Finished A New Dawn RPG. The game has just ended! Please leave comments Pokebeach!

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RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Good thinking. Looking at my Poketch the first place we should go to is Rustboro City will have to get through Oldale Town and Petelburg City to get there though. You guys ready?
Senasel: Sen! Pikachu: Pika pi! Chimchar: Chim! Bagon: Bagon!
Alright then lets go! *Tyler and Brandon enter Oldale Town* Hey who are those weirdos with "R"s on their shirts?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Joeypals!! said:
I am keeping everyone in the same location for less confusion.
OoC: Does that mean we're on the boat too?

In(assuming we are in Oldale town): "I recognize these people. They're people from team ROUGE!"

In(assuming we are near the boat): *gets on the boat*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Ooc: Hatman the boat is in Dewford and there's no body of water near Oldale
IC: ROUGE huh? never heard of them but those R's must mean their from Team Rocket... Uh-oh we've been spoted and there heading this way get ready to battle.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

"Stop! They're usual not this obvious....its a trap."
*pauses and thinks*
"I'll be right back."
*runs to the agents, and hits thier left sides, guts, and hamstrings to make them go unconcious*
"Okay, now that they're finished, lets see who the trap-makers are, chances are they are hiding on this ship...."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OoC: Joeypals, are we in Dewford or Oldale Town? I'm too confused to post anything in character xP
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OoC: Wait if we're on the boat now how did we catch up? Did I call my father's Dragonite in the story?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Like I said, anyone left behind is having their own plot. Paddy, Hatman, and Culex have one in the beginning. Isa, Nate, and I are on the boat. Everyone else, I am not sure. The boat will dock tomorrow. We were in Dewford. (my group)
In: Isa, how exactly do you know ROUGE? I mean, I know you worked for them, but still…
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OoC: Well Hatman looks like we're still in Oldale Town so I guess we can continue with our plot.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Trainer name: Poke`
Pokemon: (All Level 5) (Up to 4 for now) Pichu, Riolu, Cyndaquil, Trapinch
Special Moves? Pichu knows Volt Tackle
Strategy: All out Physical and Special Attack Power and Speed
Weakness: Pokemon that hit us before we kill them, we have low defenses
Background Story: I had always dreamed of exploring the world, maybe even saving it, but, I had a family to take care of. Suddenly, my town, Viridian city, was bombed by ROUGE, I was on the outskirts, and saw my house blown to smithereens, so I had no choice, I rode my Bike to Vermilion, and took a boat to Littleroot.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Accepted. Once you see you name on the front page, you may roleplay.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Im: *boat heads toward the shores of Littleroot*
"Finally! Land!"
*Notices Team Aqua at the Shores, with Sharpedo*
"What are they doing here?"
*Sharpedo hits with Hyper Beam*
"They're to strong! We'll have to farther. We should try to stay near the shores, maybe we'll find another city, right Pichu?"
*Pichu nods head and runs on Poke`'s shoulder.*
OoC: Sorry if I'm a little scratchy, first RPG on Pokebeach
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OoC: Its ok Jirachi, but there are no shores in Littleroot :p

In: *Hears giant booms in the distance from Littleroot*

"Maybe we should go check what that is out. C'mon Tyler"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OoC: If you look at the map, their are shores near Littleroot, just a little out of it if you look at the map, but doesn't matter :D
In: *boat heads toward a beach*
"Looks like it's safe here, and theirs a town near"
*Notices a sign*
"So, we're at a place called Slateport City."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

*Boat docks in Slateport* Thanks again, Mr. Briney! *All 3 people step off the boat as Mr. Briney takes off* You know, I am SO hungry! I'm seeing if the Contest Hall has a dining room. See you at the contest, Isa and Nate!
OoC: I have done level-ups recently. See where you are at!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

"What's their to do in this town? Their's no gym, so.."
*Notices sign*
"Hey! A Contest Hall."
*Formally dressed people walk in contest hall*
"Looks like I have to dress formally. And I don't have any money."
"Guess I'll have to find a way to make money."
*Heads toward the beach*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

*Overhears* He should have looked around… there is a room to borrow costumes from… Piplup, does a knight's armor suit me justice?
Piplup: *Shakes head no* Pip! *Runs for a Robin Hood outfit*
Me: Looks good! *Goes to cashier and give 1000 in prize money to borrow it, then heads for the dressing room*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

*Finds the Seashore House*
"Finally, a place with food!"
"Puts hand in pocket and grabs air*
"...right, I'm broke. Maybe we'll get lucky."
*Walks inside*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

*Walks up to the contest hall door* Hmmmm. I'd better get some food first. *stomach growls*

*Looks around, and sees the Seashore house* I bet there's food there! *Goes up to the house, and walks inside.* *Sits at a table, and waits to be served*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

IN: "So, no money, how do I get food?"
*Sits at a random table hoping for free food*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Isa couldnt answer the question right then, she was suddenly tired. Now that she woke up, she went to the diner.
"Hey...Joey, theres something I need to explian to you, all of you guys. I wasn't meant to exist. I am a collection of DNA from the greatest masterminds, athletes, and ROUGE agents. So somewhat, Cyrus He created me there, I was made there. That was my home. But don't worry! I will never go back to them. I even removed the tracking chips on my neck by myself! So, thats why I know so much about ROUGE. Please forgive me you guys..."
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