A Metagame Without DRE

Kingdra LV.52 – Water – HP130
Stage 2 – Evolves from Seadra

[.] Aqua Stream: Choose any number of Water Energy in your discard pile, show them to your opponent, and do 10 damage for each Energy card. Then, return those Energy to your deck and shuffle your deck.
[W] Dragon Pump: 40 damage. You may discard 2 cards from your hand. If you do, this attack does an additional 20 damage and does 20 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon.

Weakness: Lightning (+30)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1
I've been waiting for this. I can't wait til next format. No more DRE, Scramble, CC, all those other cards. I'm not really one to follow other people when it comes to decks (Besides Claydol). And DRE personally has been annoying me. Never really a fan of it. A lot of decks will fall. some decks that I faced rely on it (Empo, G&G), so I'm just waiting to see how those decks will be, and how good players are when they can't use it anymore. Bwahahaha
Everyone is saying that "speed decks will rule", are wrong, IMO.

I'll take Banette as an example, since it is the most popular speed deck at the moment. It did not run DRE, true. So it does not suffer in that effect. But, it did use Cessastion Crystal, Crystal Beach, TV Reporter, Holon Mentor, and Great Ball, all of which will be lost in the next format. Sure, we have Felecities, but you have to discard first. There are other ways as well, but none are as effcient as TVR.

Blissey is not dependant on Boost or Scramble, but it did help. We do have PlusPowers, and Bucks Training to look forward to. When played with Leafeon Lv.X, the loss of Boost and Scramble will be made up for with the energy acceleration. And because Gallade will see less play, Blissey may have another shot into winning itself back into the Metagame.

Mario was great when there was CC and CB lock. And because everyone was either running Inferncatty or Holon's Castform, they had a good shot at just Donking anything T1. Mario will not have a shot at the metagame, IMO. True, we gain Machamp Lv.X, but we also have Cess and Beach out of the picture, two cards that could really mess your opponent up.

Honchkrow, who abused DRE like no tomarow, will probably see less play with the rotation. DRE made Murkrows be able to DWF by T2, and Cess messed up a lot of decks. Not to mention that it had good hand disruption capabilities. But, now that we have Claydol, most decks can live with Honchkrow's disruption.

PLOX will probably see less play, because Psy Locking is the main focus of the deck. And with Three Energies for each Psy Lock, PLOX losses a lot of speed. True, Gardevoir Lv.X needs only two energies to attack, and so does Gallade. But thouse aren't the main powers of the cards. Psychic Cut can be devestating. But because of speed loss, it takes awhile to get both Gardevoir and/or Gallade set up.

GG, on the other hand, has a different stratagy. It is to Sonic Blade a bunch of Pokemon, then bring down everything. These attacks need only 2 energies, meaning that Gallade can Sonic Blade T2. Gardevoir Lv.X can bring down by T2 as well (if you T1 Candy Gardevoir). I'm not sure if this deck will suffer as much as PLOX will. Only time will tell.

Magmorter never ran DRE, Cess, or CB. It was it's weakness that made it go out of style. Glaceon Lv.X was able to KO Magmorter easily, and Hurricane (again, has not seen much play since SW was released) could sweep through Magmorter. PLOX was also able to shut down any Burns that Magmorter Lv.X could inflict, and any support such as Blaizken PK, Delcatty PK, or Typhlosion MT. Both Gardevoir Lv.X and Gallade have high enough HP that by the time that Magmorter had 7 energies on it, it would be KOd. Perhaps with PLOX losing some speed and Stark Mountain (moves around fire energies), Magmorter may make a come back? Heatran Lv.X has perfect synergy with Magmorter Lv.X, but takes at least 3 turns, a Warp Point, and probably some premier ball, to set that up.

Hurricane used DRE effeciently, but when they couldn't use powers, how do they get Water Energy into there hand? This made a very popular deck lose very fast. Not to mention the loss of both Delcatty and Magneton gives Gatr very little options.

Empoleon MD is a card that has burst into the Metagame. It is commonly palyed with Omastar, but sometimes with Gyaradeos. The loss of CC, CB, and DRE don't really effect it. losing scramble might hurt a little, but Empoleon can deal with it. If anything, it may become more popular with the format change.

