A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled

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"dusknor protect then ice punch!Joey you should know trick room makes me attack first speedy little boy."
Tyler leaves the Gym to the sound of arguing.
Me: "Oh boy it's those two."
Azelf: "The ones you gave the badge cases to?"
Me: "Yep. Guess they were deciding who would battle Gardenia."
Azelf: "We should check the Pokemon Center and see if anyone's hurt."
Me: "Yeah and we'd better make it quick."
Tyler heads for the Pokemon Center.
"Doubting me again? Extremespeed is priority, so I'll zoom up before you even get the chance to hit, then Rayquaza will slam you heightened Outrage!
Ray flew to the sky and Dusk waited below, ice punch ready. However, because of trick room, Dusk used the ice punch before Ray had even made it's decent, and missed. Ray then swooped down and used outrage, dealing another 45%

Ray is at 5%
Dusk is at 10%
*Joey smirks* "Dance Claw!" *Rayquaza uses Dragon Dance again, making it seem like an illusion almost as it preps Shadow Claw*
OOC:Error that is five moves a pokemon can only know 4 I auto win jkjk becuase EQ outrage ES and DD.

"Thats illegal your pokemon are hacked i'm telling the ref ref his pokemon are hacked it knows 5 moves when you can only know 4.Dusknor use wish and dodge it."
"Well, then, Dancing Outrage then!" Joey glares at Spirit as Rayquaza goes to use Outrage instead.

"Hold on a second! TR, Shadow Punch, Ice Punch, Protect, AND Wish?!? Controdictory much? :p"
Lol you BOTH lose! Just kidding..

Dusk used wish, and then prepared to attempt to dodge Ray's attack. Ray danced through the air in enraged but fluid motions, being in one spot at one moment and another the next. Dusk's dodge was unsuccessful and was hit with Ray's attack, being knocked out.
Tyler enters Eterna's Pokemon Center.
Nurse Joy: "Oh thank goodness your alright."
Me: "Yeah same to you. Are the Pokemon okay?"
Nurse Joy: "A little shaken up but they'll be okay."
Me: "That's good to hear."
OoC: I may as well.

Gardenia: "So you've come to challenge my Gym. Are prepared to face the power of Grass types?"
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