000 internets. Congratulations.
oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to say no homo on the first sentence. Just for posting this thread I'll try and help with threads you post from now. Just out of respect and having the pokeballs to spam the deck garage to get a point out. I know alot of people wont listen to it, only really the people that already felt the same. And thanks for giving me 1000 internets when there is only 1. It makes me feel great
Too many people who don't know jack about the game and try to make up for it by posting crap. Its that simple, sadly.
many people try to make everybody use the same deck ideas wich is usally the PLOX deck so many can count on playing a PLOX deck (i run plox but i refuse to have craydol furret is better)
Lou Cypher said:
Too many people who don't know jack about the game and try to make up for it by posting crud. Its that simple, sadly.

This is very, very true.
Lou Cypher you rawk :D
Now I agree that most decks do need Claydol (Stage 2 decks), but when people go posting that on a T2 Banette or something, that gets annoying. I see where you are comming from on this...
How about adding to the list of complaints: PLOX/GG deck lists get like 100's of posts, other meta decks get a good number, nonmeta decks are lucky to get more than 5. That really ticks me off, it seems like all everyone knows is GG just becasue everyone plays GG, no one posts on other decks. This isn't the whole problem, of course, since most of the good ppl don't post on a lot of rouge decks, it seems. The only person Ive had post on my deck lists who was at least medium level is that Elekid guy, and I agree with Stiffy about him.

Also to add to the list of overused cards in pointless comments: DRE. every one of my lists has had people saying use DRE when it doesnt fit very well with my strategy, I don't know if it's limited to me or what?
Magnezone LV.X said:
How about adding to the list of complaints: PLOX/GG deck lists get like 100's of posts, other meta decks get a good number, nonmeta decks are lucky to get more than 5. That really ticks me off, it seems like all everyone knows is GG just becasue everyone plays GG, no one posts on other decks.

that's because pokemon tcg is divided into 3 sections: those who are excelent strategists and really can play well and make new decks, those who may make weak decks but at least they tried to come up with something new, and those who just don't create decks and use what just about everyone is using; if that deck is highly played that person will play it, and some of those people actually modify the decks, that's good that's inovating, while in the meanwhile there are people that use the decks just about as they see them on the net

and now another thing: for example, suddely everyone has taken a look at dusknoir d/p and started to use it just because someone said it and everyone followed/COPIED the idea...

I find myself as an unsual player: i cannot afford getting many cards so i never go to tournaments and stuff but i have my own decks created in documents in my computer (of course like everyone i used many known ideas for decks)

and in the end of it, i think this is a thread that will do no good as those 3 sections of players will always exist and we are trying to cause a revolution at the deck garage (at least that's what it seems) with the risk of having his topic locked (who cares anyway :D)
Magnezone LV.X said:
How about adding to the list of complaints: PLOX/GG deck lists get like 100's of posts, other meta decks get a good number, nonmeta decks are lucky to get more than 5. That really ticks me off, it seems like all everyone knows is GG just becasue everyone plays GG, no one posts on other decks. This isn't the whole problem, of course, since most of the good ppl don't post on a lot of rouge decks, it seems. The only person Ive had post on my deck lists who was at least medium level is that Elekid guy, and I agree with Stiffy about him.

Also to add to the list of overused cards in pointless comments: DRE. every one of my lists has had people saying use DRE when it doesnt fit very well with my strategy, I don't know if it's limited to me or what?