Inferncatty worked well with DRE, and will miss it. What it misses even more is the Catty in Inferncatty. Finally, Inferncatty falls. But, will rouge Infernapes still prevail even with out the aid of DRE? Some will probably try, but it probably won't work with out DRE. Typhlosion is another option that I like though, and with out Cess running around, works well.

Garchomp never ever Ran DRE. Ever. It doesn't really lose anything with the rotation, except for boost, which was good for a quick 70. But Togekiss is being run with it, so it is fine. Certain techs are lost, such as Flygon EX d, but there are other options, such as Gallade, Gardevoir, Kabutops (perfect synergy), and several others that you could choose. Because Crystal Shard is lost, Garchmop may see even more play with the format change.

Electivire decks got kind of popular, but never really saw the light of dawn. With Gallade running wild, it deminished. But, with Gallade's loss of speed and Empoleon's rise to power, it may see a little play. If Empoleon attaches an energy, E-vire can OHKO it with a Boundary and not even discard. True, E-vire loses a lot with the loss of several great Stadiums and Tools, but that is fine, since Lv.X is more of an added bonus. Will this see more play?
abaxter94 said:
Everyone is saying that "speed decks will rule", are wrong, IMO.

I'll take Banette as an example, since it is the most popular speed deck at the moment. It did not run DRE, true. So it does not suffer in that effect. But, it did use Cessastion Crystal, Crystal Beach, TV Reporter, Holon Mentor, and Great Ball, all of which will be lost in the next format. Sure, we have Felecities, but you have to discard first. There are other ways as well, but none are as effcient as TVR.

1) I don't see why a Banette deck would use CC. Seeing as using Lunatone and Claydol really help this deck. I don't use it and it has been running perfectly without it. No loss there.
2) Crystal Beach, never used it. The purpose was to counter Gallade, who needs a Fighting and Colorless energy. So you bring them down by 1 energy. Not that big of a deal.
3) Felicities will replace T.V reporter.
4) Holon mentor..why use this card? Replace it with Roseannes. Same thing.
5) They're reprinting Great Ball, just so you know.

Everything else you said I agree with. Which backs up my point in saying that a lot of decks and players rely on DRE. And because of DRE, a lot of the same decks are being built. Without it, you'll be seeing different combos, strategies and maybe a few decks to work around. Something I've been waiting to see. Creativity should be the metagame.
Superbad that DRE gets out when Leafeon comes in D:

G&G would probably fall out together with DRE
Welcome the decks I love to play with, "Tha non-cap Pokémons"!

Like Leafeon and Tangrowth, Pokémon like those to.
Sceptile could be alternate to DRE for Grass Pokémon.

The reason I think "Tha non-cap Pokémons" could be a part of the metagame, is they actually don't need DRE to be strong. Especially Leafeon could be better tan DRE because of it's Poké-Power. And Leafeon helps much with "Tha non-cap Pokémons".
abaxter94 said:
Everyone is saying that "speed decks will rule", are wrong, IMO.

I'll take Banette as an example, since it is the most popular speed deck at the moment. It did not run DRE, true. So it does not suffer in that effect. But, it did use Cessastion Crystal, Crystal Beach, TV Reporter, Holon Mentor, and Great Ball, all of which will be lost in the next format. Sure, we have Felecities, but you have to discard first. There are other ways as well, but none are as effcient as TVR. The real loss is Shuppet CG, and you didn't say anything about that.

Blissey is not dependant on Boost or Scramble, but it did help. We do have PlusPowers, and Bucks Training to look forward to. When played with Leafeon Lv.X, the loss of Boost and Scramble will be made up for with the energy acceleration. And because Gallade will see less play, Blissey may have another shot into winning itself back into the Metagame. You know Machamp will probably see more play?

Mario was great when there was CC and CB lock. And because everyone was either running Inferncatty or Holon's Castform, they had a good shot at just Donking anything T1. Mario will not have a shot at the metagame, IMO. True, we gain Machamp Lv.X, but we also have Cess and Beach out of the picture, two cards that could really mess your opponent up. Mario is dead, and it will stay dead. Not to forget, alot of Mario play DRE.

Honchkrow, who abused DRE like no tomarow, will probably see less play with the rotation. DRE made Murkrows be able to DWF by T2, and Cess messed up a lot of decks. Not to mention that it had good hand disruption capabilities. But, now that we have Claydol, most decks can live with Honchkrow's disruption. Good players should be able to play around it.

