Finished A New Dawn RPG. The game has just ended! Please leave comments Pokebeach!

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RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

! Porygon! Rotom! Lets show these ROUGE noobs what we're made of!!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OoC: I was on the boat, and then I went in the cave. I guess.
IC: *runs into cave* I heard a commotion, what's going on? Wait, all the team leaders?! Fighting and Electric have an advantage, so go! Leafeon and Pichu!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Perfect! Pikachu, hold hands with Pichu, then do your Electric Boomerang! *Pikachu uses Volt Tackle and dashes through Rotom, gets discharge from Porygon, grabs a leaf from Leafeon, and throws the leaf to Numel before Pikachu uses Volt Tackle with it's raised voltage on Numel. Numel then flies around the cave with electricity surrounding it, crashing into enemies and eventually stops by Murkrow. The leaf then comes out blazy and staticy, shooting at the enemies once, knocking them all out* Oh yes, Cyrus, I have loads of willpower, see? *Points to the trail of leftover static saying "Joey"*. I should do a contest sometime, no?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Joeypals!! said:
Perfect! Pikachu, hold hands with Pichu, then do your Electric Boomerang! *Pikachu uses Volt Tackle and dashes through Rotom, gets discharge from Porygon, grabs a leaf from Leafeon, and throws the leaf to Numel before Pikachu uses Volt Tackle with it's raised voltage on Numel. Numel then flies around the cave with electricity surrounding it, crashing into enemies and eventually stops by Murkrow. The leaf then comes out blazy and staticy, shooting at the enemies once, knocking them all out* Oh yes, Cyrus, I have loads of willpower, see? *Points to the trail of leftover static saying "Joey"*. I should do a contest sometime, no?

OoC:.... lol

In:..... *Laughs out loud*

*Pokegear rings* Hello? No. I do not want any. I'm busy right now! *Hangs up*

Sorry bout that. Stupid sales call... *coughs*

Strange old and tall person with the hideous blue and spiky hair! Where is Birch's computer!?
*Nudges Joey* *whispers in ear: "He should get some anti wrinkling cream, huh?"*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

As soon as Isa saw the ROUGE agents, she tried to be as quiet as she could, but they already threw away her identity.

"How dare you say that Cyrus! I quit ROUGE a long time ago! You may have created me, but you don't own me! What were you planning to do with me anyway? Oh thats right, have me KILL the innocent! I'm ashamed of ever being on your side!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

I know, right? *Sees ROUGE run off* Well, that's done with! I going to go to the Pokemon Center now. Meet some of you there!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Ooc: Sorry about being inactive. I sort forgot about this thread.

Inc: Gray leaned back aginst the hard chair in Dewford's Pokemon Center. He had just sailed to Dewford from Little Root after hearing about ROUGE's attacks in Hoen; hopeing to join the small rebel force that he had heard about on the news. He was supposed to go visting all of Hoen's costal cities and help in the fight against ROUGE. He was in fact going to do so until he saw a large fleet boats in the distance bearing the insignia of ROUGE. Altho he wanted to fight rouge he new he could not take on an army. So instead he he waited for the fleet to leave, but not with out takeing note that the biggist ship broke away from the fleet and headed in the dirction to Dewford and top speed. He followed it going sadly only half there speed and he was unable to keep up. The only way he traced it's location was by following a trail of dead Sharpdeo it left in it's wake.

The sail was many days long and he could not afford to sleep for more than a hour at a time, due to his slow speed. When he got to Dewford he was to tired to do anything other than sleep.

A child followed by a Pikachu and Numel ran into the Pokemon Center. He remberd seeing the 2 pokemon in the news story of the Rotom ship and the trainer looked like he came out of a cave. He was covered in cave dust and you could tell that his eyes were adjusting to the brighter light. He also, knew that ROUGE leaders have been seen in the cave recently.

"Hey! You, kid with the Pikachu! Are you fighting ROUGE? If so, I can help you."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Yep! Just healing up before going to the gym.
OoC: Someone post the Dewford map with it's gym map.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

*Greets Gray*

There's a gym here??? Hm. I think I'll take it on!

*Heals Pokemon*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!


And gym map:
RE: A New Dawn RPG

Trainer name: kyle
Pokemon: Roserade and Kirlia
Special Moves?: Kirlia knows protect
Strategy: Avoid attacks then strike back fast
Weakness: kyle is blind
Background Story: kyle ran away from home at the age of 9

IC: Hi. I'm kyle. Mind if I join you guys?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Trainer name: MP97
Pokemon: Chimchar and Mudkip
Special Moves?: Chimchar knows Fire Blast
Strategy:Do it fast by attacking
Weakness: Mp97 is a little short and can be very angry
Background Story:In the age 5 he did fight vs some guys and ran from the city
Mind if I join you guys?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

"Im sorry for blowing up, its just I....HATE much! And I'm ashamed that I never told you guys about my past, when you have treated me so well. I'm sorry."
OOC:Well, they were quick to blow up my identity.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OoC: I was wondering how long that would take. Knowing how overeager Joeypals!! is and all.... lol J/K

In: *Walks into Gym, and looks for the leader* *Freaks out over the 'realistic statues'* OMG! Are these creepy things in EVERY gym!?!?!? *Keeps an eye on the statues*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OoC: You guys are denied for now.
In: Brawley: Hello… I am Brawley… in Meditite's Meditate. Around the gym… is 3 of them. Pull them away, and ALL shall fight against you…
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Wait... The statues FIGHT YOU!?!?!?!? I TOLD YOU I WASN'T DELUSIONAL! *Pokes a 'statue' in the eye*
Person: OW! YOU JUST POKED ME IN THE EYE! What's wrong with you!?!? Are you mental???

Me: Sorry... I thought you were, uh, yeah never mind... *Coughs*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Joeypals!! said:
OoC: You guys are denied for now.
In: Brawley: Hello… I am Brawley… in Meditite's Meditate. Around the gym… is 3 of them. Pull them away, and ALL shall fight against you…

And why exactly have I been denied?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Simply because I cannot do much more on my touch at the moment.
In: Not statues, Meditites! Hmm… the rays keeping him still seem to be in a perfect triangle, forming a diamond…
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