A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled

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sorry, must have missed the previous post.


Gaius got on his Tauros and rode quickly towards Eterna City. He was eager to earn his next badge
OoC: New guys, please don't rush so much. It's an RPG and I barely see description. Barely applies to shampoo-thief if at all.

Well to be honest, I'm muddling through until i assume we all come together and stuff as a group..or is that not part of the plan?
Chill, Poochyena, and Budew went to investigate.
As he went near it, he felt an onimous breeze pass by.
He looked up and saw a Drifloon tugging on him.

Chill: "Ahhh!!!"
Drifloon: "Drif!"
The Drifloon recoiled.
Upon closer inspection, Chill noticed bruises on Drifloon.
Drifloon gestured for Chill to follow it as it flew away.

I'm not gonna catch this pokemon.
Just wait.
OOC: I guess I'll just hopp in.

Sonya wonders how she got here. It only felt like moments ago she was competeing in the Grand Festival. She had lost, but she came back to Sinnoh. She had travled across many lands. She was finally home. She noticed that the Valley Windworks were more peacfull than before. She walks past the river when she realizes what happened here years ago.

"Oh, don't you remember this spot Glaceon?"

She looks at Glaceon, who was already lost in thought.
Route 206
Me: "Not much to see here is there?"
Azelf: "Besides that cave over there nope."
Snivy: "Snivy!"
Me: "Wait you want to battle someone Snivy?"
Snivy noods.
Azelf: "Well he could go up against Gardenia."
Me: "How about we just find a wild Pokemon here and have Snivy battle that?"
Azelf: "That works to."
Snivy: "Sni!"
Snivy points to a Geodude.
Azelf: "Now theres a Pokemon Snivy could win against but..."
Me: "Did you forget that Snivy has Leaf Storm? He could easily take out that Geodude."
Azelf: "Alright do what you will."
???: "Hold it right there you."
Two people approch Tyler and his Pokemon.
???: "What are those Pokemon you got there?"
Me: "Who these? I don't know."
Snivy looks at his new Trainer confused. Then Azelf whispers to Snivy.
Azelf: "He's protecting us. Nothing to be worried about."
Snivy happy looks at Tyler who is still lieing to the two people.
???: "So you don't know eh? Well then they must not be yours."
???: "So we'll take them off your hands now."
Me: "Oh no you won't! You'll take them from over my dead body!"
???: "That can be arranged. Go Sandile!"
Me: A Sandile in Sinnoh? Now that's a first.
???: "Your up Patrat!"
Me: A Patrat as well? Okay this is getting weird.
???: "Sandile use Sand Tomb!"
???: "Patrat use Bite!"
Me: "Infernape use Close Combat on Patrat and Shadow use Ice Punch on Sandile."
Tyler throws two Pokeballs and out pop an Infernape and a Weavile.
Shadow: "Weavile."
Infernape: "Infer."
Infernape unleashes a barrage of punches on Patrat while Shadow uses knocks out Sandile with Ice Punch.
Sonya looks down at her Phone. The screen said "Joey!!'' She hastly picks up the phone.

"Oh, Hi Joey! Long Time, No see."
She is relieved to hear somone she knows.

"Nah, Joey. Me and Glaceon are just roaming around at the Valley Windworks..Why?
"Well, I'm battling Spirit right now. Why don't you come watch and maybe we can do something after?"
Chill followed Drifloon into a clearing in the forest.
Drifloon: "Drif!"
Drifloon floated to a wild Drifbilm who was badly injured.
Chill, who has spended countless hour with wild pokemon, slowly walked towards it to heal it.
?: "Did we seriously just get beaten by him?!
?: "Even with our new Pokemon we still lost?!"
Me: "Looks like it. Now are you two gonna get lost or do I have to give you another beating?"
?: "Let's retreat there's no way we can beat him!"
?: "You may have won this time but be warned we'll be back and we'll be much stronger!"
Snivy looks at Tyler's Pokemon in awe.
Infernape: "Infer?"
Shadow: "Wea?"
Me: "Shadow, Infernape I'd like you to meet Snivy the newest member of our team."
Snivy: "Sni!"
Infernape: "Infernape!"
Shadow: "Weavile."
Azelf: "Now that introductions are out of the way let's inform Joey about what just happened."
Me: "We should head to Eterna quickly. Who knows what might've happened there."
Tyler and his four Pokemon head to Eterna at full speed.
"Uhm, sure Joey. Were exactly are you guys and I'll be right there."

She looks forward to finally seeing Joey after all that time.
*Joey gets some plans in mind while responding...* "Jubilife in front of the TV station. Meet you here!" *Joey hangs up*
She hears a click.

"I guess Jubilife it is! Let's get goin Glaceon!"

She starts to run south toward Jubilife. They would be there soon.
Eterna City
A girl notices Tyler runing with his Pokemon.
?: "Hey Tyler long time no see!"
Me: "Hey isn't that..."
Tyler stops running to have a chat.
?: "It's been a while since we had a good chat. You know with ROUGE taking over and all."
Me: "Yeah I know. That was pretty hectic. So how have you been these days Gardenia?"
Gardenia: "Pretty good. So what's up why are you running anyway? Got somewhere to be?"
Me: "Ok I was travling down Route 206 about ready to train my new Pokemon. Say hi to Gardenia Snivy."
Snivy: "Snivy."
Gardenia: "AWWWW HOW CUTE!"
Gardenia grabs Snivy and starts hugging it tightly.
Me: "Anyway... these two guys showed up and attacked me with a Patrat and a Sandile."
Gardenia stops hugging Snivy and looks at Tyler concerned.
Gardenia: "Really they attacked you with Unova region Pokemon?"
Me: "Yep."
Gardenia: "So your gonna inform Joey about that attack?"
Me: "Yeah. Call it a hunch but I think their up to something."
Gardenia: "You can come into the gym and use the phone in their."
Me: "Thanks. Okay Shadow and Infernape return."
Gardenia and Tyler enter the Eterna City gym to inform Joey about the attack.

OoC: Sorry about the caps but I had to make Gardenia freak out over Snivy.
The Drifblim used Dark Pulse in fear, but Poochyena protected
Chill with Protect. Chill started to heal Drifblim and it lost it's fear.
After healing Drifblim, Chill moved on to Drifloon.

A few seconds later, both were flying around freely.
Drifblim, to show it's graditude, picked Chill and Poochyena up and floated to Eterna City with Budew on Drifloon's head.
Eterna City Gym
Gardenia: "The phone is over there. Now if you'll excuse me I've got Gym battles to get ready for."
Me: "Well could you let go of my Snivy first?"
Gardenia: "Oh right. Sorry."
Gardenia puts down Snivy who runs over to Tyler who is dialing for Joey.
Me: "I just hope he picks up."
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