A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled

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call it he wins.

IC:Spirit sees joey making a move and starts to laugh to himself.
*Jirachi notices his laughter and Iron Head's Spirit's stomach*
"Who do you think you are, laughing at Joey? Have you ever felt any sense of compassion?!? Huh? I don't think so!" *Jirachi goes nuts and begins using Fire Punch and Iron Head on Spirit*
Mari also starts to laugh. It was a mixture of Joey making a move and Spirit getting attacked by Jirachi.
"You guys are crazy."

OoC: Joey wins the match!
Reading... Reading... Joey can't hear Spirit.
Nice! Tell everyone to help! "Joey can't hear you, dipwad! Take THIS!" *Jirachi uses Thunderbolt on Spirit*
ATTACK SPIRIT! *XATU USES psychic on Spirit*
You got it! *Pikachu uses Iron Tail on Spirit*
Finally, something I know! *Roserade uses Sludge Bomb on Spirit*
*Still in a heightened attack stage, Rayquaza uses Outrage on Spirit*
You give me a command with ATTACK in it, I'm sure to follow! *Camerupt rises back up at full strength, then uses Eruption on Spirit*
Note to self, never make Joey mad

"I said, you might want to call off your pokemon before you are wanted for murder!" he yelled at him.
Something about that Jirachi put Mari off. As if it had murdered before... Suddenly Mari got the picture in his head of a dead Ariados, and Joey's Jirachi standing over it laughing. Mari shuddered.

OoC: XDXDXDXDXD I just thought of that!
In: *Joey looks over to see his pokemon* "STOP!"

"But, he was laughing at you..."
"I did enough by beating him! All of you, over here!" *All of Joey's pokemon come over except for Rayquaza, who is still using Outrage.*
"Joey your pokemon are crazy I'm out of here gryados take us to the elite four."
Spirit gets on his gryados and off he goes.
"catch you later guys."
AS Spirit flies off a piece of paper falls out that says n at 4 for r.
OOC:if you think you know it pm me what you think and I will tell you.

IC:Spirit arrives at the elite four right when another person arrives.
"master I have done as you wish there is bombs at all the gyms anything else lord N?"

"no that will be good just stay here and guard."

"He said he was going to the Elite 4, so that is probably the 4 part. N at 4 for R... what do N and R stand for, I wonder?"
"master N shall I call them and tell them to watch the news."

"yes go ahead."
Spirit calls joey."Joey quick watch the news!!"At the same time Spirit blows up the bombs at the gyms.

news reporter;"This just in mass bombings at all the gyms causing the leaders to all be hurt very bad we will update when more news becomes available."
Tyler exits the Pokemon Center
Me: "Well let's check Mt. Coronet."
Azelf: "Yes we should be going."
The two moved to Route 211 hoping to find out what was going on at Mt. Coronet.

Meanwhile back at Eterna Gym explosions can be heard.
Gardenia: "What's going on here?!"
Cherrim: "Cher!"
Gardenia: "Thye gym's blowing up we have to get out of here! Cherrim return!"
Gardenia leaves the gym while throwing the badge at Gaius.
*Joey hastily turns on the TV* "N! Why I ought to... Spirit, do you need backup? Or should I check places?"
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