A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled

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OoC: I'm trying to add some depth to the RPG. I was deciding between Isa and Sonya, and Sonya is the only one playing. No offense I_M! ;)
"No its all good he probably had someone else do it any way just keep going like normal I'll tell you if anything comes up peace."Spirit hangs up

"Its done master N."

"good now get on the suit and go spread our message."

Spirit puts on a pure black suit and goes off to spread the word at Jubilife
"Put down your pokemon your making them hurt free them for they are not happy free them you cruel people."Spirit is chanting.
"I'm Mari from Sandgem" he replied. He then turned to the news like Spirit said and was astonished.
"It must be Team Galactic!" he yelled. "Who is N?"

Mari then notices someone chanting about pokemon liberation.
"Spirit? What are you talking about?"
Tyler hears an explosion at Eterna City.
Me: "What was that?!"
Azelf: "Well someone must be explosion happy."
Tyler's Pokegear suddenly goes off alearting him about what happened.
Me: "N. That no good... I'm gonna teach him a lesson he'll never forget. As for my Pokemon. Their not going anywhere."
Tyler starts charging twords Mt. Coronet.
Azelf: "Hey wait for me!"
Spirit arrives at entra city.

"Give up your pokemon your hurting them look at what happens when you make them fight."Spirit points to the gym.
"That was because they had a battle and one of the pokemon about died.Do you want your pokemon to die if not then give them up and set them free!"Spirit chants and everyone else follows suit.
"Take this Mr. N..." *Joey calls all the Sinnoh gym leader women along with Sabrina, Misty, Erika, Roxanne, and Flannery* "Get to Jubilife City now! N is striking Sinnoh!"
OoC: Nope if you read my last post Gardenia fled the gym and gave you your badge.
OOC:Joey the women gym leaders are hurt in sinnoh.

IC:"now set them free."All of Spirit's followers set there pokemon free."good now you will be right in the eyes of god."
Spirit heads back to the elite four.
*10 minutes later, a hoard of women storm into Jublife*
Misty: "We are missing someone... Oh, I know!" *Misty makes a phone call* "May, Dawn, and Iris, get here now!"
"KK!" (Iris) "I'm going to call the Unova ladies."
Mt. Coronet
Me: "Nothing seems to be going on in here."
Azelf: "What about that hole? Their must be something weird about that."
Me: "Your right. Let's go in."
They enter the hole only to be greated by some Plasma Grunts.
Plasma Grunt 1: "Hey what are you doing here?"
Plasma Grunt 2: "Oh no it's him!"
Plasma Grunt 3: "We'll team up on him!"
All Grunts: "Go Patrat!"
Three Patrats emerge from their Pokeballs.
Me: "If it's a fight you want you go it. Shadow, Snivy, Shelgon c'mon out!"
Shelgon: "Shel!"
Shadow: "Wea."
Snivy: "Snivy."
"Blue team come in."Spirit tries to contact the people at the Mt.
"Dang it we lost them good thing we already got the stones from there ant that right n?"

"Yes it is I think someone is coming I'm going back to hiding you take care of them."

"Ladies, we are going to do this. I'll go to Snowpoint City to check on Candice. Misty, Erika, Sabrina, go to Eterna, Hearthome, and Veilstone for the same reasons. Roxanne, Flannery, Liza, and May, I want you to check on the men. Leorna, Elena, Skyla, check on the civilians please. Dawn, go to the Elite Four. Iris, go to the Islands off Canalave."
"Sir yes sir!" *All the women head out*
Look's like I'll have to get the Forest Badge later. :)
Anyway, what's happening? I'm too lazy to read everything.
"Here she comes dusknor grab her and knock her out then bring her into the cave."
Dusknor does that and then waits for more orders.

OOC:Off for the night good night.
"Go ahead Mari. Wonder if sending Dawn to the Elite Four was the right choice?" Joey wondered this while checking on Candice's Gym. Ice shards flew from the gym. YIKES!
"Gah, that looks deadly!" *5 grunts carrying guns run out the door*
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