BW/BW2 A legendary Pokemon in Challenger's Cave?!

I highly doubt that for two reasons. One, most people believe Kyurem is the remnants of the original dragon and he crashed in giant chasm. So what does that have to do with challenger's cave? And two, who would kyurem be training, or who would be training kyurem? Arceus? Unlikely.
OMG! When you go in Mistralton Cave, you go to the lower level, which is Challenger's Cave! Read the heading wen you walk in!
Trainer of Shadows said:
Maybe you should go check in game, Cobalion appears in Mistralton Cave, not Challenger's Cave.
Dustin said:
OMG! When you go in Mistralton Cave, you go to the lower level, which is Challenger's Cave! Read the heading wen you walk in!

You obviously didn't check that before you posted, otherwise you would have known that it says "Guidance Chamber" not Challanger's Cave and that you can't get into Challanger's Cave from Mistralton Cave.
im actuly thinking that genosect is in chalengers cave.... cuz we don't know its story at all besides its dex entry which states that team plazma modifided it...
Actually, we do know Genosect's event pretty much. You get Genosect in the event itself to my knowledge, and there is a scientist in the P2 labratory from team plasma who tells you he modified it and he gives you the items to change techno blaster's type if you beat him. Nothing to do with challenger's cave.
I think it's Genosect :3

I take that back. Genesect has to do with Team Plasma. It's probably Meoletta.
Lugia ex said:
Who knows. Possibly when the event gets released they could reveal more to Meoletta's story...

Um, people have already hacked to get the event Meoletta. That's how we know its story (its how we know Genosect and Keldio's story too)
Dark Void said:
Actually, we do know Genosect's event pretty much. You get Genosect in the event itself to my knowledge, and there is a scientist in the P2 labratory from team plasma who tells you he modified it and he gives you the items to change techno blaster's type if you beat him. Nothing to do with challenger's cave.

It has only been revealed that you take Genesect to the P2 Lab, nobody knows how you actually obtain Genesect, or the other event Legendaries...
Dark Void said:
Um, people have already hacked to get the event Meoletta. That's how we know its story (its how we know Genosect and Keldio's story too)

They can easily expand upon the backstories with the third version, though, as they did with Darkrai, Shaymin and Arceus in Platinum.
FireMeowth said:
They can easily expand upon the backstories with the third version, though, as they did with Darkrai, Shaymin and Arceus in Platinum.

Um, correct me if I'm wrong, but the only difference between those event pokemon in platinum and them in d/p is Shaymin got another new story at all. Besides, you guys are missing the point. A legendary was supposed to be training it's student pokemon. Genosect was revived from a fossil by Team Plasma, how could it teach something or be taught by another legendary? And, who would Meoletta teach? Chatot? That seems very unlikely. I believe we know from the event that Kedleo was rescued, trained, and seperated from the other Musketeers all on the Moor of Icarus, so it wouldn't have been trained in Challenger's Cave.
Dark Void said:
Um, correct me if I'm wrong,
I'll do just that, then. For Arceus, a Hiker was added to the Oreburgh Mine and Canalave Library, along with a new book in said library, which all expanded on the backstory of Arceus.
For Darkrai, they added some text that... really didn't add much except mystery, I suppose, but still...
For Shaymin, they didn't really add any backstory, either - nor did it need any more - but Marley was made a part of the Shaymin event, so there's that, at least.

Besides, you guys are missing the point. A legendary was supposed to be training it's student pokemon. Genosect was revived from a fossil by Team Plasma, how could it teach something or be taught by another legendary? And, who would Meoletta teach? Chatot? That seems very unlikely. I believe we know from the event that Kedleo was rescued, trained, and seperated from the other Musketeers all on the Moor of Icarus, so it wouldn't have been trained in Challenger's Cave.

From what I've heard of the Keldeo event, the only part that takes place on the Moor of Iccirus is the final training that gives Keldeo the special move (and possibly it being the spot where they first found Keldeo, but I'm not too sure about that one). They don't really say anything about where the trio raised Keldeo, so it could very well be in the Challenger's Cave.
I agree that the others don't fit at all, though. :B
I just rewatched the Keldeo event. What the old man says is "Long ago, when a war between people started an intense fire in this forest, a single young Pokemon was seperated from its parents. Cobalion, Terrakion, and Virizion teamed up to take care of this Pokemon. The three acted as its parents and taught it the knowledge and moves it needed to survive...The young Pokemon grew rapidly, and developed a power that supassed its three caretakers. However... One day, that Pokemon disappeared from the forest. No one knows why. But when I think about it... Young ones are always reckless and drawn to adventure... It looks like they are all happy to see each other again! I wonder if these three are trying to teach Keldeo something?" And then they teach Keldeo Sacred Sword. The story seems to imply that Kedleo had never left the forest until that one time when he wasn't found again.
Back to kyurem. when Pokemon has legendaries. They have almost always been in two's or three's. so maybe in gray kyurem's pair will be there.
um, I may be whrong, but it may be like diamond and pearl. In diamond / pearl Giratina was not in the pokedex (from my memories of that game). Kyurem is catchable on black and white, so there may be a new legendary in grey? :x Dark Void, that is a good point, but still. It may be true?
actually, Giratina WAS in D/P. You could catch it post E4 in Turnback Cave. I forgot where the place is specifically, but i know it is somewhere between Pastoria and Hearthome city. You had to go through random rooms looking for 3 pillars, then the next room had Altered-forme Giratina at lv.70. After you catch or beat him, you could get rare items in his spot depending on how many rooms it took you to get there. Also, if you don't find the Giratina room within 30 tries, next room leads you out of the dungeon.

Now listening to:"Bury Me Alive" by We Are The Fallen, from Tear the World Down
oh sorry, I was whrong XD I remember now :x But I think it will be kindof better if they r making a new legendary for grey. Kyurem is kind of.... Boring :S I personally only like its head. But it's their choise and only my opinion. One of the 7 billion people of the world, nothing. :p
maybe they can make an origin form that depicts what he looked like before his body froze over. they did that exact same thing for Giratina, except without the freezing part.

on topic so i am not hunted by mods, it was already revealed that Genesect will be found in the P2 Laboratory, and i highly doubt that Meloetta will be found in a cave. maybe victini will be an in-game legend and be in the Challengers Cave. just a theory.

Now Listening to:"Duality" by Slipknot, from Vol.3: The Subliminal Verses