Finished A New Dawn RPG. The game has just ended! Please leave comments Pokebeach!

On a scale of 1-10, how is this game overall?

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RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

"Cnyndaquil, charge at it with flame wheel!"
*Cyndaquil tries, but failed to move*
Cyndaquil, move out of the way Riolu, use quick attack to get up to Sneasal, the Force Palm!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

*Ice shards with Grasswhistle hit Cyndiquil* Perfect! Now, with your Agility, get to the side of Riol to Slash! Snover, grasp Cyndiquil!
MC Sarah: Poke' has enough @ for only one move! Look out!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

In:"Cyndaquil, now that Snover is holding you, use Flame Wheel to hit Snover, and then charge at Sneasal!"
*Cyndaquil starts up flame wheel*
OoC:The rest is up to the Judge
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Try again. The Ice Sharded Grasswhistle put Cyndiquil to sleep, as that is what GrassWhistle does.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

"Riolu, try to hit Sneasal one more time with Force Palm!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

*Riolu is hit by Sneasel's Agilitized Slash*
MC Sarah: In a very close match, Kate will move to the finals on strategy! Joey and Nate, go!
Me: Got to go quick! *Makes Isa's Ralts use Teleport* Ok, Teleport yourself back! *Changes back to Robin Hood costume and rushes on stage* Alright, Numel and Chikorita, spotlight! *Chikorita chases Numel out*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OoC: I guess that means me. How is this going to work?

In: Go Pory-Pal and Rotom! *Pokemon pop out*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Me: "I'll take on Brock next."

Me: "Go, Snorunt and Absol!"
Brock: "C'mon Geodude and Onix!"
Me: "Now Snorunt, use Blizzard!"
*Onix burrows underground but Geodude is hit*
Me: "Alright, now Absol, Scratch Geodude!"
*Geodude is hit and can barely, uh, float*
Brock: "Geodude, Rock Throw on Snorunt!"
Me: "Oh no you don't. Snorunt, sidestep it!"
Brock: "Ha ha, now Onix, come up and hit Snorunt with dig!"
*Snorunt can barely stand*
Me: "Grrr, they got us. Absol, Scratch Geodude again!"
Brock: "Block his path with Rock Throw."
Me: "Jump over it!"
*Absol jumps over the rock for a KO with Scratch*
Me: "Snorunt, try Blizzard again!"
Brock: "Dive underground again!"
Me: "Perfect, Now use Blizzard down the entry hole!"
*Onix is pwn't badly and is KO'd*
Me: "Alright, now, imma be gone to teh pokecenter!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

jirachinick will do MC Sarah.
In: OK, Chikorita, start this off by Razor Leaf-ing into Numel's hump! Numel, spit that out by making the leaf a Fire leaf by using Ember from the hump!
5 level-ups once all pokemon are picked.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Me: Alright Roark it's just you and me now.
Roark: Give me everything you got.
Me: Sneasel and Pikachu let's go!
Roark: Cranidos, Onix take'em down!
Me: Sneasel use Brick Break on Onix and Pikachu use Thundershock on Cranidos!
Roark: Not so fast Cranidos stop Sneasel with Headbutt and Onix use Screech!
*Sneasel tries to slide past Cranidos but is hit hard with Headbutt*
Me: Nice try but you forgot about Pikachu.
*Pikachu zaps Cranidos who faints* Thundershock was a Critical Hit!
Roark: Not bad but lets if you can stop Geodude!
Me: Do all of you Rock type trainers use Geodude? Never mind Sneasel return! Bagon come on out! Now Pikachu use Surf!
Roark: Your not getting me with that one Geodude Rock Throw!
Me: Bagon stop Geodude with Bite!
*Bagon bites Geodude causing it to flinch and Pikachu knocks out Onix and Pikachu while hanging ten*
Me: Alright that's all of them!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Joeypals!! said:
jirachinick will do MC Sarah.
In: OK, Chikorita, start this off by Razor Leaf-ing into Numel's hump! Numel, spit that out by making the leaf a Fire leaf by using Ember from the hump!
5 level-ups once all pokemon are picked.

Rotom, posses Porygon! *Rotom jumps into Porygon, creating a super powered Porygon* Porygon, use Thunder combined with Hyper beam on Numel!

*Porygon uses Hyperbeam in combination with Thunder, making an electrical Hyper beam that hits Numel* Yeah!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Numel! Alright, Chikorita, push yourself off the ground with Razor Leaf! Numel, Magnitude! *Magnitude 9* Now, using that power that shook up Rotom, Ember, now!
OoC: jirachinick will decide winner in the end.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Hang in there guys! Now, Porytom *(Porygon with Rotom inside)* use Hyperbeam at the sky!

*With the combined power of both pokemon, Porytom used Hyperbeam at the sky, and after a few seconds, the super powered beam fell back to the ground, hitting all pokemon on the field. Smoke fills the stage, and the crowd anxiously awaits what's behind the smoke*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Perfect! Just for Chikorita? Well, Razor Leaf! Numel, make them fire leaves! *The leaves hit, burning Porytom*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OoC: Um, I figured that would be the end of the battle, and JN would decide the winner...
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Trainer name: Tony
Pokemon: (All Level 5) (Up to 4 for now) Porygon, cyndaquil, bulbasaur
Special Moves?: porygon knows psysic
Strategy: Does attack moves and weakens the foe
Weakness: Defense moves
Background Story: This pokemon team was given by his father and has kept it for a long time, he is very smart at the history of pokemon and legends, has a hidden power he doesn't know about.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

MC:And the winner is... Joey, just barely winning the contest 8@-7@! Please prepare for the final round.
Poke`: Nice job Cyndaquil, you too Riolu, you guys did great. Now, let's go return the costume.
*Goes to costume rental room, returns costume, pays fee.*
"Now, let's go find that Team Aqua costume"
*Finds costume way in the back of the room.*
"Here it is!"
*Stores in bag. Buys costume. Goes to backstage. Puts on disguise*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OoC: I guess my pokemon are fainted then... lol.

In: Porygon! Rotom! *runs out to them* You ok? *Puts Rotom in pokeball, and picks up Porygon* OoooF! *Struggles because Porygon is over 80 lb.* Goo-d-urugr-Luck-ack-in the ne-xt-ohohoh-round, Joey. *Struggles to get the heavy Porygon off stage*

*Plops him (it?) down on a couch* *Picks up Pokegear* Isa, where are you? Is your cover still good?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OoC: Nate, you are MC Sarah after this post for the final match.
In: MC Sarah: Ladies and gentlemen, this is it! The final match has boiled down to a TV star for fighting ROUGE, Joey, and a newcomer to the region, Poke'!
Brock, Brawley, Roark, and Gardenia: Let the final match begin!
Me: Piplup hasn't gone yet... Yet, Numel and Pikachu are a better combo... Numel, Pikachu, let's go! *They walk out nobelly*
OoC: Nate and the loser of this match get a level 17. Winner gets a level 20.
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