PLOX will probably see less play, because Psy Locking is the main focus of the deck. And with Three Energies for each Psy Lock, PLOX losses a lot of speed. True, Gardevoir Lv.X needs only two energies to attack, and so does Gallade. But thouse aren't the main powers of the cards. Psychic Cut can be devestating. But because of speed loss, it takes awhile to get both Gardevoir and/or Gallade set up.

GG, on the other hand, has a different stratagy. It is to Sonic Blade a bunch of Pokemon, then bring down everything. These attacks need only 2 energies, meaning that Gallade can Sonic Blade T2. Gardevoir Lv.X can bring down by T2 as well (if you T1 Candy Gardevoir). I'm not sure if this deck will suffer as much as PLOX will. Only time will tell.

Magmorter never ran DRE, Cess, or CB. It was it's weakness that made it go out of style. Glaceon Lv.X was able to KO Magmorter easily, and Hurricane (again, has not seen much play since SW was released) could sweep through Magmorter. PLOX was also able to shut down any Burns that Magmorter Lv.X could inflict, and any support such as Blaizken PK, Delcatty PK, or Typhlosion MT. Both Gardevoir Lv.X and Gallade have high enough HP that by the time that Magmorter had 7 energies on it, it would be KOd. Perhaps with PLOX losing some speed and Stark Mountain (moves around fire energies), Magmorter may make a come back? Heatran Lv.X has perfect synergy with Magmorter Lv.X, but takes at least 3 turns, a Warp Point, and probably some premier ball, to set that up. Some did use Beach, and alot did use DRE. Glaceon X can't OHKO it without Lake Boundary.

Hurricane used DRE effeciently, but when they couldn't use powers, how do they get Water Energy into there hand? This made a very popular deck lose very fast. Not to mention the loss of both Delcatty and Magneton gives Gatr very little options. Some already play it with Claydol, so...

Empoleon MD is a card that has burst into the Metagame. It is commonly palyed with Omastar, but sometimes with Gyaradeos. The loss of CC, CB, and DRE don't really effect it. losing scramble might hurt a little, but Empoleon can deal with it. If anything, it may become more popular with the format change.

Inferncatty worked well with DRE, and will miss it. What it misses even more is the Catty in Inferncatty. Finally, Inferncatty falls. But, will rouge Infernapes still prevail even with out the aid of DRE? Some will probably try, but it probably won't work with out DRE. Typhlosion is another option that I like though, and with out Cess running around, works well. Why are you forgetting Togekiss the whole time?

Garchomp never ever Ran DRE. Ever. It doesn't really lose anything with the rotation, except for boost, which was good for a quick 70. But Togekiss is being run with it, so it is fine. Certain techs are lost, such as Flygon EX d, but there are other options, such as Gallade, Gardevoir, Kabutops (perfect synergy), and several others that you could choose. Because Crystal Shard is lost, Garchmop may see even more play with the format change.

Electivire decks got kind of popular, but never really saw the light of dawn. With Gallade running wild, it deminished. But, with Gallade's loss of speed and Empoleon's rise to power, it may see a little play. If Empoleon attaches an energy, E-vire can OHKO it with a Boundary and not even discard. True, E-vire loses a lot with the loss of several great Stadiums and Tools, but that is fine, since Lv.X is more of an added bonus. Will this see more play? =/. Tell me, how would Electivire OHKO Empoleon with a Boundary if Empoleon attaches an Energy?

i dont think the loss of DRE will affect it too badly, loads of good decks can operate without it. Leafeon Lvl.X can just be played with scaptile GE and Booost so :l
Boost won't be legal. The metagame will be somewhat different. There will still be the main decks that we have now.
It will be abit shocking as i play maggy infernape and if i need that just extra boost to win i always have a DRE so it'll mean more losses
Empoleon attaches an energy, 2 damage counters placed. You can then Giga Impact and not discard energy to KO it. (that is, if you have Boundary in play).
well, kingdra here i come! or some other thing
it'll be alot slower without those t2 dre kills
abaxter94 said:
Empoleon attaches an energy, 2 damage counters placed. You can then Giga Impact and not discard energy to KO it. (that is, if you have Boundary in play).

You didn't said anything about the LV.X, and you still don't.