A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled

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"I know Joey. I havent seen you since the GF(grand festival). How have ya been?. and I've been good, been better, but good."

Glaceon stretches as the two chat.
OOC: Sure. As long as I made it to the finals. ; ) lol

"Yeah so....wait a minute..N? You know who N is...He ...he stopped by?"
OoC: I meant between me and batui XD
In: "I saw him in my Champion's room, which is filled with plush by the way! All the legends and starters.:D"
"He wanted me to make everyone in Hoenn liberate their pokemon. Did you miss my news conference?"
Sonya blankly stares at Joey. Then she thinks to herself.

"so...he really is trying to do it.."

She then shakes her head slightly and looks back up at Joey.

"Ugh yeah..I must have missed it."
Mari, because of the break in action, realized Aipom was no longer on his shoulder. He looked around and noticed him on Sonya's pack, rummaging through it.
"Aipom!" Mari yelled angrily.
He ran over to Sonya and snatched the Aipom as it was chewing on a berry.
"I am so sorry, I will pay you back for that berry. Aipom thinks everything is his for the taking."
"Well, basically, I barely stopped N and he has control of Johto. Tyler told me Unova pokemon are here, so I can assume Plasma is here too." *Joey blankly stares at Sonya*
Is she prettier than usual?
She feels a numb sinsation over her body at the thought of N. When she comes back to reality she notices Joey staring a her..

"Is somthing wrong?"
*Joey snaps straight back into reality* "Sorry, you just look prettier than usual..." *Joey loses himself in her eyes while his subsubsubsubsubconscious is telling him to pay attention for Spirit*
She is completely Oblivious to what joey actually ment.

"So I'm not usually pretty?"

OOC: Im just toying around a little :p
OoC: shampoo-thief, can you just declare me winner of the match? I'm winning 5-2.
In: "No, you are always pretty, you just look prettier all the sudden..."
'' Well i've got to make a few calls but other than that no not really. Why?"

She then begins to figure out what joey's intennsions are.
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