A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled

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Gardenia: "We'll just see about that. Turtwig front and center!"
Turtwig: "Turtwig!"
"Not my fault! :p Rayquaza, return for now. Pikachu, spotlight!" *Pikachu comes forth while Rayquaza retreats* "Pikachu, quickly use Thunderbolt before the protect!" *Joey is confident in Pikachu's speed, especially since Pikachu has a Light Ball.*
Gyarados comes out and starts a Dragon Dance, powering up. Pikachu also comes out at this time, and fires a thunderbolt at the dancing Gyarados. Because it was in the middle of another move, it wasn't able to protect itself and is KO'd.

Joey, light ball only increases Atk & Sp. Atk, not speed :p
OOC:Waiut joey can use ES EQ at same time but I can't use Dragon dance and protect that is dumb batui4 is out of here.
OoC: @Batui: If my memory serves correct, you told Gyarados to DD then Protect, not DD while using Protect.
In: "Go Pikachu! :D"
Gardenia: "Turtwig quick use Bite!"
Turtwig leaps over Ember and clamps onto Houndour's head.
Gardenia: "Excellent now use Grass Knot!"
OOC:HE was using that when joey switched being one turn then came protect.Because in a real match if they switch it still uses the move in the game B/W logic ftw.
OoC: Stop complaining. What's done is done and this is a for fun match. If you have any pokemon left, continue.
Gardenia: "Your pretty violent. Alright Turtwig use Razor Leaf then Bite it's leg!"
Turtwig throws a barrage of leaves and proceeds to bite Houndour's leg.
Sonya sits as she watches there battle. She remembers when she use to try that hard. She looks at Glaceon.

"Do you remember when me and you used to be like that?"

Glaceon shook it's head. She wondered when the battle woulod be over. Joey was suppose to meet her at the TV station...

My character's evil lol


"Hah. your leaves are not very effective vs my fire type..DEATH..BURN THE LEAVESTO ASHES..AND THE POKEMON ALONG WITH IT!!!!"
I was making it so each command you guys made was a turn, so Joey having Pikachu come out and use thunder bolt was his move. You having Gyrados use Dragon Dance and then Protect was your turn. I then factor in how much time your actions would take and make it more of a real life battle.
So while Gyrados was dancing, Pikachu was released and attacked.
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