A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled

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Ok I'm back.

Raikou flies out of the pokeball, ready to fire his ice beam, but then uses it to coat himself in ice. Rayquaza was dancing, getting it pumped for battle. It then uses extreme speed to slam the ground, causing a massive quake.
Raikou, while this was happening, was charging Rayquaza with a flamecharge/ ice tackle (?) combo. How ever the heat of the move was melting the ice around him. But it didn't matter because before he could even get the chance to strike, he was shook by the earthquake.
The extreme speed amped the attack up enough to get a 1HKO, stopping Raikou in its tracks. It also successfully knocked Mari onto his butt.
Me: "Sorry but you've got to hear this. I was just attacked by some guys using Unova region Pokemon. You have any idea what might be going on?"
"PLASMA! N is striking Sinnoh! Bah! Oh, I hear a siren in the background. WHAT'S GOING ON?!?"

A massive earthquake stretches across all of Sinnoh as all the criminals run from the prison. The tremors then calm.

"Is everyone OK? Tyler, can you hear me?"
Me: "Yeah loud and clear. Hey Gardenia you okay?"
Gardenia: "Yeah I'm just fine. I'll go check on the rest of the city."
Me: "You do that. Gardenia is gonna check out Eterna City for survivors of that quake."
"Everything seems fine here. Think it came from the top of Mt. Coronet... Sounds like Galactic work..."
Me: "Them again?! When will they ever quit?!"
Azelf: "Well their an evil organization. You can't expect them to go down without a fight."
Me: "Right. I'll go cehck out Mt. Coronet and see what's going on."

Gaius rides into Eterna city..and seeks to challenge the Gym leader. He sees someone matching her description chatting up an unknown trainer. He walks up to her

"Excuse, me, are you Gardenia?"
OoC: You can at least attempt to show something...
"Oh heck no! Rayquaza, Outrage with Dragon Dancing, attempting to avoid Shadow Punch! If you can, calm down by striking the ground, causing a large tremor!
"Wait, did you say Team Galactic?" said Mari as he got off of the ground, dusting himself off. His Aipom slowly poked its head out of Mari's pack.
"I thought they were stopped a couple years back. Are you saying they are back?"

OoC: Joey, post a counter attack and Ill deal damage. Ninja'd. Im on it now

Because of trick room, Dusknoir stuck first with its Shadow Punch. Rayquaza tried to avoid the attack, but that proved impossible. Rayquaza was hit and knocked down. The attack did only 10% damage however, because of level difference and 60 power base.

Rayquaza then Outraged at the Dusknoir, hitting it. 45% damage was done.

Ray then stuck into the ground to calm down, causing a tremor. Dusknior was uneffected, and the ground striking really didn't calm Ray down much.

Ray is at 5%
Dusk is at 55%
"Well... Let's do this! Rayquaza, zoom up to the sky with Extremespeed, then come down like a meteor using Outrage! Dragon Dance if you can!"
Chill arrived in Eterna City, and thanks Drifloon and Drimblim as they disappear in the sky.
*Chill turns around.*
Chill: "Huh?"
Gaius is talking to Gardenia.
Chill: "He beat to it again?"
Gaius turns around and sees Chill

So..that pathetic weakling actually made it this far huh..surprising

"Say, how did you manage to make it here little boy? Surely you lack enough power to get here on your own"
Chill: "Hey, I'm a great trainer! Even Regigigas(didn't spell it right) and Uxie acknowledged that."
"Then they must really be such pathetic legendaries for acknowledging a weakling like you. I'm going to get this badge first..!"

Iwould but i may be heading to bed soon. also im on pokemon online XD lol


"I don't have time to battle trash like you, doing so would only hinder my progress to become better. When you aren't such a weakling find me again"
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