Finished A New Dawn RPG. The game has just ended! Please leave comments Pokebeach!

On a scale of 1-10, how is this game overall?

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RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

"Well, do you want to go undercover with me? If so, I'm warning you, I'M IN CHARGE. Because if you mess up, we, and the rest of the world will be screwed."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

I will be the first to challenge you Brock!
Brock: So be it and what about your friend here? We still got three other Gym Leaders here.
Oh yeah good point. So who are you gonna take on Brandon?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

"I guess I'll take on Roark. Lets go! One-on-one battle!"

*Roark sends out Cranidos*
"Go, Snorunt! Use Double Team!" (evasion n00b FTW!)
Roark: "Use Headbutt!"
*Hits a copy*
Me: "now, Powder Snow!"
*Cranidos gets hurt*
Roark: "Alright, fine. Zen Headbutt!"
*Snorunt gets pwn'd, but gets up*
Me: "Try for another Double Team! Then more powder snow!"
*Cranidos looks very weak*
Roark: "Use Head Smash!!!"
*Smashes a decoy*
Me: "Finish it with False Swipe! Blizzard!"
*Cranidos faints*
Me: "Yes!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Brock: Well then lets begin shall we Tyler?
Me: Alright then Senasel and Pikachu lets go!
Brock: Go Geodude and Onix!
Me: Sneasel use Brick Break on Onix and Pikachu use Tail Whip on Geodude!
Brock: Onix stop Sneasel with Rock Throw!
*Sneasel slides past Onix before it's able to use Rock Throw and knocks it out*
Me: Awesome job Sneasel! Now Pikachu use Surf and Sneasel hop on for the ride!
Brock: Wait what?!
*Geodude gets swamped by Surf* (somewhat of a PBR referance)
Me: Alright! That's one down three to go!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Sure. I'll just say I am infiltrating the contest so I can still do it.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

*Listens to Isa's message* *Talks into Pokegear* Ok. I saw Joey fly up there, is he with you?

OoC: When do I battle?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Kate: OK! Sneasel, Gligar, let's go!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OoC: Wait, is Kate my opponent? If so, I'm on stage aren't I? -_-

In: Woah! I just randomly appeared on stage! I must be randomly blacking out again...

GO PORYGON, GO ROTOM! *Pokemon pop out of pokeball*

Porygon, use Hyper Beam on Gligar, and Rotom, use thunderbolt on Sneasel!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

My bad!
Gligar, take it for Sneasel! Sneasel, use Icy Wind on the floor!
MC Sarah: Gligar still got hit, making both pokemon collapse AND slide! Nate leads 8 @s to 4.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Yeah! Pory, you recharge, and Rotom, Shadowball the ice!

*Rotom uses Shadow ball on the ice, sending dark surges through it, turning the ice black, and hitting Sneasal and Gligar.* *Crowd goes wild at the black ice display*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Kate: Oh no you don't! Sne-
MC Sarah: Halt! There is something Falkner would like to say.
Falkner: After that display, it is quite obvious Nate wins! Kate, quit shouting!
Now, your semi-final round-
Roxanne: Ooh! My turn to talk! It will first be Poke' and Ariana followed by Joey and Nate, two crowd-pleasers!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OoC: Wow, I just found this out. My fave pokemon is Froslass, and Snorunt is it's Pre-vo. Well Snorunt is the Snow Hat pokemon, and I'm Hatman xD

In: I think I'll take on Falkner next.

Me: "Go, Snorunt!"
Falkner: "Pidgeotto, let's go!"
Me: "Alright, Snorunt, let's start off with a Blizzard!"
Falkner: "Dodge it with Quick Attack and then hit Snorunt!"
*Snorunt gets hit*
Me: "Ugh... Snorunt, use Double Team!"
Falkner: "heh, Aerial Ace still hits you. Go!"
Me: "Wait 'til it gets in close, then Blizzard!"
*That happens and Pidgeotto faints*
Me: "Yeah! I'm gonna go to the Pokecenter and heal up now."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

While you do that I'll take on Roxanne.
Roxanne: You ready challenger?
Me: You bet. Pikachu you deservie a break. Bagon help out Sneasel!
Roxanne: Geodude, Nosepass take'em out!
Me: Pikachu use Surf!
Roxanne: Oh no you don't Nosepass Rock Tomb!
Me: Hah nice try! Bagon stop Nosepass with Bite!
*Bagon bites Nosepass hard causing it to flinch and Pikachu finishes the job with Surf*
Me: Alright I'm halfway there! I think I'll heal my Pokemon to though.
OoC: I forgot if a Pokemon like Sneasel evoles with a certain item do you still need that item?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

In: *at top of roof not noticed by Joey**whispering*
"Hey, their part of one of those evil gangs that used to exist. What are they doing here?"
"I should probably follow them after the contest, see what they're up to, I don't want them starting up again."
*Remembers costume room*
"Hey, I could dress up in that Team Aqua costume I found as a disguise and follow them, see what I can find out about why they are here, and the other places I've seen people like them recently"
*Climbs back inside*
"Oh! It's my turn!"
*Hurries on stage*
"Go! Riolu and Cyndaquil!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Ariana: Don't you LOVE Candace? Snover, Sneasel, go!
BIG NEWS! I will now take chat about ANYTHING in the Game Corner! as long as it looks like this. So, my tidbit for now:
Anyone think z-man is right in saying my game is completely pointless?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

"Cyndaquil, use ember on Snover, Riolu, use Force Palm on Sneasal!"
*Cyndaquil shots sparks of fire at Snover, Riolu charges at Sneasel, and prepares his Force Palm*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Ariana: Show some true kia! Sneasel, Agility! Then, shove Snover into Riolu! Snover, get your Razor Leaf set!
MC Sarah: Incredible! Kate is leading 1 @ to 0!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

"Cyndaquil, Flame Wheel at Snover, Riolu, hit Cyndaquil with Quick Attack so Snover can't get away!"
*Riolu hits Cyndaquil, while Cyndaquil uses Flame Wheel. Cyndaquil charges at Snover at very fast speeds, while using flame wheel.*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

MC Sarah: Miraculous! Unfortunately, you paralyzed Cyndiquil.
Poke' leads 6 @ to 5.
Kate: Sneasel, Ice Shard! Snover, GrassWhistle it!
MC Sarah: Grass is entangling the ice! 6 @ all!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

*After returning from the Pokemon Center*
Okay two left. Falkner you'll be my opponet now.
Falkner: Okay then here goes. Pidgey and Pidgeotto go!
Me: Okay then Pikachu, Chimchar lets do this!
Falkner: Pidgey use Sand Attack and Pidgeotto use Gust!
Me: Oh no you don't Pikachu Thundershock on Pidgey and Chimchar use Scratch on Pidgeotto!
*Pidgey faints but Pidgeotto is still standing. Both Pikachu and Chimchar took some damage from Gust*
Falkner: Pidgeotto use Roost! *Restores all it's lost HP*
Me: Pikachu and Chimchar use Thundershock and Scratch on Pidgeotto!
*Pidgeotto faints*
Me: Alright only one more to go!
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