Finished A New Dawn RPG. The game has just ended! Please leave comments Pokebeach!

On a scale of 1-10, how is this game overall?

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RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OoC: One battle at a time, CC.
In: *Starmie goes down* Pikachu, Thundershock! *Cherubi and Turtwig go down*
Gardenia: Roserade, come on out!
OoC: 6 level-ups at 9 PM.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Nicky had set off for Petalburg Woods, but when she got there people were screaming. The forest was set ablaze, embers flying everywhere, the rushing sound of burning wood filled the air, Pokemon were escaping as fast as they could, but some were too late and were engulfed by the flames. People were screaming as they escaped and all Nicky could do was stare in shock.

RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

PIKA… CHU!!!!! *Uses Thundershock with Thunder-like power on Roserade, but hardly doing anything, and a random person in a forest area.*
Gardenia: Wierd… umm… Roserade, Magical Leaf now! *The leaves hit Pikachu and Numel, tying them together*
Numel: Num… EL! *Numel quickly charges through the entanglement, leaving Pikachu trapped. The Numel charges toward Roserade*
OoC: Sorry if that was a bit random/predictable.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Rotom, get out of Porygon, and return! Porygon, return!

*Voltorb blows up, hitting Roserade and Numel.*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OoC: Two different plots. Sould be interesting...
IC: Go, Pichu and Chatot! Pichu, start charging Thundershock! Chatot, fly up!
Bugsy: Alright, then. Go Scyther! Scyther, U-Turn on Pichu!
IC: Chato, Peck the Scyther! Pichu, Thundershock!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Numel! *Sees it fainted with Roserade* Oh, my… I'll be back!
Gardenia and Misty: We ladies are defeated. However, Brawley and Bugsy are still up. Can your parade beat us?
EDIT: I will be Bugsy and Brawley thank you very much.
Bugsy: Nice play! Scyther, you take a rest until later. At least I hit Pichu… Kakuna, come out to stand by Metapod! Now, Tackle! *Both leap for Pichu*
Brawley: Allow me to assist with Meditite and Makuthia! *Meditite control the two bugs now, slamming them into Pichu at high speeds*
OoC: Scyther at 66%.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OoC: Can we use items?
Hang in there, Pichu! Chatot! Peck the Meditite!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OOC:Sorry, had no internet....:(
IC:Walks out of the PokeCenter and watches the battles for awhile.
Well, they seem to be distracted...
Cyrus can't be up to any good....
I should investigate the explosion site.

*walks over and stops*
Isa heard rumbling and screaming. She turned to see that the forest was on fire. The explosion site could wait. She ran into the fire. She ran into Nicky.
Are you okay?! What happened? Is anybody hurt?!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

"Well, how about I go that way and you can go this way?"
*pionts in opposite directions*
"Oh, and here."
*gives her a towel*
"You should use it to cover your mouth and breathe."
*runs to the north side of the forest*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Nicky had looked at her, but didn't question her. She put the towel over her face and ran to the opposite direction of the forest.

~Holy Star
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OoC: Negative 0, I purposely blasted you to Dewford, where everyone else is.
In: Hey, step off him! Four on two pokemon is unfair! Piplup and Pikachu, come on out! I need some contest combo… I am going to be a future radio host with flair… Piplup, pound Pikachu! Pikachu, use that speed for Volt Tackle! *Pikachu and Piplup do this. Pikachu zooms around the gym, knocking everyone out except for Piplup, leaving his team member with Leafeon and Bugsy with 66% Scyther*
Bugsy: Well played! Scyther, let's do this!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Isa ran through the smoke she looked around to check if anyone was around. She saw a little girl unconcious and heaved her above her shoulders.
"You'll be okay." Isa whispered.
"We started this fire to limit the amount of fighters. Not to have them saved."a voice said behind her. Isa turned to see it was Cyrus.
"You should have been stopped a long time ago." Isa said in a whisper. She still had a fear of Cyrus. She screamed for help, but soon new it was a mistake. She choked on the smoke she swallowed, and fainted.
It was nice while it lasted...
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

(OOC: Then at least let Nick get her first badge before blasting me off to Dewford City.)

"Shadow Ball!" Nicky commanded. Her Eevee nodded and fired a purple orb of energy at the ember of flames that surrounded them. The flames made way and both Nicky and her Eevee could escape.

"This is bad," Nicky thought.

RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

All righty, then. Pichu, Chatot! Return! Go, Leafeon! Quick Attack! Keep running around and don't get hit!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Isa woke up in the back of one of Cyrus's vans. But there was a small problem. She couldn't call for help. She was captured. She turned to see that driving the van wasn't Cyrus, but a ROUGE agent.
Of course...
he's so lazy he probably doesn't even k
now how to drive.

Isa worked on a technique she learned in training. She licked the tape going around her mouth enough to where it loosened and fell off. Then, she started knawing off the ropes on her hands and feet. Once she was free, she knocked out the driver and put him in the passenger seat.
"Guess Cyrus trained me a bit too well..." she said as she drove into the forest to rescue Nicky and the others.
"Need help?" Isa yelled as she saw her and Evee run out of a cleared part of the forest.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Nicky had turned around to see Isa in a van. Her eyes bulged in shock, but she quickly regained composure, "I do, it's like the flames have a mind of their own."

RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

"Come on in, this van is huge!"
*waits for Nicky to come in.*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OoC: I'm so confused...


Go Rotom, and use shadow ball on Scyther!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

I have to type this long message again. Porygon, your move does not count as I did the batlle with Godzilla too. Negative Zero, everyone already has their first badges.
In: Bugsy: U-Turn, now! *The move goes at an equally quick pace. Scyther is 10 ft. from hitting when…*
Me: Piplup, Water Gun! *The water hits Scyther in the face, slowing it down and allowing Leafeon to get a critical hit, making Scyther faint*
Bugsy: Wow, umm.… congrats! Here are your badges, the first 8 gym leader phone numbers, and this invite.
Me: *Opens*
Invitation: Congratulations for winning your second gym battle! You and your group of friends are invited to come to the Slateport contest, happening soon! The first 8 gym leaders will be the judges! For making it to the semi-finals, you will get a Lv. 15 of your choice. Second place gets a level 17, winner getting a level 20. The only thing to keep in mind is that you cannot pick legendaries. So come down and have fun!
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