A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled

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Mari watched as the boy on the tauros, gets a pokedex, and then hightails it out of Sandgem.
"Don't see that everyday. It's not surprising that he wanted to get out of here ASAP. Maybe I will walk up to Jubilife, there usually seems to be something happening there."
Chill walks out of the Academy.
He learned a lot of new things about battling but he wanted to use them in real life.
He wanted to battle someone.
"Hey rowan long time no see any new people come around?"

"Yeah there's this kid called Mari who left not long ago you may be able to catch them."

"Thanks."Spirit said as he walked out and on the route to Jubilife.
Mari walked along route 202 in no particular hurry. His Aipom would scurry down his leg, look at something laying in the grass, and then run to catch back up with Mari and resume his post on Mari's shoulder.
"Same old route 202 with the same old pokemon and same old trainers..."
"a aipom melly go see what that is."
Melly runs off to see who it is.

OOC:Melly is short for Meloetta
"Aipom, quit falling behind!" Mari yelled back to it. He turned to see what was distracting the little guy and sees the Melotta.
"What in Arceus' name is that thing?!"
Melly tells Spirit threw song.

Spirit comes running and says hey thats my pokemon don't talk bad about it.
Joeypals!! said:
"Please, contact all the other professors to alert the regions to tune into their TVs Proffessor Birch."
"Yes sir!"

Out: Go to a TV.

Chill searches his bag.
Chill: Oh man, I forgot my map.

Chill goes back into the Academy where he sees an important television program.
"I'm not talking bad about it, I've just never seen anything like it before. It's, Uhm, very interesting. And it sings. Cool trick"
Aipom scurries back up onto Mari's shoulder and sticks it's tongue out at Melly as mari starts walking again.
"Yea Melly alright."
"Melly says to watch the news."
Spirit pulls out his portable tv and turns to the news.
"don't know she just gets hyper when something bad may happen.Anyway you hungry I got some food in my bag here."
Spirit digs around till he finds 2 apples.
"Here ya go mari."
Mari takes the apple and bites into it, then stops mid bite.
"I never told you my name..." he said through his mouthful of apple.
Jubilife City
Me: "Hey look at the TV."
Azelf: "Sounds like something big is being anouced. We should probably watch it."
Me: "Yeah Joey might be on."

Tyler and Azelf pause to watch the TV. The snake Pokemon that followed them watched from behind.
OoC: this is from Joey, it's the broadcast on the TV

"Everyone, thank you for taking time out of your schedules to watch this. As you may or may not know, my name is Joey. I am Hoenn's Champion as well as the Boss of the Frontier Brains and the Master Coordinator." *Applause* "However, I did not call you for gloating. Yesterday, I had battled a boy by the name of N. I heard him say we should liberate pokemon, but I refused. We fought and I won... Barely." *More applause* "Despite this occasion, we cannot celebrate. This N was different than the one I knew once, shortly after he was beaten. How do. Put it... he was much more forceful. He said something about hacking a region, and we know Johto has been in turmoil lately. So, I have concluded Team Plasma, without Ghetsis, has taken Johto oveer." *Silence* "Ash Ketchum had found Ghetsis recently, so we are having him chase Ghetsis throughout Hoenn. N's control should not be messed with, for he has a weapon that only my Jirachi stopped: a Darkrai with a giant D on it's head. Something worries me about this, so pleas3 find N and his Darkrai. Cresselia was flying in Sinnoh quickly, as I was told yesterday by my workers in Sinnoh. Hopefully, it dropped a note. Also, as we know, Petrel escaped from prison. He has five disguises, so try to find him. I feel he will revive ROUGE into a new team. Please, stop them! Thank you." *Loud applause, then news in all regions about the speech comes on*

OoC: Petrel will see you and I'll RP for him a bit. However, you will not notice him for quite a while.
Chill: ...umm let's go Poochyena.
*grabs map from table*

Chill walks out and sees a boy with Tauros.
Chill: I've never seen that before.
*Beep beep*
Tauros the Wild Bull Pokemon.
Once it takes aim at its foe, it makes a headlong charge. It is famous for its violent nature.

so this is set in a mix of anime and video games? or what? Wasn't expecting Ash to be in there lol


That doesn't sound too good..good thing I'm not in Johto Gaius saw a boy examining his Tauros.. "Ya know, maybe you ought to introduce yourself before scanning someone's pokemon"
Oh sorry.
I'm Chill and this is Poochyena.
Poochyena: Yena!
Chill: I'm a Pokemon Trainer. Who are you?
"ah the professor told me who you were when I asked him if anybody has come threw lately.Name is spirit by the way."
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