A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled

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Uxie: "He's a rowdy one."
Chill: "Don't pay mind him. Anyway we need to leave.
This area is meant for isolation. If two
intruders came here than it's unsafe here.
Uxie would you do the honors?"
*Uxie nods*
Chill recalls his Pokemon (except Poochyena) and Gaius is released.
Chill: "See ya later!"
Uxie: "Teleport!"
Grunt 1: "Patrat use Bite on Shelgon!"
Grunt 2: "Patrat use Hypnosis on that Weavile!"
Grunt 3: "Patrat use Work Up!"
Me: "Shadow use Ice Punch, Shelgon you use Dragon Claw and Snivy go for Leaf Storm!"
One Patrat leaps into the air jaws ready to bite Shelgon but is knocked out with Dragon Claw. Shadow easily knocks out the second Patrat with an Ice Punch. The last one gets hit with Leaf Storm and flies into a wall knocking it out.
OoC: Well I guess Chill didn't like my temporary Xatu loan.
In: Joey walks inside to see a bare floor, not an icy one. Blood and bodies are all around with a Froslass in the middle.
"Candice, where are you and are you ok?" *A giant flash spreads over the gym returning it to normal*

Candice: "You think a silly bomb can stop me? Abomasnow stopped the bomb while my lovely Froslass set up the illusion gym. Come on, let's go!"
Joey and Candice then exit the gym and they call everyone to tell them they are alright.
"dusknor take her form and go back out as her."
Duysknor becomes Dawn and goes meets up with the others.

OOC:i will not be posting as Spirit for a while only Dawn.
Plasma Grunt 1: "How did we lose to him?!"
Plasma Grunt 2: "Ugh this is getting rediculous! We shall retreat for now!."
Plasma Grunt 3: "You may have won this time but your friends are in much bigger trouble."
The three grunts run off droping something as they escape.
Me: "A Pokeball? Wonder who this belongs to?"
Tyler picks up the Pokeball and exits Mt. Coronet to Route 211. At that moment a blonde haired girl comes rushing up to him.
?: "Hi have you seen three guys in knight suits with a Pokeball anywhere?"
Me: "As a matter of fact I just battled them. While they escaped they droped this Pokeball."
?: "Huh! My Musharna's Pokeball!"
The girl takes the Pokeball from Tyler's hand.
Me: "I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that's your Pokeball."
Bianca: "Yep. Oh my name's Bianca by the way. What's yours?"
Me: "Tyler. Nice to meet you Bianca. So uh... did you say that a Musharna was in that Pokeball?"
Bianca: "Yes. It's very special to me and I just can't lose it again."
Bianca stares at Tyler's Snivy for a moment.
Me: "Um... you okay?"
Bianca: "Huh? Oh yeah just fine. It's just that Snivy looks so familiar."
Me: "Okay. So where are you headed?"
Bianca: "Hearthome City. I need to check if a friend of mine is there. Where are you going exactly?"
Me: "Lake Acuity. I have to find a certin Pokemon."
Bianca: "You don't mean Uxie do you?"
Me: "The very same."
Bianca: "I'll go with you. If my friend's not in Hearthome she might just be their."
Me: "Alright the more the merier. C'mon let's get going."
Bianca: "Okay."
Tyler and his new friend Bianca head through Mt. Coronet to Route 216.
"Wow, you are good Candice!" *Everyone returns to Jubilife besides Dawn. All the Sinnoh Leaders have been found, with only minor injuries for the most part. Roark and his father Byron are hospitalized for suffering from utter gym destruction and falling* "Where's Dawn?"
"Here I am sorry I'm late got held up fighting some grunts so what do you want to do next."
"Assuming none of us found any grunts, I'm going to fly with Skyla. You guys do indvidual searches." *Joey jumps on board with his pokemon, including Xatu, then takes off with Skyla*
Route 216
Bianca: "Man it's cold out here."
Me: "Well it snows a lot here in the northern part of Sinnoh."
Bianca: "If I had known that I would have brought a jacket or something."
Me: "Here you can borrow my sisters."
Tyler pulls out a jacket from his bag and gives it to Bianca.
Bianca: "Thanks a lot."
Me: "No problem. Snivy should probably get in it's Pokeball now. K Snivy return for now."
Bianca: "We might need a little bit of heat. Chandelure come out!"
Bianca throws one of her Pokeballs and out comes a chandelire like Pokemon.
Chandelure: "Chandelure."
Me: "Now that's a cool Pokemon. I'd like to have one of those."
The two start to walk with Bianca's Chandelure in between them.
I don't know about you but...

Chill was teleported to Iron Island. He thanked Uxie and went to continue his mission.
"Hey Joey" Mari said to him as he boarded Skyla's plane.
"Is N really behind all these bombings, you think? I've done some research on him and he doesn't seem to be the violent type.."
Chill was focused on one thing, getting all three Regis and awakening Regigigas.

Mlouden..you can come with me...if you want, I guess...
OoC: no idea :p

IC: "Well, yeah, he is obviously odd. But I wouldnt say violent.. What if someone else is behind this? Or just using N like a puppet?"
*Skyla's jet door shuts as the three begin to fly around lazily, thinking everything over*
"What did N look like last?"
"Basically the same, except he had red eyes instead of blue. Personality-wise, he was kinda mean, like that one fellow who was trying to kill Gardenia's Turtwig."
"What if it were Petrel in disguise? Think, who would screw up that tiny detail?"
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