Dude, thanks for saying this. Whenever I tried posting about a nice deck I made or a stategy that I need help building upon, I got about 2 replies. Then, I would look at the forum page and see that some Magkiss deck or some GG deck post that is identical to everyother deck out there would have like 50 replies. That always bothered me.
poke_tcg_master said:
Magnezone LV.X said:
How about adding to the list of complaints: PLOX/GG deck lists get like 100's of posts, other meta decks get a good number, nonmeta decks are lucky to get more than 5. That really ticks me off, it seems like all everyone knows is GG just becasue everyone plays GG, no one posts on other decks.

that's because pokemon tcg is divided into 3 sections: those who are excelent strategists and really can play well and make new decks, those who may make weak decks but at least they tried to come up with something new, and those who just don't create decks and use what just about everyone is using; if that deck is highly played that person will play it, and some of those people actually modify the decks, that's good that's inovating, while in the meanwhile there are people that use the decks just about as they see them on the net

and now another thing: for example, suddely everyone has taken a look at dusknoir d/p and started to use it just because someone said it and everyone followed/COPIED the idea...

I find myself as an unsual player: I cannot afford getting many cards so I never go to tournaments and stuff but I have my own decks created in documents in my computer (of course like everyone I used many known ideas for decks)

and in the end of it, I think this is a thread that will do no good as those 3 sections of players will always exist and we are trying to cause a revolution at the deck garage (at least that's what it seems) with the risk of having his topic locked (who cares anyway :D)

That's what I'm really saying, is where are those players? Obviously, the GG'ers are only ever going to be GG'ers, but the rouges and elite players should be posting on more "innovative" decks than GG and Magkiss.

And btw, someone explain to me whats so innovative about changing up GG? I believe the words for that include "tweaking," "fiddling," "modifying," but nothing overly "innovative" about it. Innovative means something new, like combining electrode and Dusknoir,as an example (hmm, what a good idea...I'll do that lol), or something like that.
Still sometimes the reasons for creating a deck that is similar or exactly the same as another is because they don't play all that well and that is understandable My brother likes to play but isn't all that good at reading the situations or building extremely good rouge decks (I believe his latest was Kiss Swamp and Tang) so when a tournement comes around he asks me if I have enough spare cards to build him a decent deck so I'll build him something like a T2 Banette. Even though he'll have a good deck that still doesn't make him do too much better than 3-3. so what is so wrong with someone copying a deck if they want to do better. And they all fall nicely into a ranking order that i have.

1. These are the people who go to Nats Top Cut and go to worlds. Sadly though they don't spend a whole lot of time on the beach and they are the ones who will flock to a meta game deck and tell the other person what their deck is but not really do to much more.
2. These people also do well in tournaments and go pretty far sometimes to worlds. They try different decks but in the end they have to stick with the meta game because those decks work.
3. These are the skilled players who make rouge decks and such. This is the largest part of the pokebeach population. They don't always do well or even top cut but at least they try. These people are also the ones most responsable for the "tweak ups" that they make to a meta game deck.
4. These are the people who have the money and the cards they make their good meta game decks but their problem is that they are not all that good at reading situations and being creative as mentioned above my brother is one of those.
5. Here is all of the people with the rouge decks who don't do all that well. At the beggining of this season I was down here playing things like Gorebyss swarm and Jumpluff swarm. These are the people who go around changing decks to their pleasing even though it isn't even helpful.
6. Then there were noobs. I mean that in the nicest way possible but your noobs and you know who you are. Anyone who has ever played Grotle Weavile Lucario (not kidding I have seen it before) is by definition playing a noob deck.

This doesn't mean that if you play a bad deck you are a noob. The next time that you see a starter deck traiumph over a G&G don't think that they just got lucky think that is was a 1 with a 6 deck playing against a 4. Thank you for reading if you actually bothered.
The reason why gg/PLOX decks get the most post, is becasue you need to face the fact that its the best deck around before rotation.
That doesn't give it the right to get the most posts also the only reason that G&g got so many top cuts is because it was about 50 percent of what was being played
The deck garage really is in terrible shape. There's to many people that post spam like previously mentioned. Now I'm not sure if I'm totally agreeing with "archetypes should get less help then other decks" but if you see some deck thread with 0 posts and another thread with 10+ posts, which one do you think you should go help? Something needs to be done, the best thing that could happen would be to have a mod. that is actually active in the deck garage to crack down on the massive amounts of spammers.