A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled

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"Why didn't that feeble minded old man just give this to me in the first place?..Now I wasted time departing because of Him" Gaius said.
Chill had all his Poochyena and Budew out training.
Budew's Water Sport was certain to work against fire now.
OOC:From joey

*Joey turns to see Spirit* "Oh, you... If you must challenge me when I'm looking for Petrel, then sure. Camerupt, begin!" *A bulky, yet speedy Camerupt come forth. It is in the air with it's magnificent angel wings, ready for anything*
OoC: Need someone not playing to do damage counters.

on to me now
"go gryados hydropump."
a giant gryados comes from the pokeball and fires a hydro pump
"Well, I can say that life has gotten more interesting. A flying Camerupt. Not something you see every day. Aipom, are you watching this?"

"Aipom!" it replied.
Chill went back into the gym to battle Roark.
Roark: Hello, I'm Gym Leader Roark. Needless to say I'm Rock Type specialist and obviously you're here for a battle.
*Chill nods*
Well then, let the battle begin!

Chill vs. Roark

Roark: "Go Cranidos!"
Cranidos: "Crane!"
Pokedex: *Beep beep*
Cranidos the Headbutt Pokemon.
A lifelong jungle dweller from a million years ago, it would snap obstructing trees with headbutts.
Chill: "Go Budew!"
Budew: "Budew!"
Ref. : "The battle between Roark and the Challenger may now begin!"
Roark: "Cranidos use Ember!"
Chill: "Budew, Water Sport now!"
Budew starts spinning, causing a twirl of water around her.
Unlike with Houndour, Water Sport protected Budew from the fire.
Roark: "Interesting defense."
Chill: "Just wait until you see my offense. Budew use Bullet Seed!"
The seeds hit Cranidos hard.
Roark: "Use Headbutt!"
Chill: "Budew use Growth!"
Budew became outlined in green, then Cranidos charged into it knocking it back.
Chill: "Use Absorb!"
Budew stole energy from Carnidos and heals from the Headbutt. Cranidos was also knocked out and Chill earned his first badge.
Chill put it in a badge case he recieved from a person on Route 207.
Joey says:
*Camerupt sees Gyarados ready to fire a Hydro Pump* "Camerupt, fly up using your angels wings, then come down with Rock Slide!"

Me:Damage Counter says: Rock slide hits, not critical, does... 60% damage.

Then Hydro Pump hits, not critical, and does 85% damage.

(Did I do that right?)

Edit: Joey, after getting hit says:
"Expected that. No matter. Camerupt, burrow into the ground and use Rock Slide to cover the whole! Then, make Rock Slide seem like Stone Edge while coming from the ground, using Take Down to ensure the KO!"

Me: Batui, make a move and I'll do all the damage counter stuff
Chill arrived in Floroma Town.
He's never been to a place with such life(flowers),
as opposed to the endless white he was used to.
Camerupt bursts from the ground, dust flying everywhere, and charges at the Gyrados. However, Gyrados flies into the air, effectivly dodging the attack. Gyrados then charges back at the Camerupt outraged. But because of all the dust in the air, it misses as well.

Misses all around.
Melly uses Relic Song, but Camerupt was already back underground.

A moment passed and the Camerupt reemerged in the same fashion as before, chanrging at Melly.
(Idk what level Melly is..) The attack was a direct hit, dealing 50% damage to Melly and 5% to Camerupt.

Camerupt is at 10% health
Melly is at 50%
"OK, let's end this new thing! Camerupt, spin in circles using Flamethrower while flying at Melloetta with Take Down!"
OOC:NEver seen that before but ok

IC:"Melly while in Step form use drainpunch to counter and psychic to help absorb the blow for the kill while singing relic song."
Wow ok uhh...

Camerupt does its little jigg and flied at Melotta, hitting her! It was like, awesome and did 60% damage! But whats this? In that whole exchange, Melly did drain punch! Dealing enough damage to KO Camerupt and just barely have enough HP to survive!

And the crowd goes wild!
Mari: "That was totally WICKED!"
"Alright now Melly use recover while you wait for the next pokemon."
Melly start to shine with light.

OOC:Fyi Melly is lv 70 cause that is the lv you catch her at when the event comes out.
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