Finished A New Dawn RPG. The game has just ended! Please leave comments Pokebeach!

On a scale of 1-10, how is this game overall?

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RE: A New Dawn RPG. The end is near... Boddy is making an interesting sideplot while a Pichu wreaks havoc!

"Joey, I didn't tell Pichu to go on a rampage, something is wrong with him!"
*Looks over at Cynthia*
"I'll explain more later, looks like you're in the middle of something."
*Steps out of the way*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. The end is near... Boddy is making an interesting sideplot while a Pichu wreaks havoc!

Lance: That was my strongets Dragonite. Dragonite avenge your friends!
Me: Alright Shadow finish this with Ice Punch.
Lance: Dragonite use Thunder!

Wallace: Down to my final Pokemon. Milotic!
Jake: Alright Alakazam return. Torterra go!
Wallace: Milotic use Ice Beam!
Jake: Torterra use Leaf Storm!

Blue: It's up to my last Pokemon. Gyarados!
Kate: Suicune return. Jolteon go!
Blue: Gyarados use Earthquake!
Kate: Jolteon finish it with Thunderbolt!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. The end is near... Boddy is making an interesting sideplot while a Pichu wreaks havoc!

*Milotic gets paralyzed by Thunderbolt, but is standing strong still. Pikachu gets just about knocked out from Surf* "ThunderBOLT!"
Cynthia: "Try an Ice Beam Milotic."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. The end is near... Boddy is making an interesting sideplot while a Pichu wreaks havoc!

Lance: I lost. You have proven to me that you are a true champion. Please wait for the others for a moment.
Me: Alright.
*Tyler waits by the door to the Hall of Fame*
Wallace: I have lost but to a great opponet. I'm proud to say your our one of four of our newest Champions.
Jake: Sweet.
Blue: No way! How could I lose! Oh well you were pretty good.
Kate: Thanks.
Blue: If you would kindly wait by that door while Joey finishes his battle?
Kate: Okay.
*Kate joins Jake and Tyler by the Door to the Hall of Fame*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. The end is near... Boddy is making an interesting sideplot while a Pichu wreaks havoc!

*The Milotic faints*
Cynthia: "Wow, you went slow. However, get ready to be terminated! Garchomp, let's go!"
Seems like it is going to use Earthquake, so... "Xatu, get ready for the final attack!"
Cynthia: "Outrage please."
"Hey everyone, remember my main star move in contests? Watch it improve! Xatu, start by putting Garchomp into a Negative Zero state with Psychic. Then, create the four screens, layering another. Finally, whip up a tornado and let it fly!"
Cynthia: "You wouldn't!"
"I already have! :D"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. The end is near... Boddy is making an interesting sideplot while a Pichu wreaks havoc!

Me: Isn't that a little over kill?
Jake: A little? Try way over kill!
Kate: Even if that didn't happen he still would have won.
Tyler and Jake: Yeah your right.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. The end is near... Boddy is making an interesting sideplot while a Pichu wreaks havoc!

*The Garchomp is trapped in the tornado and hits the ceiling. The tornado fades, leaving a beautiful glow and, for some strange reason, delicious odor*
Cynthia: "Did I mention you four had to battle each other now for the sole champion spot? We are all about to go back to our home regions."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. The end is near... Boddy is making an interesting sideplot while a Pichu wreaks havoc!

Me: Well there's a shock.
Jake: I fgured as much. You all are going down!
Kate: Not if I defeat you first.
Me: Then let's begin.
Jake: Alright. Alakazam go!
Kate: Skarmory your up!
Me: It's time. Infernape get them!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. The end is near... Boddy is making an interesting sideplot while a Pichu wreaks havoc!

Cynthia: "Joey fights Kate."
*Joey heals his pokemon* "Easy peasy! Let's go Camerupt!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. The end is near... Boddy is making an interesting sideplot while a Pichu wreaks havoc!

Jake: Heh I got you now! Alakazam use Psychic!
Me: Alright Infernape return. Go Shadow!
Jake: Ugh!

Kate: Not good. Skarmory return. Suicune go!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. The end is near... Boddy is making an interesting sideplot while a Pichu wreaks havoc!

"Come back. Let's go Jirachi!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. The end is near... Boddy is making an interesting sideplot while a Pichu wreaks havoc!

Kate: I saw that coming. Suicune use Calm Mind!

Jake: Alright Alakazam return. Go Entei!
Me: Alright Shadow use Night Slash!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. The end is near... Boddy is making an interesting sideplot while a Pichu wreaks havoc!

"Wait.. so do I just sit here and watch?"
*Looks around*
No, I need to fight, Mew, you ready?"
Mew: Me Mew!
*Mew is ready*
Poke: "Alright, anyone?"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. The end is near... Boddy is making an interesting sideplot while a Pichu wreaks havoc!

"Try to expect this! Jirachi, hit it with the ThunderSlam!" *Jirachi mixes Body Slam and ThunderPunch*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. The end is near... Boddy is making an interesting sideplot while a Pichu wreaks havoc!

Kate: Suicune use Surf and Ice Beam to freeze that Jirachi cold!

Jake: Alright Entei use Howl!
Me: Shadow use Night Slash agian!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. The end is near... Boddy is making an interesting sideplot while a Pichu wreaks havoc!

OoC: Someone besides Culex and I need to judge the battle between Kate and I.
Entei is at 40%.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. The end is near... Boddy is making an interesting sideplot while a Pichu wreaks havoc!

OOC:I will if I have time today.

Sonya looks at her two new pokemon Milotic and Latios...

"Ok guys we need to train for the grand show something pretty."

Milotic lets loose an Ice Beam While Latios used Luster Purge...An eruption of colors filled the area..

"It looks like a rainbow just exploded...this is a really good idea."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. The end is near... Boddy is making an interesting sideplot while a Pichu wreaks havoc!

OoC: Come on guys!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. The end is near... Boddy is making an interesting sideplot while a Pichu wreaks havoc!

Kate: Suicune use Surf and Hidden Power together to really give Jirachi a shocking experiance!

Jake: Time to attack. Entei use Flare Blitz!
Me: Shadow return for now. Infernape go and take the hit!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. The end is near... Boddy is making an interesting sideplot while a Pichu wreaks havoc!

OoC: I still need someone to critique my battle with Kate for percentages.
Entei is at 27% from recoil.
Infernape is at 65%.
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